Grade -8 (Science):- Environment and Sustainable Development

Unit :- 24  Environment and Sustainable (Digo) Development

Environment :Environment is the totality of physical and biological world where living being and non living being things exist .Living being get air, water, food, habitat, etc. from the environment .

Biodiversity :The degree of variation of life on the earth on the basis of their number ,type, genes ,ecosystem etc is known as biodiversity .It refers to the total number of organism and their degree of variation .

Importance of biodiversity :

i)To develop the fundamental aspect .

ii)To reduce the risk of local and global climate change .

iii)To control the pollutants .

iv)To protect areas from soil erosion ,floods,and other harmful weather conditions.

Types of biodiversity :Biodiversity is mainly 3 types :

1.)Ecosystem diversity :The diversity in ecological system due to variation in climate and geographical condition is called ecosystem diversity .In Nepal various types of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem are found in different parts of the country due to variation in climate and geographical conditions .Therefore different types of plants and animals are found in Nepal.

2.Species diversity :The variation among different species of organism is called species diversity .For example :diversity among cow, buffalo ,horse etc. They are mammals but The characters found in buffalo differs with that of cow .These differences between various species is species diversity.

3.)Genetic diversity :The variation in the heredity unit among the member of same species is known as  genetic diversity .For example :The variation among different types of human being i.e. Nigro,Aryan, Mangol etc.

Methods of conserve biodiversity :

i)By increasing biodiversity in urban places.

ii)By controlling weeds without use of pesticides .

iii)Minimizing unwanted bugs with household items .

iv)Burring organic food product .

v)By reducing carbon emission .

vi)Identifying location of critical wildlife habitat .

vii)By recycle, reuse, and reduce .


Sustainable  development : The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is known as Sustainable development .

Importance of sustainable development :

i)Proper  use of resources

ii)Feeling of responsibility

iii)Development of basic aspects .

iv)Participatory development .

v)Limitation of development .

vi)Long term vision .

Principle of sustainable development :The major principle of sustainable development are as follows :

1.)Conservation of Ecosystem :Human being and other living being survive in the environment of living being and non living being together form an ecosystem .so by conserving the ecosystem we can do the sustainable development .

2.)Conservation of Biodiversity :All organism have their equal  importance and their importance roles in the community for long lasting food cycle ,so by the conservation of biodiversity we can do the sustainable development .

3.)Health and Quality of life :For sustainable development social development programs can play a very important role .In such programs facilities life ,health ,job etc are promoted for the people which help them to improve their quality of life .

4.)Population Control :The main causes of natural imbalance on the earth is over population of human beings i.e. over consumption of natural resources ,pollution, in balance of ecosystem etc. So the population control can contribute to sustainable development .

5.)Development of human resources : All the professional have their equal importance for long lasting development .So The development of human resources by providing appropriate education and knowledge ,support and contribute to sustainable development .

Global efforts on sustainable development :Globally ,efforts have been given in the following points for sustainable development :

i)Protection of nature and management of nature of resource .

ii)Promotion of investment of natural resources .

iii)Conservation  of biodiversity .

iv)Conservation of ecosystem.

v)Pollution controls .

vi)Population controls and poverty alleviation .

vii)Increasing people’s participation.

viii)Formation of NGO’s groups .

ix)Conservation for future generation . 


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