Biology grade -9 (New Course)

                                           Biology /Grade  -9 (New Course)

Unit -2   (Classification of Organisms)

Classification :The process of grouping  of the living being into various groups and sub groups on the basis of similar and dissimilar characteristics is called classification .

Importance of classification :

i)It makes the study of plants and animals easier ,scientific and systematic .

ii)It help the understand the relation between various group of plants and animals .

iv)It gives the ideas about the evolution of plants and animals .

v)It help to brings uniformity in the  study of living organism all over the world .

Nomenclature :The system of providing scientific name to all the  living organism is called nomenclature .

Binomial system of nomenclature :The naming of each organism by two words a generic name and specific name is known as binomial system of nomenclature .For example :scientific name of human being is Homo sapiens ,where Home is the name of the genus and sapiens is the name of species .

Genus :A genus is the closely related species .For example :All true cats like lion ,tiger,and domestic cats are kept in the genus Panthera or Felis .

Species : The closely related organisms having almost similar characteristics ,and can interbreed freely and produce  healthy offspring is called species. For example : All types of human being through out the world are kept in

same species i.e. sapiens

Scientific name of some common organism

Common name                               Scientific name

1.Pea plant                           Pisum satvum

2.Onion                                 Alium  cepia

3.Mango                               Mangifera indica

4.Wheat                                Triticum astivum

5.Mustard                              Brassica compestris

6.Sun flower                        Helianthus annus

7.Rice                                     Oryza sativa

8.Orange                              Citrus sinensis

9.Maze                                  Zea mays

10. Potato                            Solanum  tuberosum

11. Tiger                               Panthera Tigris 

12Horse                                Equus caballus

13. Buffalow                          Babalus bubalis

14. Cat                                   Felis domesticus

15. Cobra                             Naja naja

16. Lion                                 Panthera leo

17. Dog                                Canis lupus

18. Cow                             Bos taurus

 Two system of classification of organism :Carolous Linnaeus divided living organism into two kingdom i.e. 1)Plant kingdom   2.)Animal kingdom .This is known as two system of classification of organism .It is  also called oldest system of classification .

Drawbacks of two system of classification of organism :

i)Prokaryotes and eukaryotes are put together .

ii)Green and non green plant are put together .

iii) Bacteria could not be classified as plants or animals in two system of classification .

Five system of classification of organisms : American scientist Robert H. Whitaker divided living organism into five into five kingdom .This is known as five system of classification .It is also regarded as best and widely accepted classification of system .

Advantages of five system of classification of organisms :

i)Eukaryotes and prokaryotes are kept separately .

ii)The unicellular and multi cellular are kept separately .

iii) The green and non green plants are kept separately .

A.1) Kingdom Monera

B.2) Kingdom Protista

C.3)  Kingdom Fungi

D.4) Kingdom animalia

E.5)  Kingdom plantae

A.)Kingdom Monera :

Characteristics :

i)They are simple and primitive .

ii)They are prokaryotes because they do not have nucleus or cell organelles i.e. mitochondria, golgi bodies, chloroplast.

iii)They are unicellular and microscopic.

iv) They have naked D.N.A.

v)They are autotrophic or heterotrophic .

For example :Bacteria ,green algae,azobactor etc.


             Fig. Bacteria                                                                            Fig. Green algae


ff   Kingdom Monerra is classified into three subdivision 1:Archaebacteria :
Characteristics: 1.They are most ancient bacteria found n the most extreme habitat i.e. salty area, hot spring, and marshy areas.
2.The structure of cell wall is different from that of the other bacteria  which help them to survive in extreme condition.
3.The mode of nutrition is autotrophic .For example :Halobacterium, Pyrolobus

       Fig. Halobacteria

 2 .Eubacteria:
   Characteristics :1.It is also called true bacteria .
2..The cell wall is rigid and made up peptidoglycans.
3.It move with helps of flagella .
 4. A few bacteria  contains short appendages  on cell surface known as pili ,which help in sexual reproduction and attach to the host.
  5.They are divided into two categories :i)Gram positive ii) Gram Negative  depending upon the nature of cell. For example: Rhizobium ,Clastridium etc. 


 3.Cyanobacteria :
   Characteristics :They are also known as blue green algae.
   2.These bacteria are photosynthetic in nature .
  3.The contains chlorophyll ,carotenoids, and phycobilines .
  4.They are found in the aquatic region .For example :Nostoc, pirulina.


    B.)Kingdom protista


i) They are eukaryotes because they  have nucleus or cell organelles i.e. mitochondria, golgi bodies, chloroplast.

ii)They are unicellular and microscopic.

iii)They are autotrophic or heterotrophic .

For example :Amoeba, paramecium, euglena ,plasmodium etc.

 The kingdom of protista is divided into  3 groups :

1.)Plant like protists : i)They  are plants like  .
2.)They are photosynthetic organism .They are also  divided into 3 sub types  i) Dinoflagellates ii)Chrysophytes iii) Euglenids
2.)Fungi like Protists  i) They  possess both characters of animals and fungi .For   example :Euglena
3)Animal like Protists  :i)They are most primitive  organism .
ii)These protozoans are heterotrophic For example: Amobea


 C.) kingdom Fungi

i.)They are eukaryotes because they  have nucleus or cell organelles i.e. mitochondria, golgi bodies, chloroplast.
ii.)They are non green unicellular or multi cellular.
iii)They are heterotrophic .
For example :Yeast, mushroom ,mucor etc

                       Fig. Mucor                                                               Fig. Mushroom

    The Kingdom fungi are divided on the basis of  nutrition into 3 types :  1)Saprophytic :i)They obtain their nutrition by  feeding on dead organic substance  .For example: Rhizopus, Penicillium, Aspergillus. 

   2.)Parasitic :i)They obtain their nutrition by feeding on other living organism i.e.plant or animals from their host. For example: Taphrina, Puccina


3.Symbiotic:i)They obtain their food by having an independent relationship association with other species in which both are mutually benefited. For example :Lichens :Lichens are the symbiotic association between algae and fungi .Here both algae and fungi are mutually benefited as fungi provide shelter for algae and in reserve algae synthesis carbohydrates for fungi. 

D.) Kingdom plantae

   E-Kingdom Animalia


                 Unit- 3   Life Cycle of Mushroom

Example :Mushroom


The plant body of mushroom consist of two parts:
i)Pileus: This is the part that gives the fungi its umbrella shape. They are found in a variety of colours, i.e. white, brown, and yellow. It help to  protect from the heat of the sun, rain, and other weather conditions, and  protects the pores or gills where mushroom spores are produced
ii)Gills: Mushroom gills look  like net. The gills are also called teeth or pores. The gill is a structure that appears right under the mushroom cap and produces spores.

Structure of gills:  Mature fruiting body is called sporophore. It is present above the ground. Sporophore is umbrella like, Sporophore is the reproductive structure. The gills of sporophore have following structure.

i). Trama: The central part of gill is called trama. The hyphae are compact in the trama. ii)Hymenium: Basidia are present on gills. Basidia are ‘ranged compactly to form hymeniumHymenium are present on both surfaces of the gills The tips of this layer develop basidia. Each basidium develops 2-4 sterigmata. Basidiospores are borne on sterigmiata.

iii). Paraphysis: Gills have two types cells one type of cells are sterile like basidia   are called paraphyses.

iv)Basidia:Gills have two types cells one type of cells are sterile other cells are fertile are  called basidia .Each basidia  of gills contains two nuclei of opposite strain that help to produce basidiospore during sexual reproduction. 

iii)Annulus: An annulus is the ring-like or collar-like structure  found on the stipe of some species of mushrooms. The annulus represents the remaining part of the partial veil, When the cap grows out and breaks through the veil, to expose the gills or other spore-producing surface.

iv)Stipe: The stipe is the long, vertical part of the mushroom that holds the cap above the

v) Mycelium. The mycelium is a collection of thin hair-like strands that grow outward and downward into the soll in search of nutrients. The mycelium of mushrooms acts like the roots in flowering plants and can produce new mushrooms when the conditions are suitable.

Reproduction :.In mushroom reproduction takes place by two ways :1.)Aaexual reproduction takes place by formation of resting spore are called thalmydospore .

2.Sexual reproduction takes place by fussion of 2 opposite strain of primary mycelia.

 Life Cycle of Mushroom :

In mushroom sexual reproduction takes place by means of basidiospore present in basidia of gills.Gills have two cells: Basidia and paraphysis. Basidia are fertile cell and paraphysis are sterile cell. The basidia contain two nuclei of opposite strain. These nuclei fuse to form diploid nucleus which further undergoes meiosis cell to produce four haploid  nuclei.Four finger like structure are developed on each basidium is called sterigmata then Each haploid nucleus goes to each sterigmata and  surrounded by a small amount of cytoplasm forming four haploid i.e.2 + basidiospores and 2-basidiospre.. When these spores are released from the basidium, they germinate into mycelia with the own strain of nucleus.

When a basidiopores gets favourable conditions, it germinates
into a primary mycelium with one nuclues per cell. As each cell has only one type of nucleus the primary hypha is monokaryotic (homokaryotic) in nature. Mushrooms then reproduce with the help of the two monokaryotic primary mycelia of opposite strain. When two monokaryotic primary mycelia come together, their cells fuse together to form a dikaryotic secondary mycellium. This dikaryotic secondary mycelium grows to form a collection of mycelia that later form a button stage of mushroom which finally grows into a mushroom.
The advantages of mushroom :
1. Mushroom is taken as a nutritious food because it contains proteins, vitamins and minerals in a remarkable amount.
2. Mushroom helps to prevent high blood pressure, blood cholesterol, heart disease diabetes, cancer etc.
4. Mushroom is the major source of protein. The protein of mushroom contains the essential amino acid.
7. Mushroom is useful for the preparation of antibiotic medicines.

The disadvantages of mushroom are:

1. Some mushrooms are poisonous, may cause the death of person

2. Some mushrooms may paralyse the central nervous system.

Mushroom Farming:

Mushroom farming has different techniques on the basis of species, Mushroom can be  cultivated on the straw, log of wood etc.

a)Collect the straw from the farm and cut into the small pieces of 1 to 2 inches
c) Dry the boiled straw and keep the straw in the small polythene bags.
d) The straw should be managed in layers and in every layer keep the spores of mushroom.
e) The plastic bags are kept on the dark place for about 7 days. We observe the small 

f)Make about 4 small holes on the plastic and pour water according to the necessity.
g)The mushroom will start to grow and will be adult near about 25 days

Storage and Uses of Mushroom
The simple process of making sukuti from mushroom or to storage for long time as given below:
a) Clean the mushroom properly.
b) Cut the mushroom into small pieces.
c)Keep it on the boiled water.
d) Dry up the mushroom with help of oven or dry air or sun.
e) Do the packaging in the air tight plastic bag.

Non-edible mushroom :For example :
 1.Deadly Dapperling mushroom
2.Death Cap mushroom
3.Autumn Skullcap mushroom
4.web cap mushroom
Edible Mushroom : For example:
1.Enoki Mushroom
2.Button Mushroom

3.Shitake mushroom

All the mushrooms are not edible because ,some are also poisonous,so following points  help to distinguish the poisonous and non- poisonous mushroom.

For poisonous

a)The mushroom with grey colours are poisonous.
b) The mushroom with white gills are too poisonous

c)The red mushroom are poisonous

For edible mushroom

1.Choose mushrooms without white gills. 

 2.Select mushrooms without red on the cap or stem.

3.Look for mushrooms without scales on the cap. 

4.Seek out mushrooms without a ring around the stem.

          Unit-4          Evolution

Evolution :The process of origin of complex form of life from its simple form is called evolution.It is slow ,continuous, and irreversible process .There are some major of veiws  the origin of life or evolution:

a)Special creation by god :According to this view life was originated on the earth by super natural power of god .He created all organisms and all life on the earth.For example :According to Hindu Mythology the whole universe was created by God Brahma with his own desire .The first man was Manu and first women was Sharadha.
The theory of special creation is based on faith,no have any scientifc evidence,so this theory was rejected by the scientist.

2.Theory of abiogenesis or spontaneous generation :  This theory was given by Plato, Thales, , Aristotle, and Von Helmont. According to this theory living organisms were originated from non living materials spontaneously (one that occurs on its own, without any energy input from the outside.) This theory also states that life was originated from Nile River like frog, toad, snake, fish and crocodile.  For example: Aristotle proposed that worms, insect, fish, frogs are developed  from soil. Van-Helmont stated that young mice could arise from wheat .This theory has no scientific evidence, therefore this theory was rejected by scientist.

3. Theory of Biogenesis (Life from life) :According to this theory  life forms produce life forms, but life were not originated from the non living substances. This theory has no scientific evidence, therefore this theory was rejected by scientist.

4. Organic evolution theory :According to this view 'gradual and orderly change of living beings from simple to complex form' .or first living creatures were unicellular, aquatic organism, then other different simpler organism were developed again from them complex organisms were developed ,due to variation in each and every generation there is appearance of new characters ,but it is slow and continuous process. Living organisms are made up of mainly the organic substances, hence their evolution is referred to as evolution.

Evidences of organic evolution :The following evidences also support the theory of organic evolution :
1. Evidences from paleontology.
2 Evidences from comparatively morphology and anatomy.
3.Evidence from vestigial organs .
4. Evidences from embryology.
5. Evidences from distribution of organisms.
6. Evidences from connecting links (bridge animals).
7.Genetic evidence
8.Physiological evidence
9.Bio-chemical evidences


1. Evidences from paleontology.:

Paleontology is the study of fossils which are remains of dead animals or plants in the earth's crust of sedimentary rocks.
 The fossils of
ancient organism's were found in the deeper part of the earth's crust and more and more developed organisms with fossils were found in less depth from the earth's surface in crust. This shows that present advanced formed of life was developed from ancient primitive form of life. This provides evidence of organic evolution.


2. Evidences from comparatively morphology and anatomy: Anatomy studies the formation of the structures whereas  morphology studies the physical forms of those structures. For example:
i)Homologous organs :Those organs which have same fundamental structure but perform different function in different organisms are called homologous organs.i.e forelimbs of whale (flippers), bat (wings), birds (wings), horse and man. They contain similar bones . This provides evidences that they must have evolved from common ancestors.

ii)Analogous organs: Those organs which have different fundamental structures but perform the same function in different organisms are called analogous organs. For example the wings of an insect (dragonfly), bird (eagle), mammal (bat) and reptiles (pterodactyl), perform the same function of assisting in flight but differ in the structure.  This provides evidences that they must have evolved from common ancestors.

Thus, comparative morphology and anatomical studies of homologous organs provide evidence for the organic evolution.

3.Evidence from vestigial organs: Organs that are  poorly developed, non functional or useless to the process  are called vestigial organs. For examples of vestigial organs in human beings are vermiform appendix, caudal vertebrae coccyx, vestigial wings of flightless birds such as ostriches.It is assumed that vestigial organs were fully developed and functional in their ancestors but due to change habitat these were no needed by the organisms and have gradually reduced to vestiges. This suggest that these organs evolved from same ancestors i.e. evolution has taken place. Thus, vestigial organs provide evidence for the organic evolution.

4.Evidences from Embryology :The embryo of some different animals usually resemble each other very closely i.e. embryo of fish, tortoise ,hen, rabbit, man, seem very similar in initial stage. This suggest that these organism evolved from same ancestors i.e. evolution has taken place. Thus, embryo provide evidence for the organic evolution.


5. Evidences from distribution of organisms: Our earth has different geographical structure like high mountains, hills, plain lands, rivers, oceans, etc. If we observe the organisms of same species in these different geographical structure then we see variations among them in shape, size, colour and so on,due to different geographical structure. For example yak and cowThis suggest that these organism evolved from same ancestors i.e. evolution has taken place.  Thus, distribution of organisms provide evidence for the organic evolution.


6. Evidences from connecting links (bridge animals): The shape ,structure,and behaviour of some higher animals resembles with some lower animals i.e. cat and tiger, dog and fox. This similarities between these higher and lower animals suggest that these organism evolved from same ancestors i.e. evolution has taken place. Thus, connecting links (bridge animals)provide evidence for the organic evolution.


7.Genetic evidence :A heredity materials an all organism is D.N.A. ,and D.N.A. controls heredity characters in all organism ,Basic composition of D.N.A. in all organism is similar.This similarities in genetic structure suggest that these organism evolved from same ancestors i.e. evolution has taken place. Thus genetics materials provide evidence for the organic evolution.

8.Physiological evidence :The physiological life process i.e. digestion, respiration, nutrition, excretion and circulation etc in the most of organism seems similar. This similarities in physiological process suggest that these organism evolved from same ancestors i.e. evolution has taken place. Thus physiological process provide evidence for the organic evolution. 

8.Bio-chemical evidences :The chemical present in organism body are called biochemical i.e. hormones, enzymes, and other chemical substances ,their function structure are similar in different organism .This similarities in bio-chemical of different organism suggest that these organism evolved from same ancestors i.e. evolution has taken place. Thus bio-chemicals provide evidence for the organic evolution.

Theories of organic evolution: The theories that proposed the mechanism of organism are called theories of organic evolution .There are some major theories of organic evolution :
1.Theory of inheritance of acquired characters (lamarckism)  : Lamarckism is the first theory of organic evolution proposed by Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829),  he announced in his famous book. "Philosophy Zooligique" , a theory of organic evolution which has been known as  Theory of inheritance of acquired characters or lamarckism.The evolution theory of Lamarckism is based on following facts : Facts of Lamarckism
1. Direct environmental effect and new needs
2.Use and disuse of organs 3. Inheritance of acquired character
iv. Speciation
1. Direct environmental effect and new needs :According to Lamark due to change in environmental condition the habit and habitat of living organisms are also changed. This results in the new needs or requirement for an organism and development of new organs occur in organisms.
2.Use and disuse of organs: According to Lamark the organs which are  continuously used by an organisms are more strengthen, developed and enlarged where as if the organs are not in use, they become short, weakened and finally disappear. It means that organisms could change the size or shape of organs by using them or not using them: Mathematically

Development of organs  ∝ use   ..........i
Weakness of organs     disuse............ii

For example : The ancestors of giraffe were bearing small neck and forelimbs and. were like horses. But as they were living in places with no surface vegetation, they had to stretch their neck and forelimbs to take leaves for food, which resulted in the slight elongation of these parts from generation to generation as the result that a race of long necked and long fore limbed animals were developed

3. Inheritance of acquired characters: According to Lamark the characteristics developed in an organism during their life time not by birth are called acquired characters. According to lamarckism, these acquired characters are transferred from one generation to another generation. This phenomenon is known as inheritance of acquired characters.

iv. Speciation: Formation of new species due to the modification and variation in species is termed as speciation. Due to environmental condition, new needs arises due to which some organs are more used and some are less used resulting in the strengthening, development, enlargement and change take . These changes are transferred from one generation to another making them different from which they are originated. After a long period of time, this results in the formation of new species and evolution occurs.

Criticism of Lamarckism
1..The change in the structure of a body by use and disuse of organs is not practically experienced .
2.The new organs can be formed according to the will of the organism has been found untrue .
iii. All the acquired characters are not inherited from one generation to another.

2. Theory of Natural selection (Darwinism) :Charles Robert Darwin was a great philosopher and naturalist of England. He  explains theory of natural selection in his book "the origin of species" .The evolution theory of Darwin is based on following facts.
Facts of Darwinism
1. Over production (Rapid multiplication) or Enormous fertility
 2.The struggle for existence
3. Survival of the fittest
4.Varriation and Heredity
5. Variation and speciation
1. Over production or Enormous fertility:  According  to Darwin every organism have capacity to reproduce more and more so organism on the earth increase in geometrical ratio.If all the organism are survived then earth will be full of organism For example:   A salmon produces 28000 eggs in a season. ,but due to environmental checks it is controlled.
2.. The struggle for existence: :  According  to Darwin organism on the earth increase in geometrical ratio but natural resources of earth cannot increase ,so there is always competition of struggle for better place and food . The one who can struggle with their own species is called intraspecific struggle and with other species  is called inter specific struggle in the environment; so where they live, can struggle for survive and have existence in the world. Otherwise they go extinct and have no any future generation.

3.. Survival of the fittest or Natural selection : According to Darwin due to struggle of existence those organism can survive in competition which are well fitted or stronger ,The well fitted individuals have better chances for survive but other weaker are rotted (destroyed).Nature select only those organism which are well adopted or fitted in the environment ,so this fact is also called Natural selection .
4.Varriation and Heredity :Any change in the organism from their parent is called variation .The useful variation have better chance for survive.
The transfer of useful characters from one generation to next generation is called heredity .After long generation due to heredity individuals posses different characters .
4. Inheritance of useful variation and speciation: The organisms after getting fitted to the surrounding transmit useful variations (changes) to the next generation, while non useful variations are eliminated. This variations after long time results in the formation of new species and evolution takes place.
Criticism of Darwinism
1. Darwin did not explain the effect of use and disuse and the presence of vestigial organs.
ii. Not only the useful variations are inheritated.
iii. Natural selection is not only the sole cause of speciation.

Mutation Theory of Hungo de Vries
Hungo de Vries in his book 'Die mutations theorie' (1901) proposed the mutation theory. Mutation is the sudden change in chromosomal structure. Organisms that effected by mutation or on which mutation occurs are called mutants and the and factors that  brings out mutation are called mutagene .Example of  mutation are six fingered limbs, disability of person by birth, cut on the lip, etc.

Theory of Mutation
Mutation is the sudden change seen in the offspring due to the genetic change in the organisms. Double headed snake, six fingered persons are the examples of mutation.
1.The origin of new species takes place by the process of discontinuous variation .
2.Mutation is base of evolution.
3.The new characters is seen suddenly in organism and the characters is functional.
4) Mutations is inherited to the another generation. Criticism  of mutation theory
a) The theory of mutation does not give any direction of theory of evolution.
b) He did not explain the role of nature in the field of mutation.
c) Generally the mutation is recessive.
Effects of mutation on evolution :The main base of evolution is mutation. But some mutation brings positive and some brings negative effect in the process of evolution.
a)Neutral Mutation: Some mutation does not being any positive and negative effect in the organism is called neutral mutation

    Unit -5A  Body structure and Life process                        A- Tissue

Cell :-The structural and functional unit of life is called cell. Or Basic unit of living being is called cell .
Tissues :-A group of cell which is similar in structure and function is called tissue .for example :Bone ,blood , muscle, etc are the animal tissues ,and  xylem and phloem etc. are the example of plant tissues .They are two types : A)Animal tissues
B) Plant tissues 
B)Plant tissue :A group of plant cells having same  origin and similar and structure and function is called plant cell . 

On the basis of division the plants tissue are classified into two types :
1.)Meristematic  tissue
2.)Permanent tissue
 A)Meristematic  tissue :The tissue which is made up of from meristematic cells is called meristematic tissue :
Characteristics of meristematic tissue :
i)It has capacity of cell division .
ii)It has thin wall .
iii)Cytoplasm is dense .
iv)Intercellular space is absent .
 Types of meristematic tissue :On the basis of occurrence and position in the plant ,meristematic tissues are divided into 3 types :

1)Apical meristem: The meristematic tissues which are at the tip of stem ,root and their branch is called apical meristem .It help to increase the length root and stem .
2.)Lateral meristem :The meristematic tissue which occurs on the side of root and shoot is called  lateral meristem .It help to increase the thickness of root and shoot .
3.)Intercalary meristem :The meristematic tissue which are present at he base of leaf ,base of inner node, or at the base of leaf is called intercalary meristem .It help for elongation of organs .
B.)Permanent of tissue :A group of cell that do not  have power of cell division but have permanent shape for special function is called permanent tissue .The major function of permanent tissue are to conduct food, and water to different parts of plants ,to provide mechanical support and secrete substance i.e. oil, resin, latex etc.

1)Simple Permanent Tissues :
The permanent tissue that consist of only one type of cell and are similar in origin ,structure and function is called simple permanent . These are of three types –
i)Parenchyma tissue :The simple permanent  tissue in  all the soft parts of the plant body is called parenchyma tissue .They are found in soft parts of the plant body i.e. cortex (Outer region ) and pith (central region )of root and stem .

Features :
I)They have inter cellular spaces between them.
ii)The cells of this tissue are thin walled and polyhedral in shape
Functions :
They act as storage for food and water.
They provides temporary support to the plants .
Types of Parenchyma :They are also 2 types :
a)Aerenchyma :When   parenchymatous tissue having large air spaces is called Aerenchyma.These help in gaseous exchange and provide buoyancy to plant. Or to float the plants .
b)Chlorenchyma :When the  parenchyma cell contains   chlorophyll  is called chlorenchyma.They are found in leaf , sepals, etc. It help in  photosynthesis .
ii).Collenchyma :The simple parenchyma tissue in which cells are living thick walled and have no inter cellular is called collenchymas tissue .They are found in the leaf, stalk etc.

Features :
i)They cell of this tissue are thick walled and longer than that of parenchyma.
ii)They have no inter cellular space between them.
iii)The cells may be oval ,spherical, or polygonal in shape and chloroplast .
Functions :
i)They provide mechanical support to the growing plants i.e. youn stem, petiole of leaf .
iii). Sclerenchyma :The simple permanent tissue in which cells are thick walled and dead is called sclerenchyma  tissue .They are found in stem ,root, veins of leaves and hard covering of seed .

Features .
i)The cells of this tissue are dead and thick walled .
ii)They have no inter cellular spaces .
Functions :
i)They provides mechanical support to the plants organs .
2)Complex permanent tissues :The Permanent tissue which are made from xylem and phloem tissue and dead cells is called complex permanent tissue .
Complex tissues are of following two types.:
1.)Xylem  tissue:The complex permanent tissue in which cells are thick, tubular, and often  dead and responsible for conduction of water from root to leaves is called xylem.
The xylem elements are of 4 types : xylem tracheids, vessels, fibers and parenchyma.

i.)Xylem Tracheids :
They help in conduction of water in pteridophytes and gymnosperms and provide mechanical support plants.
ii)Xylem Vessels :
The cross wall (end wall) at both the ends dissolves and form a pipe like channel.
They help in ascent of sap in angiosperms.    
iii)Xylem Fibers :
It provides tensile strength and mechanical strength.
iv)Xylem Parenchyma :
They store food materials.
2.)Phloem tissue: The complex permanent tissue in which cells are tubular and living and responsible for conduction of food from leaves to different parts of the plants body is called Phloem tissue .
The phloem elements are of four type : Sieve tubes, Companion cells, phloem Fibres and  phloem paranchyma.
i)Sieve Tubes :
They help in conduction of food material.
ii)Companion Cells :
 They support the sieve tube in transport of food.
They are absent all monocots and some dicots.
iii)Phloem Fibers (bast fibers) :
They provide mechanical support to the plant.
iv)Phloem Parenchyma 
The chief function of parenchyma is to store food material and other substances like mucilage, tanins and resins.
3.)Special Tissue :The special plant tissue which is formed by glandular and lactiferous tissues to perform a particular function  is called special tissue .Glandular tissue produce resin ,oil gum etc. and lactiferous tissue produce milky or yellow watery juice called latex .
Cell :-The structural and functional unit of life is called cell. Or
Basic unit of living being is called cell .

A) Animal tissue :A group cell animal cells having the same origin ,structure and function is called animal tissue .

Types of Animal Tissue :-They are 4 types
1.)Epithelial Tissue
The animal  tissue which   cover and inner lining of the body surface, organs ,duct, blood vessels is known as epithelial tissue.

Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue
Following are the important characteristics of epithelial tissues:
1.     The of cell of these tissue are  a single-layered or multi-layered.
2.     The tissues have the power to regenerate.
3.     The cell are arranged on a basement membrane .
4.     The tissues form the covering of organs and inner lining of cavities .
Functions of epithelial tissues :They have following functions :
i)Protection     ii) Secretion      iii)Sensation     iv)Absorption    v) Excretion  vi)Diffusion    vii)Cleaning   
Types of epithelial tissues :On basis of structure and functions they are following types :
i)Pavement epithelial  or squamous epithelial
ii)Cubical epithelial tissue
iii)Columnar epithelial
iv)Glandular epithelial
i)Pavement epithelial :The epithelial tissue having plate like flat hexagonal cell arranged without inter cellular space is called pavement epithelial .

Location :They are found in outer layer lungs ,kidney, heart, blood vessel  etc.
Functions .The major functions of this tissues are covering ,protection ,filtration etc.
ii)Cubical epithelial :The epithelial tissue made of single layered cubical cells is called cubical epithelial .

Location :They are found in the duct ,inside kidney, thyroid gland excretory organs inner parts of uterus etc.
Functions :The major functions of these tissues are covering ,protection, and secretion etc.
iii)Columnar epithelial :The epithelial tissue of single layered longated column like is called columnar epithelial .

 Location :They are found in large duct of kidney, inner part of stomach, inner parts of respiratory and reproductive system .
Functions :The major functions of these tissues are secretion and absorption .
iv)Glandular epithelial :The tissue which is found in various glands of the body is called glandular epithelial .
Functions : The major functions of this tissues are secretion of hormones enzyme, mucus, saliva digestive juice etc.
2.)Muscular tissues : The tissues which form muscles of the body is called muscular tissue .It is responsible for the movement of the body .
3.)Connective tissue :The tissues which help to connect or bind one tissue to another tissues or support them to keep in proper place is called connective tissue .It is to bind help to bind ,support ,and pack together different organs the body .
4.)Nervous tissue :The tissue which contains densely packed nerve cell or neuron is called Nervous tissue .It help to receive massage impulses from different part of body  and conduct impulses to the brain and spinal cord .

Unit:(5)  - Body structure and Life process

              B-Nervous & Glandular system

Nervous system: The group of organs working together to conduction of massage from one part of body to another part and co-ordinates the all activities of body is called the nervous system .
Functions of nervous system : i)It help us to remember ,think and reason .
ii)It controls and regulates all  voluntary muscular activities of different parts of body .
iii)It regulate involuntary activities of smooth organ i.e. lungs ,kidney heart ,alimentary canal.

 Division of nervous system  :-Nervous system is divided into 3 parts :

1.)Central nervous system(CNS)  : It consist of mainly two parts :ie A)Brain  B) Spinal cord
A)Brain :


The biggest and upper most part of central nervous system is called brain. It is situated in cranial cavity or cranium  and surrounded by 3 layers is called meninges ie Duramater ,Piamater and Arachnoidmater .The space between inner two layers is filled with a fluid is called cerebrospinal fluid  .It protects brain from injuries and absorb shocks .The brain is also divided into mainly 3 parts :

i)Cerebrum : The largest and upper most parts of brain is called cerebrum .it consist of about 80% parts of brain. It is also divided into right and left hemisphere .
Functions :-i)It stores the past memory .
ii)It controls the sense of movements, hearing ,thinking ,vision, imagination ,feeling of love ,emotion etc
Note :Damage to the cerebrum causes of coma .

ii)Cerebellum : The parts of brain which is situated below the posterior portion of cerebrum and upper portion of medulla oblongata is called cerebellum .It sized and semicircular in structure .
Functions : i)It help to balance our body .
ii)It regulate and co ordinate the movement of voluntary  muscles  .
iii)It maintenance the muscles tones .
Note : Small injury in cerebellum causes of dizziness that disturb the body balance .
Brain Stem:A stalk like structure that connect cerebrum with spinal cord .It includes mid brain, pons varolli, and medulla oblongata.
iii)Medulla oblongata : The lower most and small part of brain is called medulla oblongata .The lower portion of it has many nerve tracts that connect  with  spinal cord  .
Functions  i)It controls the system ie respiratory ,heart beat ,blood pressure ,breathing etc .
ii)It controls the secretion of enzyme and hormone .
iii)It controls the contractions and expansion of blood vessels .
Note :-  injury in medulla oblongata causes of instant death .
Pons varolli :aA part of brain which is situated between cerebellum and medulla oblongata is called pons varlli. It act as a relay station where the message from anterior brain and posterior brain get exchanged and help to respiration.
B)Spinal cord : A long soft and white rod like structure present inner part of back bone is called spinal cord .It is also surrounded with 3 layers meninges .
Functions  : i)It help to connect large parts of nervous system with brain and brain with large parts of nervous system .
ii)It acts as main center of reflex action .
Note :  Any injury or shocks to the spinal cord due to disease or accident ,causes of paralysis of the body below the point of injury .

2.)Peripheral nervous system(PNS)  :-It consist of mainly following parts i.e.)Cranial nerves or fibers   B) Spinal nerves or fibers
A) Cranial nerves  :The nerves that directly originate from the brain are  called cranial nerves or fibers or tissues .They are 12 pairs in numbers .The cranial nerves help for communication between brain and various organs presents in the head i.e. eyes, ears ,nose tongue etc
B)Spinal  nerves  :The nerves that originate from spinal cords and form a network of nerves  of different parts of body are called spinal nerves  or fibers or tissues .They are 31 pairs in numbers .Spinal nerves help for communication between brain and different parts of body or spinal cord .
3.)Autonomic  nervous system :(ANS)The nervous system that controls the functions of autonomic activities of smooth organs(internal organs)i.e. respiration , heart beat stomach , intestine ,urinary bladder etc. and certain glands, when  we are sleeping or awaking up is known as autonomic nervous system .It is divided into two types  and also consist of Ganglion: 

i)Sympathetic   nervous system   :The autonomic nervous system that increase the working rate of smooth organs i.e. respiration , heart beat stomach , intestine ,urinary bladder etc. and decrease the secretion of glands is called sympathetic  nervous system.
ii)Para sympathetic nervous system  :  The autonomic nervous system that restore or balance the working rate of smooth organs i.e. respiration , heart beat stomach , intestine ,urinary bladder etc. and increase the secretion of glands is called parasympathetic nervous system .
Ganglion: The  group small nerve tissues made up of grey matter are found near the spinal cord are called ganglion.It help to connect spinal cord with brain .
Neuron or nerve cell  :

The structural and functional unit of nervous system is called neuron .It is also called largest cell present in the human body .It consist of following parts :
i)Cell body or cyton : It consist of a nucleus and surrounded by a granular cytoplasm (Nissl’s  granules).It produce cytoplasm and controls metabolism in the axon and dendrite .
ii)Dendrite: The branches fibers of neuron is called dendrites .It receives impulses or massage and pass them into the cell body .
iii)Axon: A single long fiber of neuron is called axon .It receives impulses or massage from cell body and send them into the next neuron .Axon is enclosed by a white multilayered sheath is called myelin sheath and between two sheath is called node of Ranvier .myelin help to increase the speeds of impulses conduction .

i)Afferent neuron or sensory nerve :A group of nerve cell that that carries massage or impulses from the different  parts of body to the brain is called afferent or sensory nerve .it help to carries massage from different parts of
ii)Efferent neuron or Motor  nerve : A group of nerve cell that carries massage or impulses from brain to different parts of body is Efferent neuron or sensory nerve .It help to carries massage from brain to different parts of body .
iii)Inter neuron :The neuron which help to connect sensory nerve and motor nerve is called inter nerve .It help to transmit nerve impulses  from sensory nerve to motor nerve.
iv)Connector neurons or mixed neuron(relaying) : A group of nerves which are made up from combination of sensory nerves and motor nerves is called connector nerve .It act as links between sensory nerve and motor nerve for distant transmission of nerve impulses and located in the brain and spinal cord .

Synapse: A small gaps or junction between two neurons where information from one neuron is transmitted to another neuron is called synapse .It help to transmit information from one neuron to another neuron .
Reflex action  :An immediate and autonomic response of a body due to external or internal stimulus is called reflex action. It is controlled and conduct by spinal cord. The specific path way taken by nerve impulses  in reflex action is called reflex arc .It consist of following 5 parts and shown as following ways :

Unit:(5)  - Body structure and Life process

              B-Nervous & Glandular system

Glandular system

Gland :A group of cell that help in secretion  is called gland .They are two types :

i)Exocrine gland :The gland that have duct are called exocrine gland .They secrete enzyme .The secretion of this gland is carried by the duct to the organs .They lie closely to the target organs. For example :Saliva from salivary gland, tear from tear gland ,sweat from sweat gland etc.

ii)Endocrine gland

The ductless gland are called endocrine gland. They secrete hormone .The secretion of these glands is directly poured into the blood stream. They  may lie far from the target organs .For example :Pituitary gland, thyroid gland etc.
Hormone :A special types of chemical which are produced by endocrine  gland is called hormone. Hormone carry massage from site of synthesis to the target ,or hormone play an important role to active and stimulate the  body cell and functions of other glands so it is called chemical       messenger. For example :catalytic hormone ,growth hormone etc.
Enzyme :A special types chemical which are produced by exocrine gland is called enzyme. For example :Pepsin ,rennin etc

Major endocrine glands in human body :

1.)Gland :      Pituitary gland

Location :Below the brain
Hormones : i)Catalytic hormone
 Function:  i)It control and co ordinate the development and activities of other endocrine gland so it is called master gland .
ii)Growth hormone:
Functions :i)It control physical and mental growth of the body .
Note:  Over secretion(hyper secretion) :causes of gigantism and under (hypo secretion)secretion: causes of dwarfism .
 2.)Gland Thyroid gland

Location : In the neck  or throat
Hormones   : i) Thyroxin hormone
Function :  i)It control the rate of metabolism by which body burn calories into energy for mental and physical growth .
ii) it control iodine in blood .
Note : Over secretion(hyper secretion):increase rate of metabolism ,increase pulse rate ,sweating, weight loss, under secretion(hypo section): lack of iodine and causes of enlargement of thyroid gland is known as goiter.
ii)Calcitonin hormone
 Functions :i)It regulate the calcium level in blood .

3.)Gland :               Para thyroid gland

Location   :     In backside of thyroid gland in 2 parts 4 in number.
Hormones:    i) Parathyroid or parathormone  hormone
Function :    i)It controls the calcium and phosphate level in the blood .
ii)It controls on  exchange of calcium between blood and bone .
iii)It controls the proper development of the bone .
Note   : Over secretion (hyper secretion):causes of tumour and stone in kidney and gallbladder , under secretion(hyposecretion): decrease calcium level in blood and twitching of muscles is known as tetany .

4.Adrenal gland : It consist of Two parts:

A)Outer is cortex             B)Inner is  medulla
Location :  In the anterior part of each kidney 2 in number.
A ) Outer Cortex 
Hormones   : i)Cortisone or corticoids  hormone
Function  :i)It regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates ,fat and protein.
ii) It help to maintain salt and water in the body .
iii)It help to adopt the  body in extreme condition i.e. extreme  heat ,cold, burn, infection etc-sex
iv)It also produce sex hormone in small amount for later year when sex  gland decrease their secretion.
Note :over secretion(hyper secretion) causes of abnormal sexual  maturity in early age, under secretion(Hyposecretion) causes of addison’s disease .  
B) Inner Medulla
Hormone :     i)Adrenalin hormone
Functions:  i)It help to prepare the body to face for emergency situation by increasing blood pressure, heart beat and glucose level in blood ,so it is also known as emergency gland.
NoteOver secretion (hyper secretion) cause of high blood pressure ,hyper tension. Under secretion (hyposecretion ) causes of weakness ,low blood pressure, unconsciousness.
5.)Pancrease  : It secrete both hormone as well as enzyme ,so it is also called mixed gland.

Location : In the abdominal cavity behind stomach and the top of abdomen.
Hormone :     i) Insulin hormone
Functions :     i) It help to balance or remove excess sugar from the blood by converting sugar into glycogen and stored in the liver .
Note :    Over secretion (Hyper secretion )causes of low blood sugar if sugar level falls drastically causes of come, under secretion (Hyposecretion) causes of diabetes or sugar disease.
ii)Glucagon hormone
Functions :i)It increase sugar level in blood if sugar level become low by converting glycogen into sugar from liver .
6.)Gonads  :i.e. Testes and ovary
A)Testes :

Location  : In male reproductive organ.
Hormones   :Testosteron hormone
Functions :  i)It regulate  the development of secondary sexual characters i.e.Voice, beard etc.

B)Ovary :

Location:  In male reproductive organ.
Hormones:    Estrogen and progesterone hormone
Functions:  i)It stimulate female sex organs i.e. uterus and ovaries.
ii)it regulate the development of sexual  characters i.e. mammary glands, menstrual cycle etc.

Plant Hormones: The chemicals which are produced by plants that regulate their growth, development, reproductive processes, longevity, and even death,are called plant hormones or "Phytohormones"  For example : indole (auxins), terpenes (Gibberellins), adenine (Cytokinins), carotenoids (Abscisic acid) and gases (Ethylene).
Hormones play an important role in the processes like vernalisation , phototropism, seed germination, dormancy etc. along with extrinsic factors.
Types of plants hormones: The plants hormones are divided 3 types:
i)Plants growth promoters
ii)Growth inhibitors
iii)Growth inhibitors and promoters.

Use of plant hormones in agriculture:There are many types of plant hormones. They are used in agriculture and horticulture for  specific effect.
1.Auxins : In the stem tip, the auxins are produced. Cell elongation is promoted by auxins. In Phototropism, hydrotropism and geotropism auxins have a major role. In the shoot apex and leaf primordial, the auxins are produced. The growth of apical bud is promoted by auxins.
2.Cytokinins: In the roots, cytokinin is produced. Cell division in roots and the shoots of plant and enlargements are promoted by cytokinins. Lateral bud growth is signaled by the movements of cytokinins from roots into shoots. In fruits and roots, in the embryo of seeds and endosperm cytokinins are found. Lateral bud growth is promoted by cytokinins.
If the concentration of auxin is higher then roots will form and if the auxin is less, shoots will form.

4.)Tissue culture:  A modern technique of producing new plants from isolated plant cells or small pieces of  plant tissues in culture solution under controlled condition is called tissue culture . In tissue culture after days small tissue grow into an undifferentiated mass is called callus ,then callus is transferred into culture solution i.e. mixture of auxin hormone that help to growth roots and cytokinin that help to growth of shoots It is widely used to produce orchids, carnations, chrysanthemums asparagus .

Steps in tissue culture
i. A piece of tissue (generally from shoot portion) is taken which is called explant
ii. An explant is introduced in an artificial culture solution containing minerals, vitamins, nutrients and growth hormones like auxin and cytokinin under sterile condition and the vessel is left at room temperature.
iii. With days, explant starts to divide and develops into an
unorganized an undifferentiated mass called callus.
iv. Now, small portion of callus is transferred to another cultural solution containing different plant hormones responsible for differentiation of parts
v. After some days, cells differentiated to roots and shoots and plants are formed.

 vi. These plantlets are then transferred to soil or pots,

Advantages of tissue culture
i. Indefinite number of genetically identical plants can be produced in a short time
 ii. Rare and enlarged species of plants can be conserved.
iii. Disease resistant plants can be growth by tissue culture technique.
 Disadvantages of tissue culture
i. It is a tedious (boring)process which should be done in sterile condition.
ii. It is expensive method of vegetative propagation.
 iii. Highly skilled manpower is required for the process.
iv. There is a high chance of contamination (Pollution)in tissue culture.

        Unit- 6      Nature and Environment

Ecology :The branch of biology that consisting study of the interrelation between the living and nonliving, organism or biotic and abiotic factors of the environment is known as ecology

Factors influencing the ecosystem/components of ecosystem:

A. Abiotic Components:
non-living or physical factors of the ecosystem are called abiotic component. They are also known as the climatic factors. For example: air, sunlight, soll, wir etc.

i.Air. Air is the mixture of gases in the atmosphere. It consists of Nitrogens(78%) Oxygen (21%), Carbondioxide (0.03%) and other gases (0.97%). The gases play a functioning for the survival of living organisms. For example: Oxygen is require by all the living organisms for respiration ,Carbondioxide is required by plants for photosynthesis.
ii. Sunlight/solar energy: The heat and light energy that is provided by the sun is known solar energy. Sunlight is trapped by  chlorophyll present in plants is used for photosynthesis. Heat and light is also necessary for survival of living  organisms. It is also responsible for climate change.
iii. Soil: Soil is composed of minerals, microorganism organic matter, air, water, etc. It is a major source of food for living organisms

iv. Water: It the basic requirement of life. All the plants and animals require water for their day to day functioning.
B. Biotic Components:
living organisms of the ecosystem are known as biotic components. They are grouped into three classes:

1.)Producers: The organisms which can prepare their own food are known as producers. They are also known as autotrophs .For example : green plants like: phytoplankton i.e. Spirogyra, Ulothrix, Cladophora, Diatoms, Volvox.,

 trees shrubs, etc. or chemosynthetic bacteria. Producers are the primary basis of life.

2.)Consumers: The organisms that consume the food prepared by the producers are called consumers. They are also known as heterotrophs Consumers can further be divided 3 types..

i).Primary consumer :Those consumers that directly depends  on green plants for their food  are known as primary consumers or herbivores. Zooplanktons ,Tadpoles, protozoans, molluses, etc. are the examples of primary consumers of aquatic ecosystem. Similarly Rabbit, Grasshopper , goats, beetles, etc are the examples of herbivores terrestrial ecosystem.
ii.)Secondary consumer: The consumers that depends on  primary consumer and green plants for their food are known as secondary consumer or omnivorous.
For example: small fish,  Frog etc,are example of secondary consumers of aquatic ecosystem similarly cats, dogs, foxes, wolves (Buaso), etc are the example of secondary consumer of terrestrial ecosystem.

iii.)Tertiary consumer :The consumer that depends on secondary consumers and primary consumer for their food are known as tertiary consumers or carnivores or top level consumers. For example:Large fish is example of tertiary consumer of aquatic ecosystem similarly tiger, lion, eagle, vulture, etc are the example of tertiary consumer of terrestrial ecosystem .

3). Decomposers: Those microorganisms that decompose the dead bodies of plants and animals are called decomposers. They are saprophytic organisms. Decomposers break down the complex organic compound of plants and animals into simpler substance.
For example: bacteria, fungi, etc.

Interrelation between abiotic and biotic components
The producer prepare  food by using the abiotic components of the ecosystem like sunlight, soil, air, water, etc. The food produced is consumed by the consumers like herbivores and herbivores are further consumed by carnivores. When the living organisms die, their complex organic structure is broken down into simpler substance by the decomposers and get mixed up with the soil. The producers as such again produce food with the materials present in the soil. Thus, there is a direct relation established between abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem.

Interrelationship between plants and animals
green plants (producers) produce food by converting simple inorganic matter(sunlight,CO,H,O) into complex organic matter(food). On the basis of production and consumption of such food, living organisms are divided into two major categories of autotrophs and heterotrophs.

The organisms which
produce their own food by using the abiotic components of the ecosystem are called autotrophs. The process by which producer convert the inorganic compound into organic compounds is known as autotrop For example : Green plants, phytoplanktons etc. are the examples of autotrop organisms 
When sunlight and chlorolhyll is required for the preparation of food then it is know as photoautotrophic nutrition. But when sunlight and chlorophyll is not required for the preparation of food then it is known as autochemotrophic nutrition. For example :bacteria..

The organisms that cannot produce their own food and are dependent upon other organisms for food are called heterotrophs. The process by which organisms obtain food from other organisms is known as heterotrophic nutrition. On the basis of nature of food consumption, they are divided into following types:
i.Parasitic organisms: The organisms that obtain food by living inside or outs the body of other organisms are known as parasitic organisms or parasites. Those organisms whose body is infected by parasites are known as host. Tapeworm mosquito, leeches, etc are a few examples of parasites.

The parasites which are found inside the body of the host are known as endoparasites where the parasites which are found on the outside body of the host are known as ecto parasites.

ii. Saprophytic organisms: The organisms that obtain food from dead and decayed organisms are known as saprophytic organisms or saprophytes. They are also called myco-heterotrophs Bacteria, Fungi, plants without chlorophyll, etc. are the examples of saprophytes.

iii. Holozoic organisms: The organisms that obtain food in the form of solid organic material produced by other organisms are known as holozoic organisms or holozi heterotrophs. The process of consumption food by holozoic organisms is also known as animal method of nutrition. Holozoic organisms are further classified in the following types:

a. Herbivores: The organisms that directly depends upon plants for their food are known a herbivores. For example: Cow, Horse, etc.

b.Omnivores: The organism that depends on  primary consumer and green plants for their food are known as omnivorous. For example: cats, dogs, foxes, fish, wolves (Buaso), Human, Bear, crow etc.
c.) carnivores :
The organism that depends on secondary consumers and primary consumer for their food are known as tertiary consumers or carnivores or top level consumers. For example: tiger, lion, eagle, vulture, etc.

Ecosystem: The inter-relationship between abiotic and biotic factors to their environment.

Types of ecosystem:

Mainly ecosystem is classified into two types. They are:,
1.Terrestrial Ecosystem:
Ecosystem found on land is known as terrestrial ecosystem. Terrestrial ecosystems are of three types. They are
i) Forest Ecosystem
ii) Grassland Ecosystem
iii) Desert Ecosystem
Forest Ecosystem: The ecosystem found in the forest environment is known as forest ecosystem.
1.Producers: Green plants like grass, trees, etc
2.i) Primary consumer: Deer, Grasshopper, Zebra, etc
ii)Secondary Consumer Omnivores : Wolf, Jackal, etc.
iii)Tertiary Consumers: Carnivores : Lions, Tigers, etc.
3.) Decomposers or Microorganisms : fungi, bacteria, etc.

Aquatic Ecosystem:
The ecosystem which is found in water is known as aquatic ecosystem. Aquatic ecosystem are of two types
 i)pond ecosystem
ii)sea and ocean ecosystem.

Pond ecosystem: The ecosystem which are found in the pond is known as pond ecosystem 
2.i)Primary Consumers: Zooplanktons, mollusca, Daphnia, etc.
iii)Tertiary Consumer: Turtle, large tubes, frogs, etc.
1.)Producers: Phytoplanktons Hydra, Algae, etc.
ii) Secondary Consumers: Insects, fishes, crab, etc.
3.Decomposers: Bacteria and fungi, etc.
Trophic Structure: The arrangement of producers to consumers is  known as trophic structure. The position of organisms in the trophic structure is know as trophic level.For example: Producers occupy the first trophic level and are eaten by the primary consumer who occupy the second trophic level. The secondary consumers occupy third trophic level and eat the tertiary consumers who occupy the fourth trophic level.

Food Chain: The sequence in which one organism consumes another organism to transfer food energy is known as food chain. In simple words, it is the sequence of who eats whom. It is the unit of a food web.

Food chain can further be divided into three types. They are:
1. Grazing food chain: The food chain in which the producers are in the first trophic level with herbivores in the second and carnivores in the third is known as grazing food chain.

Green plants  →   Deer 

ii. Detritus food chain: The food chain in which the dead and decayed organisms lie in the first trophic level is also known as detritus food chain. it is the food chain that starts with the consumption of dead organism.

Dead leaves       woodlouse     Black bird

 iii. Parasitic food Chain: The food chain in which the hosts act as the source of food parasites known as parasitic food chain.
Host                                    Parasites
Animals and Plants         Mosquito or Leech
 (First Trophic                            (Second Trophic)

Food Web: The interconnected network of food chain in an ecosystem which establishes interrelation among various organisms is known as food web. In simple words, it is the network of large number of food chain existing in an ecosystem.

Ecosystem Services
The benefits that we get from the ecosystem are known as ecosystem services. They are classified into the following types:
i. Provisioning services: The benefits that are related with the products of the ecosystem are known as provisioning services.
a. Food and fiber:i.e. crops, spices, sea food, water,etc.
b. Fuel:i.e. biofuel, fossil fuels, timber, wood, etc.
c. Ornamental resources:i.e. Skin and bones of animals, valuable minerals like diamond, etc.
ii. Regulating Services: The benefits that we get from the regular functioning of the ecosystem are known as regulating services.
a.Climate regulation: The green plants in our ecosystem minimizes global warming and regulates the weather in a healthy manner.
b. Purification of air and water: The air and water present in the ecosystem purified by various natural processes. Plants maintain moisture in the soil and help natural filtration.
iii. Supporting services: The services that are necessary for other ecosystem services an known as supporting services.
iv. Cultural Services: The spiritual(आध्यात्मिक)  and recreational(मनोरञ्जनात्मक) benefits that we get from the 
ecosystem are known as cultural services .
a. Nutrient cycling: The process of maintaining nutrients by the organisms of the ecosystem is known as nutrient cycling.
ecosystem is known as nutrient cycling.
b)primary production. The process of producing organic compounds is known a primary production.This process includes photosynthesis, chemosynthesis etc.
c.Soil formation: Soil is formed by eroded rocks or humus or sand particles which are the products of ecosystem.
Interrelation between living beings

1. 1. Symbiosis/Mutualism
The interactions between organisms of two different species ,in which each organism benefits from the interaction in some way. is known as Mutualisms These types of interaction are common and unique in ecosystems, Some examples of mutualism:
Birds and insects take nectar from flowers and these animals help in the pollination. In this case, they help to each other.

b) Human beings have beneficial bacteria in the instestine. These bacteria help human to digest the food and bacteria get food from the human.

d) Clownfish are found on the tentacles of sea anemone. Clownfish get food from the sea anemone. Clownfish which is at the tentacles attracts other fishes and that will be the food for sea anemone.

2. Commensalism:
the relation in the ecosystem where one benefits but the other organism isn't harmed, but in, parasitism  one organism benefits and the other is harmed  is known as Commensalism.

The commensalism can be explained in the following ways:
a) When the
cow is grazing on the field, the insects come out and they become the food for the birds. In this case, bird does not harm the cow but get benefits.

b) Spider makes web on a tree but that does not harm the trees.      

c) Spiky burns are attached with the body of animals. As the animals move, they get detached and seeds are spread.

3 .Parasitism :A type of symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and other organism is harmed is known as .Parasitism . The species that benefits is called the parasite, while the one that is harmed is called the host.
a)Flea, bed bug and mosquitos suck the blood from the body of human beings. They are called ectoparasites.
b) The tapeworms, roundworms are found inside of stomach. They suck the blood. These are called endoparasites.
c) Branches are found  on the body of of whale. They retard the speed of whale when they
are swimming.
4. Competition
when the organisms
compete each other for food, shelter etc in the ecosystem is known as Competition ..
Sea sponges and coral compete each other to get food in sea.
Wolves and fox compete each other for the food.
c) Deer and wild buffalos compete for grass in grassland.
5. Predation:
The system in ecosystem in which strong carnivores kill and eat the weak animas called as predation.
a) A chittah kills deer for food
b) A hawk, Owl kills rat, rabbit for food
c) A tiger, lion kills deer, buffalo for food.











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