Grade-8 (Science ) :-Acid ,Base and Salt
Unit :-14 Acid ,Base and Salt Acid : A substance which gives hydrogen ions (H + ) when dissolved in water is called acid. For example : hydrochloric acid Sulphuric acid Nitric acid Carbonic acid Types of acid : They are 2 types : 1)Organic acid : The acid which are obtained from living being( i.e. plants and animals ) are called organic acid . .For example : Carbonic acid , Acetic acid, Citric acid etc. 2.)Inorganic acid :The acid which are obtained from minerals are called inorganic acid . .For example : Hydrochloric acid Sulphuric acid Nitric acid Properties Physical properties i)It possess sour test . ii)Strong acid are highly corrosive in nature so,they are not tested . iii)Some acid are poisonous i.e. Hydrogen cyanide is most poisonous acid . iv)Some acid are solid i.e . Citric acid and some are liquid i.e. Hydrochloric acid. v)Acid change blue litmus paper into ...