
Showing posts from February, 2023
1. Image formed by convex, convex lens and mirror   2.Rotation around sun 3.Atomic Structure 4.Image formed by convex lens and convex lens 5.Density 6.A.C.circuit construction 7.A.C circuit construction virtual 8.Green house effect 8.Collison 9.Natural Selection 10.Force of Gravity 11.Wave introduction 12.Gases introduction 13.Masses and spring 14.Energy form and change 15.Wave interference 16.Mass and spring 2 17.Capacitor 18.Circuit kit D.C.  19.Circuit kit D.C. 2 20.Pendulum 21.Molecules polarity 23.State of matter 24.Gravity and orbit 25.Pinko probability 26.Isotopes and atomic mass 27.Bending of light 28.Molecules and Light 31.Faraday's Law 32.Wave on a string 33.Color vision 38.Under Pressure 39.Friction 40.Force and Motion 42.Gravity and force 43.Baloon and statics 44.Oham's Law 45.Resistance in wire