Physics Grade --9 /Old Course (Science )


Physics                  Grade -   9 (Science )

Unit                                                     Topics
1                                                Measurement
2                                              Force
3                                              Machine                                            
4                                              Work, Energy and Power
5                                              Light
6                                              Sound
7                                              Current Electricity and Magnetism
                    Specification Grid  -2074 
 Division of 23 marks in Knowledge(K) ,Understanding(Un), Application(AP), and Higher abilities(HA) types of questions 




Total no. of questions & their marks
























Work, Energy and Power



Current Electricity &





















23 marks




Geology &Astronomy-12 Periods=180 periods







23 marks

Scholastic Areas  :-Grading on 9 points Scale


Marks range



Grade Points











90 to 100

80 to below 90

70 to below 80

60 to below 70

50 to below 60

40 to below 50

40 to below 50

30 to below 40

0 to below 20












Very good




Partially Acceptable


Very insufficient










The minimum


grade in all subjects




Is C


Force :- A physical quantity which change the state of an object is called force. Its S.I. unit (N) and measured by spring balance . It is a vector quantity. Eg. Pulling force, Gravitational force etc.

Force(F)=Mass(m)×acceleration(a)   or  mass(macceleration due to gravity (g)

1N force :-The  force which when acting on a body of mass 1kg to produces 1m/s2 acceleration is called 1 N force .

1 N =105 dynes

1 dyne force :- The force which when acting on a body of mass 1gm to produce 1m/2 acceleration is called 1dyne force .

Dyne =gcm/s2

Balanced force :-When numbers force acting simultaneously on a body do not bring about any change in the state of rest or motion in a straight line then the force acting on the body is called balanced force .In balanced force the magnitude of resultant is always zero. For example :In a rope pulling by two teams the rope does not move in any direction .

Unbalanced force :-When a number of forces acting simultaneously on a body bring about a change in its state of rest or motion in a straight line ,then the force acting on the body is called unbalanced force In unbalanced force the magnitude of resultant force is always more than zero.For example :Kicking the football on the ground ,pushing the small box on the table ,pushing a piece of stone forward etc.

Effects or properties of force :

i)It can  change the position of the body .

ii)It can change the speed of the body .

iii)It can change the direction  or motion of the body .

iv)It can change the shape of body .


If a body does not change  its position with respect to its surrounding as the passage of time is called rest .For example : A book lying on the table ,electric poles , houses ,trees ,etc.

Motion:-If a body change its position with respect to its surrounding as the passage of time is called motion .For example :A man walking on the road ,vehicles, bus ,etc.


Differences between uniform motion and non uniform motion

Uniform motion

Non –uniform motion

i)The motion in which a body covers equal distance in equal interval time is known as uniform motion.

ii)For example :The motion of planet ,satellite, watch etc.

i)The motion in which a body covers unequal distance in equal interval time is called non – uniform motion .

ii)For example :The  motion of vehicles ,flying birds, etc.


Reference point :-The place from which a location is observed  and measured is called reference point or the origin point .

Distance :The length of actual path travelled by the moving body in any direction depend upon the length of path is known as distance .It is scalar quantity .

Displacement: The distance covered by a body in a particular direction in a certain interval time is called displacement . It is a vector quantity .

Vector quantity :-The quantities which have both magnitude as well as direction is known as vector quantities .For examples : displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, momentum etc.

Scalar quantity :The quantities which does not have direction but only magnitude is known as scalar quantity .For example: mass, volume ,speed , work ,energy, temperature,time,distance,power, etc .

Speed:The distance covered by a body per unit time is called speed .It S.I. unit is m/s .It is scalar quantity because it have only magnitude but not direction

Speed or average velocity  =Distance covered (m)/Time taken(t)

Velocity :-The distance covered by a in a particular direction per unit time is called velocity .or

Displacement per unit time is called velocity .Its S.I. unit is m/s .It is a vector quantity because it have both magnitude as well as direction .

 Velocity =Distance covered in a particular direction (m)/Total time taken (t)

 Uniform-velocity :-If a body covers equal distance in equal interval of  time in a particular direction is called uniform velocity .In uniform velocity the acceleration of the body is always zero because acceleration is the  change of velocity per unit time .

Non-uniform velocity :-if a body does not covers equal distance in equal interval time is known as non- uniform velocity .

1.)A student runs 5m/s .What does this mean ?

Ans. It means that he covers a distance of 5 meters in a per second .

Average velocity :-The total  distance travelled by the body divided by the total time taken to covers that distance is called average velocity .

Acceleration:-The rate of change of velocity per unit time is called acceleration .or

Velocity change in per unit time is acceleration .It S.I. unit is m/s2.It is vector quantity.

 Acceleration ==Total change in velocity/Time taken (t)

a =v-u /t Where,  a = acceleration , V= final velocity , u =Initial velocity , t=     time taken

Retardation :The decrease in velocity per unit time is known as retardation .so the negative  acceleration is called retardation .for example : -10m/s2 ,It means that the retardation is 10m/s2 .Its S.I. unit is also m/s2

Equation of motion:-The mathematical  equation that show the relation between initial velocity (u),final velocity (v),acceleration (a),time taken(t), and distance covered by the object(s) is known as equation of motion .The equation of motion are

V=u+at                一       i
S=u+v/2×t         一        ii
S=ut +1/2 at2      一      iii
V2  =u2+2as       一     iv

Suppose here,

Initial velocity of a body =u

Final velocity =v

Time taken  =t


According to definition of acceleration

a= v-u /t

or  v-u =at

v=u+at  proved

Suppose here,

Initial velocity of a body =u

Final velocity =v

Time taken =t

and distance travelled =s

Now, average velocity =  =u+v/2                    (i)

Again ,distance covered =average velocity× time taken(t)

  S = u+v/2×t   Proved

Suppose here ,

Initial velocity of a body =u

Final velocity =v

Time taken =t

and distance covered =S

Now average velocity ==u+v/2

Again ,distance covered (s)=average velocity ×time(t)

Or S =  u+v/2×t                       (i)

Putting the value of v at equation  (i)

Or  S=(u+v+at/2) ×t    ( we know that  v=u +at )

Or S  =(2u+at/2)  ×t

Or S =  (2u/2+at/2)×t

Or S  =ut + at2/2

S= ut +1/2 at2 Proved

Suppose here,

Initial velocity of a body =u

Final velocity =v

Time taken =t

and distance covered =s

Now average velocity = u+v/2

Again ,distance covered (s)=average velocity ×time taken(t)

Or S  =    u+v/2×t                                 (i)

Putting the value of t at equation (i)

Or S =  u+v/2 ×  v-u/a        ( we know that  t =  v-u/a)

Or  S = v2-u2/2a

Or v2 –u2  =2as

 v2 = u2 +2as  Proved

Inertia :-The property or tendency of  a body or mass to resist any change in its state of rest or uniform motion in straight line is called inertia . or

The inability of a body to change its state by itself from rest to motion or motion to rest is known as inertia .

The relation between  mass and inertia :The inertia of a body depend upon its mass For example : The a body having greater mass the inertia will be high and for a body having smaller mass the inertia will be less , therefore the inertia of body is directly proportional to the mass of the body .

                         Inertia∝   mass  

Types of inertia :They are 2 types :

i)inertia  of rest :The inability of a body at change its position from rest to motion by itself without the help of an external force is called inertia of rest .For example 

:i)A passenger sitting in a bus falls backward when the bus moves suddenly

ii)The dust particles fall downward when a blanket is given a sudden jerk.

Inertia of motion : The inability of a body at change its position from motion to rest by itself without the help of an external force is called inertia of motion .For example :

i) A passenger sitting in a bus falls forward when the bus stop suddenly.

ii)A person jumping from the a moving bus gets injured .


1.)The fruits fall down when the branches of a fruit tree are shaken .Explain why ?

 Ans. In the beginning both the branches as well as the  fruit remains in the state of rest , when branches of tree  is shaken the branches comes in the state of motion  but due to inertia of rest fruit remains in state of rest .As result the  fruits are separated from the branches and fall down .

2.)A coin placed  on a card is placed over a glass .when the card is flipped quickly ,the coin drops into the cup ,why ?

Ans. Initially both the card as well coin remains in the state of rest , when the card is flipped quickly the card comes in the state of motion but due to inertia of  rest card remains in the state of rest .As result the coin is  separated from the card and drops in to the cups .

3.)A carpet is beaten with a sticks to remove the dust particles .why ?

4.)When a car suddenly starts moving ,the passenger sitting in it falls backward .why ?

Ans. Initially both  the passenger and bus remains in the state of rest ,when the car suddenly start moving both car as well as lower parts of passenger comes in the state of motion but due to inertia of rest upper part of passenger remains in the state of rest ,as result when a car start suddenly moves the passenger sitting in it falls backward .

5.)When a moving bus suddenly stops ,the passenger sitting in it fall forward .why?

6.)The blades of a fan continue to rotate when the current is switched off. why?

Momentum: The physical quantity that describe the quantity of motion of a body is called momentum .
The product of mass and velocity of moving body is  known as momentum of moving body or linear momentum .Its S.I. unit is kgm/s.
Momentum =mass ×velocity
 =mv     where  = linear momentum ,    m = mass of the body , v = velocity of the body .

Newton’s law of motion :Newton’s used three laws to describe the effect of force on an object are known as Newton’s law of motion .They are as following :

1.)Newton’s first law of motion :If a body is at rest ,it will continue to remain at rest and if it is in motion it will continue to move in a straight line with uniform velocity ,unless it is acted upon by an external force .This is known as Newton’ s first law of motion .

Newton’s first law of motion also gives idea of inertia .So it is also known as law of inertia . It  also gives qualitative definition of force because according to first law of motion force is cause of for changing initial state of body .Example of Newton’s first law of motion:

i)The fruits fall down when the branches of a fruit tree are shaken .

ii) When a car suddenly starts moving ,the passenger sitting in it falls backward .

iii) When a moving bus suddenly stops ,the passenger sitting in it fall forward.

2.)Newton’s second law of motion :Acceleration produced in a body is directly proportional to the force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass . This is known as Newton’s second law of motion .


 a           F                          (i)

a         1/m                      ( ii) 


The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the applied force in the direction of force .This is known as Newton’s second law of motion .

Force (F)   change in momentum/time taken

 Or     F   mv-mu/t

For example :i)A cricket player lowers his hand while catching a cricket ball .

Prove that  F =ma

Suppose ,the mass of  a  body =m

Applied force =F

and produced acceleration  =a

According to Newton’s second law of motion

a F           ( i)

a  1/m    ( ii)

combining eqn(i) and eqn(ii)


F ma

Or  F = k ma (where k is a constant )

Or  F =k ma                      ( iii) 

If a force required to produce an acceleration of 1m/s2,on 1kg mass is called 1N force

Now ,1 =k 1.1

Or  K = 1

Putting  the value of k in eqn (iii)

F = 1 ma

   F = ma  proved 

3.)Newton’s third law of motion : For every action ,there is an equal and opposite reaction .This is known as Newton’s third law of motion .

For example: i) A gun recoils on firing .



i)Explain ,why a gun recoils when a bullet is fired from it ?

Ans. When bullet is fired the bullet comes out from the gun is action and gun recoils is backward is reaction so gun recoils when bullet is fired because we know that according to third law of motion for every action there is equal and opposite  reaction .

ii)If a man jumps out from a boat ,the boat moves backward .why ?

Ans. A man jumps out from the boat is action and the boat moves backward is reaction ,so if a man jumps out from a boat ,the boat moves backward  because we know that according to Newton’s law of motion for every action there is equal and opposite reaction .

iii)When  a balloon filled with air and its mouth downward is released ,the balloon moves upward .why ? (Air release downward  from balloon is action and balloon moves upward is reaction )

iv)While rowing ,a boatman pushes the water in he pond backward , why ?

( Boatman  push the water  backward is action and boat move forward is reaction )

Numerical problem

i)a =v-u/t


iii)s =  u+v/2×t

iv)s =ut +1/2 at2      or s=ut+i/2gt2   (When object throwing upward  g=-9.8m/m2 or downward g=9.8 m/s2)

v)v2 = u2+2as   or v2  =u2 +2gs

Note : i)When starting from rest  u= 0m/s2     

ii)When  stopped or break applied u=0m/s2

iii)In retardation  a = –m/s2


1.)A bus starts from rest .if the acceleration of the is 0.5m/s2,what will be its velocity at the end of 2 minutes and what distance will it cover during that time ?

Ans.soiution ,here

Initial velocity (u)= 0m/s


Time taken (t)=2 min =2×60 =120 sec

Final velocity (v) =?

Distance covered (s)=?

We have


Or v = 0 +0.5 ×120

   v = 60 m/s

 Again ,We know

S =  u+v/2× t

Or  S =  0+60/2×120

Or s =60×60

Distance  covered (S) =3600 m/s

2.) A  car starts to move from rest .If the car assumes an acceleration of 3m/s2 in 15 second , calculate the final velocity of the car .Also calculate the distance covered by the car .(Ans. v= 45 m/s   S= 337.5 m)

3.)A motor bike starting from rest on Fewa lake accelerate n a straight line at rate of  5 m/s2 for 10 seconds .How long distance does the boat travel during this time .(Ans. S =250 m)

4.)A truck is  moving  with velocity  of 72km/hr ,when the driver applies brakes the truck is stopped in 2 second .calculate the distance covered and retardation of the truck .if the mass of the truck is 5000kg ,calculate the force applied by the brakes to stop the truck .

Ans.Solution here, Initial  velocity (u) = 72km/hr

                                                                =   72x1000/60x60=20 m/s

Final velocity (v)= 0m/s

Time taken (t) =2 Sec

Mass of truck (m) = 5000 kg

Distance covered (s) =?

Retardation (a) = ?

Force applied by brakes (F) =?

We know that

Or a =v-u/t

Or a  =0-20/2

Or  a =-10 m/s2

Therefore retardation (a)= -10m/s2

Again ,we know that

S =   u+v/2× t

Or S =  20+0/2 × 2

Or  s = 20 m

Therefore distance covered (s) = 20m

Again, we know that

F = ma

Or F = 5000 × - 10

F= - 50000 N

Therefore force applied by break (F) = - 50000N

5.)A bus is moving with velocity of 90 km/hr .If the bus covers the distance of 625 m before coming to rest ,calculate the retardation of the bus .(Ans. -0.5 m/s2  )

6.) How much retardation should be produced to stop a truck moving with the velocity of  72 km /hr in 5 second ? Calculate the distance covered by the truck within that time .(Ans.   a = -4m/s2 ,S = 50 m )

7.)To estimate the height of a bridge over karnali river ,a stone is dropped freely  in  the river from the bridge .The stone taken 2 seconds to touch the surface water .Estimate the height of the bridge from the water level .

Ans.Solution ,Here

Initial velocity (u) = 0m/s

Acceleration  due to gravity (g) = 9.8m/s2

Time taken (t) = 2 sec

Height of the bridge (h) =?

We know that

h = ut + ½ gt 2  

or h = 0 . 2  + ½ . 9.8 ×2.2

or h = 0 + 9.8 ×2

h = 19.6 m

Therefore height of the bridge (h) =19.6 m

8.)A body falling from the top of a building reaches the ground 2.5 s later . How height is the building .(Ans. h = 30.62 m)

9.)If a stone takes  5 seconds to reaches the maximum height with what velocity is it thrown up ?

Ans.Solution here ,

Final velocity (V) = 0m/s

Acceleration due to gravity ( a) =-9.8m/s2

Time taken (t ) = 5 Sec

Initial velocity (u) =?

We know that ,

V = u+ gt

Or 0 = u + (-9.8) ×5

Or  0 = u – 49

u = 49 m/s

Therefore initial  velocity (u) = 49 m/s

10.) A ball is thrown vertically upward at the velocity of 30m/s .Calculate the height covered by the ball in 5 second  .(Ans.  S = 27m )

            Questions for practice 

Unit:  = Force


              Group 'A'                           (1 Mark Each)

1. What is force? Write down its SI unit.

2.Define rest and motion.

3.Define IN force.

4.Define speed and velocity.

5.What is inertia?

6.On which factor does the inertia of a body depend? Write.

7.What is inertia of motion?

8.What is the relation between the mass and inertia of a body?

9.What is displacement?

10.What is acceleration' Write down its unit in SI

11."Every action has equal but opposite reaction." Which law of Newton is stated by this statement?

12.State Newton's second law of motion.

13.What is momentum? On which factors does it depend? Write.

14.What is unbalanced force ? Write with one example.

15.State Newton's first law of motion.


                                   Group 'B'                          (2 Marks Each)

16.Write any wo differences between speed and velocity.

17.A coin, kept on a postcard on the glass, drops in the glass when the postcard is flipped suddenly. Why ? Give reason.

18.Write any wo differences between velocity and acceleration.

19.Why do passengers tall forward when a moving bus is stopped suddenly? Give reason.

20. Athletes run a long distance belore taking a long jump. Give reason.

                    Group 'C'                             (3 Marks Each)

21. What is the relationship among initial velocity, distance covered, acceleration produced and final velocity of a moving body? Give an example that describes Newton's first law of motion.

22.Prove that: F=ma

23.Write any three practical applications of Newton's third law of motion.

24.Explain Newton's third law of motion with an example.

                         Group 'D'   (4 Marks Each)

25.A truck is moving with the velocity of 72 km/h. When the driver applies brakes, the truck is stopped in 2 seconds. Calculate the distance covered and retardation of the truck. If the mass of the truck is 5000 kg, calculate the force applied by the brakes to stop the truck.

26.Write one difference between action and reaction. A bus is moving with the velocity of 60 km/h. By seeing a baby 11m ahead the driver applied the brakes and the retardation produced is 13.88m/se. Calculate the distance covered by the bus and time taken to stop the bus.

27.Prove that

(i)v2 = u2 + 2as


                                Unit -   Test

                          Unit 2:  (Force)                         

 Time: 40 min.                                                          F.M.: 22

सबै प्रश्नहरूको उत्तर दिनुहोस् । (Answer all the questions.)

                               समूह '' (Group 'A')                    1x6=6


1.Define IN force

2.On which factor does the inertia of a body depend? Write.

3. What is velocity? Write down its sl unit.

4.What is acceleration? Write down its unit in SI system.

5 State Newton's first law of motion.

6.What is balanced force ? Write with one example

               समूह '' (Group 'B')         3 x2 =6

7.Write any two differences between speed and acceleration

8.A soldier is running very fast. Can he stop immediately when he gets command to stop? Why?

9. Why do fruits fall down when the branch is shaken?

                                   समूह '' (Group 'C')                  2x3=6

10.A vehicle is moving with the velocity of 25m/s. If the vehicle is stopped within 5 seconds by applying brakes, calculate the retardation. If the mass of the vehicle is 1000kg, how much force is to be applied to stop it?

11. Mention any three points that should be remembered while solving numerical problen is related to motion.

                                         समूह '' (Group 'D')          1x4

27.Prove that

(i)v2 = u2 + 2as


                              The End

             Lesson : 3         (Machine )

Machine : The instruments that make our work easier ,faster and more convenient are known as machine . They are 2 types :

1.)Complex machine :The instruments whose structure are very complex and make our work easier ,faster, and more convenient are known as complex machine .For example : Fan, bicycle, bus ,truck etc.

2.)simple machine : The instruments which is very simple in structure and make our work easier ,faster and more convenient are known as simple machine .For example : scissor ,beam balance, bottle opener etc.


Advantages of simple machine :

i)It increase the rate of doing work .

ii)It multiplies the applied force .

iii)It help to change the direction of force .i.e Pulley

iv)It helps to do our work safe .

v)It help to transfer force from one point to another point.

Some terminology related to simple machine :

Effort:  The force applied in the simple machine in order to do useful work is called effort .It is denoted by E and S.I. unit is Newton(N).

Load:-The force exerted by machine on the resistance after application of effort is called load .It is denoted by L and S.I. unit is Newton(N).

Fulcrum :The fixed point or axis of simple machine that help to move or rotates freely the machine is called fulcrum .

Load distance and effort distance : The distance covered by load is called load distance .It is denoted by  L.d. and S.I. unit is metre (m)

The distance travelled by effort while moving the effort is called effort distance .It is denoted by L.d. and S.I. unit is metre(m).

Input work :The work done by applied force on the machine is called input work .It S.I. unit is Joule (J) .It is always more than that of out put work because it is not affected by friction .

Input work =Effort ×Effort distance

Out put work =The work done by machine on the load is called out put work (useful work).It S.I. unit is Joule (J). It is always less than that of input work ,because it is affected by friction .

Out put work =Load ×Load distance

Mechanical advantage :-The ratio of load to the applied effort is called mechanical advantage .It have no unit .It measures the times by which a machine multiplies the effort. It is denoted by MA. It is always less than that of velocity ratio because it is affected by friction.

Mechanical advantage (MA) =Load/Effort

 1.)The mechanical advantage of simple machine is 5 .What does it mean ?

Ans. It means that work become  5 times easier if machine is used .

Velocity ratio :-The ratio of distance moved by effort to the distance moved by load is known as velocity ratio .It have no unit .It measure the extent  to which the speed of doing work increases by using the machine .It is always more than that of mechanical advantage because it is not effected by friction .

Velocity ratio (V.R.)= distance covered by effort /distance covered by load

1.)The velocity ratio of simple machine is 5 .what does it mean ?

Ans. It means that the distance covered by effort is 5 times more than that of distance covered by load .

Efficiency :-The percentage ratio of  output work to the to the input work is known as efficiency .  or

The percentage ratio of mechanical to velocity ratio is known as efficiency .It is affected by friction so it is always less than that of 100%.It can be increased by applying grease or oil between the movable part of a machine ,by making smooth surface ,by using ball bearing wheelers and rollers .

Efficiency ( π) =out put work /Input work×100%

Efficiency ( π) =Mechanical advantage(M:A.)/velocityratio(V.R) ×100%

Factors affecting efficiency :

i)Frictional force 

ii)Gravitational force

iii)Weight of machine

Perfect or ideal machine :-The theoretical machines whose efficiency is 100% are called perfect machine  or ideal machine In ideal machine .There are  not wastages of input work due to friction .In ideal machine

              Out put work = in put work

Real machine or practical machine :-The machine in which efficiency is always less than that of 100% or out put work is always less than that of input work is called real or practical machine .

Principle of simple machine :-It states that if there is no friction in simple machine output work is always equal to input work in the simple machine .

Output work = Input work

L×L  d = E × E d

1.)A machine has 70% efficiency  .what does this means ?

Ans. It means that 70% input work is converted into out put work and remaining  30% of input work is wasted  due to friction in the machine .

Types of simple machine :- There are 6 types of simple machine :

1)Lever  2)pulley  3) Wheel and axle  4) Inclined plane  5)Screw  6) Wedge

1)Lever : A rigid bar or straight rod which can move freely around a fixed i.e. fulcrum  is known as lever . The velocity ratio of lever can be increased  by reducing load distance . They are 3 types .

i)First class of liver  :-for example : Beam balance , scissors , sea saw

ii)Second class of lever :For example :Bottle opener ,wheel barrow Lemon squeezer ,nut cracker etc.

iii)Third class of lever :For example : Fishing rod , Sugar tongs ,broom  forceps, hair plucker etc.

Principle of lever :- in balanced condition the product of load and load arm is equal to the product of effort and effort arm is known as the principle of lever .

Load ×load arm =Effort ×Effort arm

2.Pulley :A simple machine like a  circular disc having a groove on its circumference over which a rope passes is called pulley .In a pulley an effort is applied at one end of the rope and the load to be lifted to the other end of the rope .It help to make our work easier ,faster by changing the direction   of force .

Types of pulley :- They are 3 types .

i.)Single fixed pulley : It cannot magnify applied force but change the direction of applied force .in this pulley distance covered by load is equal to the distance covered by effort , its V.R. is always  1

ii.)Single movable pulley :-It can magnify applied force but not change the direction of force .In this pulley effort distance is always twice to the load distance so its V.R. is always 2 .

iii.)Combined pulley :- It is formed by the combination of fixed and movable pulley  .it is also known as block and tackle it make our work easier and faster by magnifying the applied force and changing the direction of force .

The velocity ratio of combined pulley = N. of pulley used in system .

Velocity  ratio of pulley (V.R.) =No . of pulley used in system (Except single movable pulley )


No .of rope of segments that support the load

3.)Wheel and axle :-A simple machine having two co –axial cylinder of different  diameter fitted in common axis and rotate together is called wheel and axle .In wheel and axle bigger cylinder is called wheel and smaller cylinder is  axle .The load is lifted to the axle and effort is applied to the wheel .It also can magnify the applied force .For example :Sterring of vehicles .

Velocity ratio of wheel and axle(V.R.)= Circumference of wheel(R)/Circumference of axis (r)

                                                   V.R.    =2π R/2π r

                                                 V.R.       =R/r

1.)Wheel and axle is called continuous lever ,why ?

Ans. In wheel  and axle  just like lever force is applied in wheel and load is lifted in axle and rotates continuously until the load reaches the required height , therefore wheel and axle is called continuous lever .

4.) Inclined plane :-A simple machine having a smooth ,rigid flat surface ,inclined at an angle to the horizontal plane is called inclined plane .for example :stairs ,turning road in hilly region .Its mechanical advantage is always grater than one so,It make work easy and faster by magnifying force  because in inclined plane length of inclined plane is always more than that of height of inclined plane .

Principle of inclined plane :-In inclined plane when its length is increased by keeping its height constant its mechanical advantages increases but when its height is increased by keeping its length constant its mechanical advantages decreases so it is always used by increasing its length by keeping height constant .

Velocity ratio of inclined plane (V.R.)= Length of inclined plane (l) or distance covered by effort/Height of inclined plane (h) or distance covered by effort

1.)6 km long road in the western slope and 4 km long road in eastern slope of a mountain are constructed to reach the peak .Which one of them is easier to climb the mountain with a bicycle and why ?

Ans. Through 6 km long road in the western slope is easier to climb the mountain with a bicycle ,because according to principle of inclined plane if the length of inclined increases the mechanical advantage also increase i.e. less effort  is required to climb the mountain .

5.)Screw :-A simple machine which is made by wrapping an inclined plane spirally around a cylindrical rod is called screw .It consist of mainly 2 parts i.e. i)Thread :The winding edge of screw is called thread .

ii)Pitch :The distance between two successive threads is called pitch .For example : Jack screw , Nail driller etc.

Velocity ratio of screw (V.R.)=: Effort distance(Circumference circular part of screw)/Load distance (Pitch of the screw)

        V.R. =2rp  Where  r = radius of circular part of screw , P = pitch of the screw .


6.)Wedge:- A simple  machine which is triangular shape tool with at least one slanting side ending in a sharp edge is called wedge .For example :Knife, axe etc.

Velocity ratio of wedge(V.R.)= Length of wedge(l)/thickness of wedge(t)

Moment of force :-The turning effect of force is called moment of force .It is equal to the product of force and perpendicular distance from the force to the fulcrum . Its S.I. unit is Nm(Newton meter)

Moment of force = Force (F) ×Perpendicular distance from the force to the fulcrum (d)

Clockwise moment :-If a body rotates clockwise under the application of force the moment is called clockwise moment .

Anticlockwise  moment :-If a body rotates anticlockwise under the application of force ,the moment is called anticlockwise moment .

Law of moment :-If a body is at equilibrium state ,the total clockwise moment is equal to the total anticlockwise moment is known as law of moment .


Total clockwise moment = Total anticlockwise moment

Reason :

1.)Why is a longer  a spanner (wrench) is used to open a rusted knot  or big knot ,?

Ans. A longer spanner has greater moment arm as result it multiplies the force and produce greater moment ,whereas big not or rusted knot requires more moment to be opened .Therefore ,a long spanner is used to open a rusted  or big nut .

2.)The probability of breaking a branch of tree is more when a person moves a long it towards its end .why?

Ans. When a person moves towards end of branch the moment arm is increased as result larger moment is produced by the person on the branch .Therefore the probability of  breaking a branch of tree is more when a person moves along it toward its end .

3.)The probability of breaking  a taller tree is greater than shorter tree at the time of storm ,why ?

Ans. The taller tree has greater moment arm as result it multiplies the force applied by storm and produce greater moment than that of shorter tree .Therefore the probability of breaking a branch of tree is more than shorter tree at time of storm .

Numerical problems :

Mechanical advantage (M.A,)= Load /Effort

Velocity ratio (V.R.) =Load distance /Effort distance

Velocity ratio of pulley (V.R.)=N. of pulley used in system (Except single movable pulley )        or

N. of rope segments that support load

Velocity ratio of wheel and axle (V.R.)= Radius of wheel(R)/Radius of axle(r)

Moment =Force ×Perpendicular distance from the force to the fulcrum .

Law of moment =Total clockwise moment=Total anticlockwise moment

In uplifting 450N load with the help of 1m long lever takes 150 N effort. What will be the efficiency of a machine if the fulcrum is kept 25 cm far from the load .

 Here ,Given

Load (L) =450N

Effort (E)=150N

Load distance(Ld)=25cm

Effort distance (Ed)=75 cm

Efficiency ( ) =?

According to the formula

Mechanical advantage (M.A.)= Load /Effort


According to formula

Velocity ratio (V.R.)= Effort distance /Load distance

                           =   75/25

We know that

Efficiency ( ) =M.A./V.R.×100 %

                      =3/3× 100 %

Efficiency (  = 100%

2.)A 600n load is raised by an effort of 200N by using a 1m long lever .If the load is 20 cm from the fulcrum .What is the M.A. ,V.R. and efficiency of the machine ? (M.A.=3,V.R.=4 ,Efficiency =75%)

3.) What is the efficiency ,if an effort of 150N is applied to raise a load of 200N using two pulley system ?

Ans. Here, Given

Load(L)= 200N


 Velocity ratio (V.R.)= 2         (Since the number of pulley =2)

Efficiency (  )=?

Now, according to formula

Mechanical advantage(M.A.)= Load/Effort


Again ,Efficiency ( )= M.A./V.R.×100% = 1.33/2×100% =     66.5%

؞The efficiency of given pulley system is 66.5%

4.)A movable pulley has efficiency of 75% .What is effort necessary to lift a load of 500N.

Ans. Given,

Efficiency ( )= 75%


Velocity ratio (V.R.)=2       (Since V.R. of movable is 2)

Effort (E)=?

Now, according to formula

Efficiency ( )M.A./V.R.×100%

75% = ×M.A./2100%

Or 100 M.A. =75 ×2

Or M.A. =  75x2/100=1.5

Again, M.A.= Load /Effort

Or 1.5 =

Or Effort =500/1.5

؞Effort =333.33N

5.)If a pulley system with efficiency 80% has mechanical advantage 4 .how many pulleys are there in the system ?What is the effort necessary to lift the load 1000N ?

Ans. Given,

Efficiency( )=80%

Mechanical advantage (M.A.)=4


Number of pulley (V.R)=?

Effort (E) =?

Now, according to formula

Efficiency ( ) =M.A./V.R.×100%

80%  =4/V.R.×100%

Or 80 V.R. =4×100

Or V.R. =4x100/80=5

؞Number pulley (V.R.) =5

Again ,M.A. =Load /Effort

Or M.A. =1000/Effort

Effort =1000/4=250

؞Effort =250 N

6.)What effort is needed to balance a load of 800N in a wheel and axle with efficiency 80% .If radius of the wheel is 8cm and that of axle is 2 cm ?

Ans. given


Efficiency ( ) =80%

Radius of wheel (R) =8cm

Radius of axle (r) =2 cm

Velocity ratio (V.R.) =?

Effort (E) =?

Now, according to formula

Velocity ratio (V.R.) =  R/r

                             =8/2  =4

Again ,Efficiency ( )= M.A./V.R.×100%

       Or  80%  =M.A./4×100%

Or 100 M.A. =80×4

Or M.A. =80x4/100 =3.2

؞M.A. =3.2

Again, M.A.= Load/Effort

Or 3.2    =800/Effort

Or Effort =800/3.2=250

؞Effort =250N

7.)In a wheel and axle ,the radius of wheel is 70 cm and that of axle is 5cm .If an effort of 50N is needed to lift a load of 500N what is the efficiency of machine ?(V.R. =14, M.A. =10, Efficiency =71.43%)

8.)Study the given diagram and calculate M.A. ,V.R, and efficiency of the inclined plane .

Given,Load (L)= 500N

Effort (E)=250N

Effort distance or length (l)=15m

Load distance or height (h)= 5m



Efficiency( )=?

Now,According to formula

Mechanical advantage (M.A.)= Load /Effort

                                         = 500/250=2

؞ mechanical advantage (M.A.)=2

Again, Velocity ratio of inclined plane (V.R.)= l/h

                                                            Or =15/5 =3

؞ velocity ratio of inclined plane (V.R.)=3

Again, Efficiency (ጎ )= M.A./V.R.×100%

Or   = 2/3×100% =66.6%

؞Efficiency ( )= 66.66%

8.) An effort of 20N is required to unscrew a joined nut by using a 20cm long spanner .Calculate the moment produced .


Effort (E)= 20N

Length of spanner =20cm  =20/100 = 0.2m


Now,we know that

Moment(M)= Effort ×Effort arm

 Or      = 20 ×0.2 =4

؞ Moment produced (M)= 4Nm

Questions for Practice

                            Unit -Machine

                                    Group 'A'  (1mark Each)

1.Define simple machine.

2.What is mechanical advantage?

3.How is the mechanical advantage of a machine calculated? Write.

4.What is velocity ratio? Write down is formula.

5.What is efficiency?

6.Write down the formula to calculate the efficiency formula.

7.Define input work and output work.

8.What is a pulley? Why is it used?

9.What are the factors that affect the efficiency of a simple machine?

10.What is an inclined plane? Why is It used ?

11.What is velocity ratio of an inclined plane? Write.

12.What is a wheel and axle? Why is it used?

13.Write down the formula to calculate the velocity ratio of wheel and axle..

14.What is moment?

15.State the law of moment.

                             Group 'B'                     (2 Marks Each)

1.What is meant by mechanical advantage of a machine is 3? Velocity ratio has no unit. Why?

2.What is meant by the velocity ratio of a machine is 2? The efficiency of a machine is always less than 100%, why?

3.The efficiency of a machine can be increased by applying oil or grease. Why?

4.The probability of breaking a tree branch increases while moving towards the tip of the branch. Give reason.

5.Small spanner is made to open a small nut and long spanner is made to open a big nut. Why?

                                Group 'C'         (3 Marks Each)

1.Write down two advantages of using simple machines. What is a perfect machine? Why is it impossible to get a perfect machine in practice?

2.How can we increase the efficiency of a simple machine? Give any two methods. Write any two applications of simple machine.

3.What are the factors that affect the efficiency of a simple machine? How can the efficiency of a simple machine be increased? Write.

4.Wheel and axle is called an advanced form of a lever. Justify this statement.

5.What is moment? Write down its formula and Sl unit.

6.What are two factors that affect the turning effect of force (moment)? No one machine has 100% efficiency. Justify this statement.

                         Group 'D'               (4 Marks Each)

1.A simple machine of velocity ratio 20 is used to lift a load of 600N by applying an effort of 40N. Calculate the mechanical advantage and efficiency of the machine.

2. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of each of the given simple machines.

1)Lever       ii)  Pulley  iii)Wedge  iv) wheel and axle

3.A 20cm long spanner is used to open a rusted nut of a bicycle. If the effort is 60N, calculate the moment produced. Write any two differences between ideal machine and practical machine.

                                Unit -   Test

                          Unit 2:  (Force)                         

 Time: 40 min.                                                              F.M.: 22

सबै प्रश्नहरूको उत्तर दिनुहोस् । (Answer all the questions.)

                    समूह '' (Group 'A')                      1x6=6

1.Define simple machine.

2.What is mechanical advantage?

3.How is the mechanical advantage of a machine calculated? Write.

4.What is velocity ratio? Write down is formula.

5.What is efficiency?

6.Write down the formula to calculate the efficiency formula.

                    समूह '' (Group 'B')       2x3 =6

7.Wheel and axle is called an advanced form of a lever? Justify this statement.

8.Probability of breaking a tree branch increases on moving towards the tip of the branch. Explain it on the basis of law of moment.

9.What is meant by the velocity ratio of a machine is 2? The efficiency of a machine is always less than 100%, why?

                         समूह '' (Group 'C')           2x3=6

10.Write any three utilities of simple machines.

11.Wheel and axle is called an advanced form of a lever. Justify this statement.

                               समूह '' (Group 'D')          1x4

12.A simple machine of velocity ratio 20 is used to lift a load of 600N by applying an effort of 40N. Calculate the mechanical advantage and efficiency of the machine.

                                         The End


 Unit :- 4    Work ,Energy and Power

Work :The product of force and displacement of a body in the direction of applied force is called work .Its S.I: unit is Juole (J) C.G.S. unit is erg(dynes cm)  .It is a scalar quantity .

Work(w) = Force (F) ×Displacement(d)

Or  W = F × d

Relation between Joule and erg :

Juole =Nm

1juole =105dynes ×100cm  (We know that 1N =105 ,1m =100cm)

0r 1 Juole =105 dynes ×102cm

Or 1 Juole = 107 dynes cm

Or 1 Juole =107 erg          (We know that  erg = dynes cm)

Therefore 1 J = 107  erg  is the required the relationship between Juole and erg

1 Juole work :-When an  object is displaced  through a distance of one metre by applying one Newton force is known as 1 Juole work .

1 Juole work = 1N × 1m

Types of work :- They are two types :- 

i)Work done against friction :-If a  work is done by pulling or pushing an object horizontally on the  earth’s surface ,the done is called work against friction .For example : Sliding a box n the ground , pushing a cart on the road, close or open the door etc.

Work against friction (w) =F× d

ii)Work against the gravity :-If a work is done by lifting a body vertically upward from the earth’s surface ,the work done is called work against gravity .For example :Water is pulled from well, A load is lifted by crane etc.

Work against gravity (W)= m×g×h

Where     m=mass of an object ,  g = acceleration due to gravity  ,h =height of object

Energy :-The capacity of doing work is called energy .Its S.I. unit is Juole and C.G.S. unit is erg .

The total amount of consumed energy = Total amount of work done

Types of energy :-There are various form of energy .Some of them major form of energy are :

i)Mechanical energy    a)Kinetic energy  b)Potential energy

ii)Chemical energy       iii)Electrical energy

iv)Heat energy          v)Light energy

vi)Sound energy        vii)Magnetic energy

viii)Atomic energy

i)Mechanical energy :The energy possessed by the bodies due to their position or configuration or motion is called mechanical energy .It is two types :

a)Kinetic energy :The energy possessed by body due to result of motion of object is called kinetic energy .For example .Moving bullets ,running water, moving buses etc.

Kinetic energy (K.E.)   =  1/2 mv2

Where  m= mass of object  ,   v = velocity of a body

Suppose a body lying at rest  of mass =m

Initial velocity =u

Applied force =F

Displacement after applied force =s

And final velocity  =v

Now from definition of work

Work done (W)= F×s

Or  W = m.a .s             (i)   ( We know F =m.a )

From equation of motion 

V2 =  u2 + 2as

V2  = 0 + 2a.s    (we know u =0 m/s)

Or  s = V2/2a               (ii)

Putting the value of eqn (ii) in equation eqn (i)

W = m. a.V2/2a

Or W = m. v2/2

0r W = 1/2mv2

Therefore kinetic energy (K.E.) =1/2mv2       ( we know K.E. = W)

b)Potential energy : The energy possessed by the bodies due to its position or change in its shape is called potential energy .For example :Energy possessed by the compressed spring ,energy possessed by a stone kept on the roof ,Water stored in dam, foot lifted to kick a football  etc .

Potential energy (P.E.)= m×g×h

Where  m= mass of an object, g=acceleration due to gravity , h=height of height 

ii) Electrical energy :The energy possessed by the object due flow of electron is called electrical energy .For example Telephone ,radio, television ,heater etc.are operated  by electrical energy .

iii) Heat energy :The energy possessed by the object due to the sum total kinetic energy of an object is called heat energy .for example :The heat is used to cook food, boil water,run steam engine 


iv)Light energy :-The energy possessed by the object due to extremely hot by radiation is called light energy .for example :It help us to sensation of vision ,preparation of food to plant ,to increase rate of chemical reaction  etc .

v)Sound energy :-The energy possessed by the bodies due to vibration of body is called sound energy .For example :It help us for sensation of hearing ,to form electrical bell ,etc.

vi)Magnetic energy : The energy possessed by the magnet is called magnetic energy .For example: Electric bell,   television, loudspeaker etc are operated by using magnetic energy .

vii)Chemical energy :The energy which can be   obtained  from chemicals, foods, and chemical reaction is called chemical energy .For example: for example :Enegy contained in battery ,bread ,coal ,petrol etc.

 viii)Nuclear energy or atomic energy :The energy obtained from atomic reaction or nucleus of atom or nuclear reaction is called Nuclear energy .For example: The energy released during the explosion of atom bomb or hydrogen bomb etc.

Transformation of energy :-The process of conversion of one form energy into another types of energy is known as transformation of energy.


For  example .i)Electric heater =Electrical energy    ⟶ Heat energy

ii)Electric motor      =    Electrical energy              Kinetic energy

Dynamo =Kinetic energy         Electrical energy

iv)Microphone =Sound energy             Electrical energy

v)Headphone =Electrical energy               Sound energy

vi)Hydropower station =Potential energy            Kinetic energy          electrical energy

vii)Steam engine =Heat energy          Kinetic energy

viii)Solar battery =  light energy           Electrical energy

ix)Battery = chemical energy            electrical energy

Principle of transformation or conservation of energy :-The energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be converted from one form to another  form hence total energy always remains constant or conserved .This is known as principle of transformation of energy or conservation of energy .

1.)Name the devices which changes

i)Chemical energy into electrical energy =A battery or cell

ii)Chemical energy into heat energy = A kerosene heater

iii) mechanical energy into electrical energy =A dynamo or generator

iv)Light energy into electrical energy =Solar panel

v)Sound energy into electrical energy = A microphone

vi)Electrical energy into mechanical energy =A electrical motor

vii)Solar energy into electrical energy = Solar battery

viii)Electrical energy into light energy = Electrical bulb

2.) What kinds of energy is possessed by the following .

i)A compressed spring = potential energy

ii)Water in a river = Kinetic energy

iii)A stretched rubber or catapult = Potential energy

iv) A red hot iron ball = heat and electro magnetic energy   

v)cell or battery = Chemical energy

vi)The food we eat = chemical energy

Vii) The sun light = Heat and light energy (Electro magnetic energy )

Viii) A magnetic field = Magnetic energy

ix) A man climbing a hill = Potential and kinetic energy

x) A flying bird = Potential and kinetic energy 

Power :- The rate of doing work is called power . Its S.I. unit is Watt (J/S) .It is scalar quantity .

Power (P) = work(w)/time taken (t)


P= w/t

One watt power :- When one joule work done in one second ,the power is one watt power .


The rate of doing one joule work in one second time is called one watt power .

Horse power (H.P.) : The unit which is to measure the the power of engines is called horse power .It is denoted by H.P.

1 H.P. = 746 watt

 1.)A person is standing on the road . He is carrying a load on his head ? What is the amount of work done by him ?

Ans. A person does not work i.e. W =0 j , because there is no displacement of an object i.e. d or S = 0 m ,but work done is calculated numerically by using formula by using formula work done (w) = Force ×displacement (d).

2.)What differences is felt in catching a fast moving cricket ball and a fast moving table tennis  ball ,why?

Ans .A fast moving cricket ball hurt more than a fast moving tennis ball .it is because a cricket ball does more work due to more mass and possess more kinetic energy than that of table tennis ball .


 Numerical problems

W = F×d

F  or W(weight ) = m×g

Work against friction (W)= F×d

Work against gravity (W)= m×g×h

Total amount of consumed energy = Total amount of work done

Kinetic energy (K.E.) = ½ mv2

Potential energy (P.E) =m×g×h

P =W/t

1.)Sanu  carries an object 20m away against the friction of 500N .Calculate the work .

Ans. Given ,Weight (w or F) = 500N

Distance (d)= 20m

Work (W)= ?

We know that

W = F×d

Or   W = 500 ×  20  = 10000 Juole

2.)How much work is done when an iron ball of 50 kg mass is raised 4 m upward ?

Given , mass (m)= 50kg

Height (h)= 4m

Work (W) =?

We know that

W =m×g×h

 Or  w = 50 ×9.8×4  = 1960

Therefore work (w) = 1960 juole

3.)Calculate the potential energy stored in a stone of 80kg kept at the height of 15 m. What is the potential energy when the stone is kept on the earth’s surface ?

Given , mass of stone (m)= 80kg

Height (h)= 15 m

Potential energy (P.E.) = ?

We know that

P.E. = m×g×h

Or P.E. = 80×9.8×15 =11,760

Therefore Potential energy at height (P.E.)= 11,760 Juole


Potential at the surface of earth (P.E.)=  m×g×h

Or P.E.  = 80 ×9.8×0           ( we know h = 0 m  on the earth surface)

Therefore , potential energy on the earth surface (P.E.)= 0 juole

4.)A bullet of mass 50kg is flying with the velocity of 200 km/hr .Calculate the  kinetic energy of the bullet .

Ans.Given ,mass of bullet (m)= 50 kg

Velocity of the bullet (v)= 200 km/hr  =200x1000/60x60=55.55

                                                = 55.55m/s

Kinetic energy of bullet (K.E.)= ?

We know that ,

K.E. = ½ mv2

Or  K.E. = ½ 50 ×55.55×55.55 =77145.06

Therefore kinetic energy (K.E.)= 77145.06 juole

5.)A crane lift  a car of 1500kg at height of 5m in 12 seconds . calculate the power of the cranes .

Ans.Given , mass of car (m)= 1500kg

 Height (h)= 5m

Time taken (t)= 12 second

 Power (P) = ?

 We know that

 P = w/t

Or  P = mxgxh/t

Or  P =  15x9.8x5/12 =6125

Therefore , the power of the crane (P)= 6125 watt .

6.)A crane lift a load of 6000N at the height of 20m in 5 seconds . Calculate the power of crane in horse power .

Ans. Given ,load (w)= 6000N

Height (h)= 20m

Time taken (t)= 5 Second

Power (P)=?

We know that

P =mxgxh/t

Or P = wxh/t      ( we know w = mg )

Or P =6000x2/5 =24000

Therefore the power of crane (P)= 24000 watt

And the power of crane in horse power (H.P) = 24000/746

                                                                = 32.17 horse power  (H.P.)

7.)What do you mean by the statement that the power of the bulb is 60 watt ?

Ans. It means that bulb convert 60 joules of electrical energy into light and heat energy in one second  .           (we know    60 watt =60 j/s)    

            Unit -5            


Refraction of light :-The bending of light from its original path when passing from one medium to another medium is called refraction of light .

Causes of refraction

The change in  the velocity of light on going from one medium from another medium  is causes of refraction of light .for example :The velocity of light in air is 3×105m/s but when it passes into water  it change into 2.2×108 m/s  and in glass it change into 2× 108 m/s.

Denser and rarer medium :The medium in which the velocity of light is less or having more density   in comparison to given other medium  is called denser medium .For example : In comparison to air and glass ,glass is denser medium to that of air

The medium in the velocity of light is more or having less density in comparison to given medium is called rarer medium .For example air is rarer medium to that of glass .

Incident ray :The path of the ray of light in the first medium is called incident ray .

Point of incidence :-The point where an incident ray strike on another or second medium is called the of incidence .

Normal:-A line drawn perpendicular to the boundary surface between two media is called a normal .

Angle of incidence :-The angle which makes the incidence ray with the normal is called angle of incidence .

Refracted ray :-A ray of light which bends or deviates from its original path when passing second medium is called refracted ray .

Angle of refraction :-The angle which the refracted ray makes with the normal is called angle of refraction .


Laws of reflection of light :

1.)When the ray of light travel from rarer medium to denser medium ,it bends towards normal   or  i>r

2.)When the ray of light travel from denser medium to rarer medium, it bends away from the normal   or i<r

3.)The incident ray ,refracted ray and the normal line in the same plane and same point .

4.)The ratio of the sine angle of incidence(sine i) to  the sine angle of refraction(sine r) is a constant for a given pair of media  and this constant is called refractive index of the medium .It is also called Snell’s law .

Refractive index :- The ratio of the sine angle of incidence(sine i) to  the sine angle of refraction(sine r) is a constant for a given pair of media  and this constant is called refractive index of the medium. It is denoted by Mew ( μ ). For example : Refractive index of water is 1.33, air is 1 , ice is 1.31 .

Refractive index( μ  ) =  Sine i /Sine r
Refractive index   (μ )    =Speed of light in air or vaccum or air(c)/Speed of light at that medium(v)
Refractive index (μ  ) =1/sine ic
Or Refractive index (μ)   =Real depth /Apparent depth    

Factors affecting refractive index:
i)The nature of the medium
ii)The wave length or colour of light
iii)Physical condition i.e. density, temperature etc.  

Consequences of  refraction of light :
i)A star appear twinkling in the sky .
ii)A pond  appear shallow than its actual depth .
iii)An object placed in a denser medium when viewed from a rarer medium , appear to be at lesser depth .
iv)An object placed in a rarer medium hen viewed from a denser medium appear to be greater distance that of real distance .
v)A coin kept in vessel and not visible when seen from just below the edge of the vessel but can be 
seen from the same position when water is poured into the vessel .            

1.)Why does a pond appear shallow than its actual depth ?

Ans. The ray of light coming from the bottom of pond get refracted and bend away from the normal ,when refracted rays comes in our eyes give the apparent position of the bottom of pond , therefore the pond appear shallow than its actual  depth .

2.)A stick partially dipped in water seems to be bent ,Why ?


The ray of light coming from the  dipped portion of stick  get refracted and bends away from the normal , when refracted rays comes in our eyes give the apparent position of dipped portion of stick ,therefore stick partially dipped in water seems to be bent .

3.)A man standing in a pond sees a fish in the pond and tries to thrust a spear into it. he will succeed or not .Explain with reason .


He will not succeed , because the ray of light coming from the fish get refracted and bend away from the normal ,when refracted rays comes in our eyes give apparent  position of the fish .

Critical angle and  Total internal reflection :

                                              Fig. C

Critical angel :-The angle incidence in denser medium for which the angle of refraction in the rarer medium is 900  is called critical angle .It is denoted by i ..  
The value of critical angel is inversely proportional to the density medium .
Critical angle (ic ) = 1/density of medium(d)

The condition of critical angle :

i)The ray of light must passes from denser medium to rarer medium .
ii) Angle of refraction in rarer medium should be 900 .

Total internal reflectio of light:

When the ray of light travel from denser medium to rarer medium it bends away from the normal .If angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle then there is no reflection of light into the rarer medium and the rays are reflected  back into the denser medium or same medium .This phenomenon of reflection of light is known as total internal reflection of light .

Condition of total internal reflection of light :
i)The ray of light must passes from denser medium to rarer medium .
ii)Angle of incidence should be greater than critical angle .
Consequences of total reflection of light :-
i)Diamond sparkle with great brilliancy .
ii)During very hot weather mirage is observed on the hot desert of on the hot coal far road .
iii) Air bubbles shine inside water .

1.)Why does diamond sparkle with great brilliancy ?
Ans. The critical angle for diamond is 240 .When the ray of light inter into diamond they are incident always greater than that of critical .As result the ray of light undergoes total internal reflection multiple times due to this light comes out of diamond only at few points causing the emergent rays to be very bright ,Therefore diamond sparkle with great brilliancy .
2.)Air bubbles shine inside water ,why?
Ans. The critical angle of water is 490 .When the ray of light inter into air bubble they are incident always greater than that of critical angle .As result the of light undergoes total internal reflection ,due to this air bubble shine inside the water .

Mirage :-

The apparent image of water which is seen in pitched road or desert during hot sunny days is called mirage .It is an optical illusion which can be observed generally in hot desert coal tarred road ,when inverted image of distant object is seen along with object in the pitch road or desert during hot sunny days .It is  caused due total internal reflection of light in upward direction .

Light pipe :-

The  bending pipe  made up a bundle of optical or glass fibers through which light can pass in a curved line due to total reflection of light is called light pipe .It is used in endoscope. Doctors use the endoscope to examine internal part of our body i.e. food pipe ,stomach  etc.

Optical fiber :-A cylindrical wave made of transparent glass or plastic which pass light waves along its length by total internal reflection is  called optical fiber .It consist of 3 layers :
i)Core :-A place in the centre of fiber through which light travel is called core . 
ii)Cladding :- The outer optical materials that reflect the light back into the core is called cladding . 
iii)Coating :-The plastic buffer coating that protect the fiber is called coating .

Uses of optical fiber :-
i)It is used in long distance communication .
ii)It is used in military application i.e. aircraft ,ships, tanks etc.
iii)It is used in medical imaging i.e. endoscopes ,laproscopes etc.

Dispersion of light (White light ):-

The process splitting of whit light into seven colours of light on passing through a glass prism is called dispersion of light .These seven colours of light are i)Red ii)Orange iii)Yellow iv) Green  v) Blue vi) Indigo vii) and violet .The seven colours of light are also denoted by “ROYG BIV”.
In seven colours of light red colour have largest wave length highest velocity and lowest angle of deviation and violet colour have smallest wave length lowest velocity and largest angle of deviation .

Causes of dispersion of light :-The dispersion of light occurs due to the different in angle of deviation of different colours of light when passing through a glass  prism , because when the white light ray enters a denser medium the velocity of light decreases and the different colours of light bend by different angles.

1.)Refraction from a prism disperse light but refraction from a glass slab does not .Explain  with reason .
Ans. A prism is triangular in shape , so when seven colours consisting  white light are incident on first surface they are bent towards the base .Then when they passes from glass to air or from second surface refract further from base .This increase the angle between rays and separate from each other .Therefore prism disperse white light into different colours of light .
 But ,the glass slab is rectangular in shape or consist of two prism joined at the diagonally so the rays of light get dispersed in first prism and combine in second prism to form white light , so glass slab can not disperses white light.
2.)Rainbow is seen when it is raining and sun rays pass through it .Why ?
Ans. When the raining stops ,a large number of tiny droplets of water are in the atmosphere .The water droplets act as small prism .So when white light rays from the sun into the atmosphere ,they are dispersed by the tiny droplets of water into seven colours .The seven colours of light appears in the form of a band and a rainbow is formed in the sky .
3.)Sun seems to be red during sun set and sunrise ,why ?
Ans. During sun set and sunrise ,sun rays travel greater distance through the atmosphere .The blue colour ,due to its high scattering capacity get scattered away and cannot reach to eyes but red colour having very low scattering capacity and reach our eyes .Therefore the sun appears red during sun set and rise .
4.)What characteristics property of light is responsible for the blue colour of the sky ?
Ans. The light from sun has to travel a long distance of earth in atmosphere before reaching the earth .The light get scattered in different direction by air molecules present in its path. But  the blue colour due to its high scattering capacity get scattered the most .Therefore the sky appears in blue colours .

Electromagnetic wave :-The wave which are not affected by electric and magnetic field and do not need material medium for propagation are called electromagnetic wave .For example :i)Gamma ray ii)X ray    iii)Ultra violet radiation iv) Visible light  v)Infra red radiation  vii)Micro wave  viii)Radio wave .

Properties of electromagnetic wave :-
i)The speed of electromagnetic wave is 3×108 m/s in vacuum .
ii)They do not need medium for their propagation .
iii)The electromagnetic wave are produced by accelerated charge .
iv)In electromagnetic wave electric and magnetic field vectors are at right angle to each other and to the direction of propagation. So electromagnetic wave are transverse wave .
v)The electromagnetic being charge less are not deflected by electric and magnetic filed .
Description of electromagnetic wave:
i)Gamma ray
Sources : Radioactive  substances ,
Nature :Harmful
Properties :Causes of fluorescence, easily penetrate thick metallic sheet .It have shortest wave length and higher frequency .
Uses:-It is used in medicine to kill cancer cell.
ii)X –ray :-
Sources : X-ray machine
Nature : Harmful
Properties :Strongly effect  the photographic plate ,fluorescence effect, can penetrate through human body but they are stopped by bone .
Uses :It is used for the detection of fractures in bones ,teeth
iii)Ultra violet radiation :
Sources :Electric spark, mercury lamp, sun.
Nature: Harmful
Properties : effect the photographic plate ,fluorescence effect .
Uses :It is used for the detection of purity of gems ,eggs, ghee, help to produce vitamin D in food of plant and animals .
iv)Visible light :-
Sources :Sun, hot bodies ,flame  electric bulb.
Nature :Harmless
Properties :-effect on photographic plate , do not causes of fluorescence .The range of frequency of visible light is 5 ×1014 Hz to 8×1014 Hz and wave length is 4×10-7m to 7×10-7 m
Uses :It is used in photography ,heating effect, photosynthesis ,and see object .
v)Infra red radiation :
Sources :All heated bodies ,sun.
Nature : Harmless
Properties :Do not effect by photographic plate, absorbed by glass ,can penetrate in atmosphere during fog.
Uses: It is used for photography at night ,used as signal during fog ,used in remote control of television.
vi)Micro wave :
Sources :Produced by electric devices i.e crystal oscillators
Nature: Harmless
Properties :Reflected by metal surface and  pass through glass , plastic, atmosphere ,absorbed by water .
Uses : It is used in satellite communication .
vii)Radio wave :
Sources :Oscillating circuit .
Nature :Harmless
Properties :Travel at the speed of light .It have largest wave length and shortest frequency .
Uses :It used in radar communication and in television and radio transmission . 

Numerical problems
Refractive index (μ )=Sin i/Sin r
Refractive index(μ )=Speed of light in vaccum or air /Speed of light at that medium
Refractive index (μ)   =Real depth /Apparent depth
Refractive index (μ)= 1/Sin c

1.)The angle of incidence for a ray of light in air is 370 and the angle of refraction in glass is 240.calculate the refractive index of glass .
Given ,
Angle of incidence (i)= 370
Angle of refraction (r) =240
Refractive index(μ  ) =?
We know that
Refractive index(
μ )=Sin i  /Sin r
or              =37°/24°
or              =0.6/0.4     =1.5
Therefore refractive index of glass =1.5

2.)A ray of light travelling in air is incident in a medium .If the angle of incidence is 600 and angle of refraction in medium is 450 .What is the refractive index of the medium  (Ans. refractive index =1.22)
3.)A ray of light enters liquid medium at angle of incidence 450 and angle of refraction in liquid is 300 .Calculate the refractive index of liquid .( Ans.Refractive index =1.4)

4.)Light travel through water with a speed of 2.25 ×108 m/s.What is the refractive index of water .Given the speedf of light in vacuum is 3×108 m/s.
Ans.Given ,
Speed of light in vacuum (c)=3×108 m/s
Speed of light in water (v) =2.25 ×108 m/s
Refractive index (μ ) = ?
Now ,
We know that
Refractive index(μ) =c/v
Or           = 3 ×108  /2.25×10 =1.33
Therefore refractive of water =1.33

5.)The velocity of light in air is 3×108 m/s.What is the velocity of light when  it travels through glass ? Refractive index of the glass is 1.5 .(Ans. Velocity of light in glass =2×108 m/s )
6.)The refractive index of diamond is 2.42 .What is the speed of light in diamond  ?The velocity of light in air is 3×108 m/s. (Ans. The speed of light in diamond =1.24×108 m/s )
7.)The real depth of coin placed in a beaker is 10 m and it appears at the depth of 8m .Calculate the refractive index of water .
Given ,
Real depth =10m
Apparent depth =8m
Refractive index of water =?
We know that
Refractive index (μ
) =Real deapth /Apparent depth
  Or                 = 10 /8  = 1.25
Refractive index of water = 1.25
8.)Water in certain pond appear to be 2m deep .If the refractive index of water is 4/3 .Calculate the real depth of water ? ( Ans. Real depth of water =2.66m)

Unit : 6                   


Sound: A form of energy which is produced due to the vibration of a material of medium is known sound.

Source of sound:-An object that produced sound is called source of

Process of transmission of sound:-

Wave:-A periodic disturbance that carries energy away from an object through a medium during motion is called wave.
Types of wave:-There are two types waves:
1.Transverse wave
2.Longitudinal wave
1.Transverse wave :-A wave in which the particles of the medium vibrate up and down perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave is called transverse wave. For example: All electromagnetic  waves  are transverse wave i.e. :Infra red ,Gamma ray,  Ultra violet ray, light wave, wave on the surface of water.
Crest:-In transverse wave the maximum displacement of particle in the upward is crest.
Trough:-In transverse wave the maximum displacement of particle is called trough.
Wave length:-The distance between two trough or two crest is called wave length. Its S.I. unit is meter & denoted
Lymda  (ƛ

2.Longitudinal wave:-A wave in which the particles of the medium vibrate along the direction of propagation of the wave is called longitudinal wave .These waves are also called mechanical wave because they requires materials medium i.e.: solid, liquid, or gas for its propagation. For example: Sound wave, wave on stretched spring.
Compression:-In longitudinal wave the region in the space where the density of particles is high are called are called compression.
Rarefaction:-in longitudinal wave the region in the space where the density of particles is low are called rarefaction.
Wave length:-The distance between two successive compression or rarefaction is called wave length. Its S.I. unit is meter(m) &denoted by lymda(ƛ

Frequency:-The number of complete wave produced in per second is called frequency. Its S.I. unit hertz(Hz) & denoted by f.
Wave velocity or sound velocity :The distance travelled by the sound wave in per second is sound velocity. Its S.I. unit is m/s.
Sound velocity (v)=wave length (ƛ)×frequency(f)
Amplitude:-The maximum displacement of particles of the medium from its mean position is called amplitude. The wave of more amplitude has more energy and the wave of less amplitude has less energy.
Amplitude ∞ wave length.

Types of sound on the basis of frequency:-There are three types of sound.

1.Sub sonic or infrasonic sound:-The sound that have frequency less than 20 Hz is called infrasonic sound. This sound is not audible  to normal human ear but audible for animals. For example: The sound produce by earthquake ,volcano eruption, whale and elephant.
2.Audible sound:-The sound that have frequency between 20Hz to 20kHz is called audible sound. This sound is audible for normal human ear. For example :The sound produced by human vocal ,radio.
3.Ultra sound:-The sound that have frequency more than 20Khz is called ultra sound. This sound is not audible for normal human ear but audible for animals. For example: The sound produced by Bat ,Dog, Rat, Cat.

Uses of ultra sound:-

1.It is used by doctor to determine stones, Brain tumor etc ,in human body.
2.It is also used to study the healthy condition and posture of embryo in condition of pregnancy.
3.It is used in faithometer or SONAR to measure the depth of sea or ocean.

Reflection of sound:-When the sound wave produced

from a source propagate through a medium and strike to
surface i.e. wall ,rocks. hill.etc then return and go back  to the same medium is called reflection of sound. The application of reflection of sound  is  Eco, reverberation.

Eco:-The repetition of sound due to reflection of sound

from a surface i.e. wall, hill, forest etc is called reflection of sound.. For example :The sound produced by Hill, Wall ,Forest.
Conditions necessary for the Eco:

1.The source of sound and surface of reflection should be required.
2.The distance between source of sound and surface of reflection must be more than 17 m.
Reverberation:-The prolongation of sound due to mixing of several reflected sound and original sound is called reverberation. For example: The sound produced by hall, cinema hall, musical studio etc.

Conditions necessary for reverberation:
1.The source of sound and surface of reflection should be required.
2.The distance between source of sound and surface of reflection must be less than 17 m.

Intensity of sound:-The amount of sound energy carried by sound wave per unit area per unit time is called intensity of sound. Its S.I. unit is decibel (db).The sound wave having intensity up to 80 db is the safe limit of sound but having more than 120 db is harmful for our ear and our body.

Factors affecting intensity of sound:
1.Amplitude: Intensity ∞ amplitude
2.Distance of listener from the source:Intensity∞1/Distance  of listener from the source.
3.Density of medium: Intensity sound ∞density of medium.
4.Area o vibration of surface: intensity of sound ∞ area of vibration.
5.Frequency of sound: Intensity of sound ∞frequency of sound.

Pitch of sound:-The sharpness of sound is known as pitch of sound. It differs according to the frequency of sound. It can not be measured but can be felt.

Noise:-The sound which produces unpleasant effect on listeners is called a noise.
Noise pollution:-Any unwanted sound at a wrong place at a wrong time is called noise pollution.
Or the mixing of unwanted sound to the environment is called noise pollution.

Effects of noise pollution:-
1.It causes of annoyance(irritation)
2.It increase blood pressure in human being.
3.It increase nerve disorder and headache.
4.It produces unnecessary mental stress.
Control measure of noise pollution:-
1.It can be controlled by minimize running loudspeaker, radio,& other musical instruments system.
2.It can be controlled by using silencers with automobiles and machines.
3.It can be controlled by banning the air horns.
4.The level of noise pollution can be reduced by plantation along the road side.

Relation between velocity ,wave length ,and frequency
We know that
 wave length ‘  ƛ’  is the distance travelled by a wave when a particles of the medium complete one  vibration
The particle takes time T equal to time period to complete one vibration
Let V be the velocity of wave
  = Distance travelled by the wave(ƛ )  /time taken(T)
Therefore ,      V=ƛ/T                 (but   f= 1/T)
Now ,       V = ƛ ×f
Or        velocity sound   = wave length × frequency 

Numerical problems
Velocity or speed  of sound (v)= wave length (ƛ) × frequency (f)
Frequency (f)= 1/T

1.)If a radio station transmit at 219 m wave length and 1370 KHz, calculate the velocity of waves .
Given ,
Wave length (ƛ) = 219 m
Frequency (f) =1370 KHz  = 1370 ×1000 = 1370000 Hz
Wave velocity (v)=?
We know that
Velocity of sound (V)= ƛ× f
Or  v  = 219×1370000
Or   = 300030000 m/S
؞  velocity of wave (V) =3.00 ×10 8  m/s

2. What are the shortest and the longest wave length of the sound that the human ears can hear ? Speed of sound in air is 330 m/s and the audible range of frequency is 20 Hz to 20 KHz .
Given ,
Lower frequency (fL) =20 Hz
Upper frequency (fu) 20 KHz   =20×1000    =20000Hz
Speed of sound (v) = 330 m/s
We know that
Velocity of sound (v) = ƛ × f
                   Or      ƛ= v/fS
       Or        ƛL    =330/ 20   =16.5 m
Therefore  the  longest  wave  length  of audible sound (ƛL) =16.5 m
Again ,
 We known that ,the shortest wave length of audible sound (ƛs) =V/fL
 Or            ƛS    = V /fL
  Or     ƛS    = 330 /20000
Or       ƛs    =0.0165 m
Therefore ,the shortest wave length of audible sound (ƛs) =0.0165 m

3.The frequency of sound wave is 200 Hz .What is its time period ?
Given ,
 frequency of sound (f) = 200 Hz
Time period (T)  =?
We know that
Time period (T) = 1/f
Or   T = 1/ 200  = 0.005
Therefore , time period (T) = 0.005 sec

4.A boy hears an echo of his own voice from a distant hill after 1 s .The speed of sound is 340 m/s  .What is the distance of hill from the boy ?
Given ,
 Speed of sound (v)= 340 m/s
Time taken of hearing echo (t)= 1 s/2 =0.5  sec
Distance of the hill from the boy (d) =?
We know that
V= d /t
Or distance (d) = v × t
Or d    = 340 ×0.5  = 170
The distance of boy from the hill (d) = 170 m

5.A source of wave produces 20 crest and 20 troughs in 0.2s .Find the frequency of the wave .
Given ,
We know that
 A  complete wave  consist of a crest and a trough
  ؞ 20 crest and 20 trough   = 20 waves
Now,  20  completes wave produces  in  = 0.2ses
؞ 1 complete wave produces = 0.2/20    = 0.01  sec
Now Time period (T)  = 0.01 sec
Again, we know that  
  Frequency (f)  =1/T

Or  f  =   1 /0.01   = 100 Hz
Therefore frequency of wave (f) = 100 Hz

Unit :- 7 (seven )

                  Current electricity and Magnetism

Types of electricity :  They are 2 types :
1.Static or fractional charge or electricity : The charge or electricity developing by rubbing one substance on another substance is called static or fractional electricity .

2.Current electricity :The rate of charge through conductor is called electricity .
Or The flow of electrons through a conductor per unit time is called current electricity .Its S.I. unit is Ampere and measured by Ammeter
Electric current (I)=Amount of charge (Q)/Time(t)

1Ampere =1 coulomb /sec
1 coulomb = 6 x 1018  electrons 
1 ampere = 1000  milli ampere (mA)
1 Ampere =1000000 micro ampere (  )
1 milli ampere = 1000 micro ampere ( A)
1kilo ampere(kA) =1000 A
1mega Ampere = 1000000 A
One ampere current :When one coulomb charge( 6x1018 electrons)  flow through a conductor in one second  then current flow the conductor is called one ampere current .
One ampere = 1columb/1second  = 1C/s or 1A 

Hydroelectricity :The electricity generated by rotating turbine with help of water is called hydro-electricity .In hydro-electricity there  will be no substance that is ejected to the air and causes of pollution ,So hydro- electricity is called pollution electricity .

Electric circuit :A conducting path made by connecting electric source ,load , and switch with conducting wire is called electric circuit .

Types of electric circuit :They are two types :

i.)Closed circuit :The circuit in which the  loads are  functioning due to continuous flow of current through the circuit is called closed circuit .
ii.)Open circuit :The circuit in which the loads are not functioning due to switch off ,broken of wire or the fuse is gone off  is known as open circuit 

.Symbol of some electric appliances :

Conductor :The substance through which electricity can flow easily are called conductor. For example :Aluminum, Copper , Iron, etc.

Insulator :The substance through which current electricity can not pass are called insulator or non conductors .For example :Plastic, dry wood , dry air Rubber etc.

Conventional current :The old direction of current from +positive to –Negative terminal of cell or circuit is called conventional current .The conventional current direction is traditionally accepted .It is still used in circuit diagram .

Direction of real current :The actual flow of electrons from negative terminal  to positive terminal of cell or circuit is called real direction of current ,but conventional current direction is still used in circuit diagram .

Ammeter : A instrument which is used to measure current in a circuit is called Ammeter .It is always connected in series with resistance in the circuit, because an ammeter is a very low resistance device and total current flowing in the circuit should be passed through it 
Voltmeter :A instrument which is used to measure potential differences or electromotive force of the electric circuit is called voltmeter .It is always connected in parallel with resistance in the circuit in such way that its positive terminal is connected to the positive and negative terminal is connected to its negative terminal of electric sources because a voltmeter is a very high resistance device so when it is connected parallel with load the net resistance of the circuit does not change . 

Potential difference (P.d.):The work done against  the electrical field while flowing a unit of charge from lower potential to higher potential is called potential difference .It S.I. unit is volt .It is a measurement of work done  in taking a unit  charge  from one point to another point .It is measured in closed circuit .P.d. is always less than that of electromotive force .
 Potential difference (p.d.)=Work done (w)/Quantity of charge(Q)

Electromotive force (E.m.f.) : The total amount of energy supplied by the cell to make the flow of  unit charge in an electric circuit is called electromotive force (E.m.f.) .Its S.I. unit is also volt .It help to measure the total amount of energy supplied by electric source to carry a unit of charge through a circuit .It is measured in open circuit .E.m.f is more than that of p.d .because because every cell has internal resistance as well as conductor so some portion of energy  provided by the e.m.f  is wasted to overcome .

Resistance :The property of conductor i.e. wire by which the conductor oppose the flow of current through it is called resistance .Its Symbol is R and its S. I. unit is oham (Ω  )

Resistor :The substance that oppose the flow of current through it is known as resistor .For example :Nichrome, Tungesten , manganin etc.
Types of conductor: On the basis of nature of conductor they are 3 types .

i)Good conductor :The substance that have high concentration of free electrons are called good conductor of electricity  .They have very less resistance  .For example :Copper ,Aluminum, Lead ,Silver etc.
ii)Semi conductor or resistor : The substance that have low concentration of free electrons are called semi conductor of electricity . . They have resistance For example : Nichrome, Tungesten , manganin etc.
iii)Insulator or bad conductor of electricity :The substance that have negligible concentration of free electrons are called insulator of electricity .They have very high resistance .For example: Rubber , wood , Plastics etc.
Factors affecting the resistance of conductors :
i)Nature of conductors :Different substance have different concentration of free electrons, so resistance of conductors depends on the nature of conductor .For example
a)Good conductor have very less resistance i.e . Copper ,Aluminum ,
b)Semi conductors have more resistance i.e. Nichrome, tungsten
c) Insulators have very high resistance i.e. Rubber ,Plastics
ii) Length of conductors :Resistance of conductors is directly proportional to the length of conductors .  R  l
ii)Thick of  conductor :Resistance of conductors is inversely proportional to the thickness of the conductors .    R∝   1/A
iv)Temperature of conductors :Resistance of conductors is directly proportional the temperature of the conductors . i.e   R∝ Temperature
v)The resistance of conductors also depend upon the shape and size of conductor .For example In straight wire and coil wire coil wire have more resistance.

Oham’s law :  Oham’s law state that at constant temperature ,the current( I) flowing through the conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference(V) across its ends . i.e.
      V∝ I 
Or V =R I (Where R is resistance )
 ؞ V = R I proved        
Where V= potential difference  ,R= Resistance , I = Electric current .

The resistance of conductor  is numerically equal to the potential difference across its ends when unit of current flows through it .
Or   It   I = 1       then V  = R
One Oham’s  resistance : When a potential difference of 1 volt is applied across the ends of the conductor due flow of one 1 ampere current ,then resistance is called one Oham’s 

1oham =1volt/1ampere

Experiments  :

Result of experimental verification of Oham’s  law

N. of cell

Reading of voltmeter (p.d)

Reading of Ammeter


















Resistor :The substance which oppose the flow of current through it is called resistor .for example :Nichrome ,Tungsten
Combination or connection of resistor :They are connected by two ways:
I.)Series combination of resistor or load :The combination of resistor in which resistors are joined end to end in such way that same current passes through each of them is called series connection of resistor .
Total resistance (T)= R1+R2+R3+…………Rn

ii.)Parallel combination of resistor or load :The connection  of  resistor in which each resistor are joined across same potential difference is called parallel connection of resistor .
Total resistance (1/R) =1/R1 +1/R2 +1/R3 ………1/Rn

Electric power : The rate of doing work of  electrical device at which it convert electrical energy into other form of energy is called electrical power .Its S.I. unit is watt .

Electric power (P)= Current (I) x Voltage (V)

Or        P =        Ix V

Magnet : The substance  which has ability to attract magnetic substance towards its is called magnet 

Types of magnet : They are 2 types :
1.Natural magnet : Naturally produced magnet are called natural magnet .For example : Lodstone ,Magnetites  etc.

2. Artificial magnet :Man made magnet are called artificial magnet . For example : Bar magnet
Magnetic substance :The substance which are attracted by magnet  are called magnetic substance .For example :Iron (Soft magnetic substance ),cobalt , Nickel etc.
Properties of magnet :
i.)If a magnet is freely suspended ,it always points in North (N)  and south (S) direction .

ii.)Like poles of magnet are repel eachother and unlike poles of magnet attract each other.

iii.)A magnet has two poles i.e N and S poles .
iv) A magnetic materials gets magnetized due to presence of a magnet is called magnetic induction .

Magnetism :The property of magnet due which it attract magnetic substance is called magnetism .
Magnetic field : The space around a magnet up to which it can attract or influences the magnet substance is called  magnetic field .
Magnetic lines of force: The curved lines of force are originated  from N pole and terminate at S pole are called magnetic lines of force .

Properties of magnetic lines :
i.)They start from N- pole and end on S- pole of magnet .
ii.) They never intersect each other .
iii) They are closed and continuous curve .

Terrestrial magnetism : The magnetic properties of earth is terrestrial magnetism .

Magnetic poles of earth : The place of earth where the freely suspended magnet needle become exactly vertical  that place of earth is called magnetic poles of earth .For example : The magnetic south pole is situated  in the northern part of Canada and the magnetic north pole is situated at south Victoria land or in the corner of Antarctica .
Factors that prove that  earth is terrestrial magnet : Due to following properties of earth .It is called a terrestrial  magnet :
i.)Freely suspended bar magnet always points north and south direction of earth  at earth .
ii.)Presence of magnetic properties in iron ores .
iii.)  Formation of  angle of dip and angle of dip and angle of declination .
iv)Formation of Neutral point in the magnetic field of bar magnet . 

Geographical axis : A straight line passing through the geographical poles of earth is called geographical axis or polar axis .
Geographical meridian : The vertical plane passing through  the north and south poles of earth of any given place on the surface of earth is called geographical meridian .
Geographical equator :An imaginary line round the earth surface which is located at equal distance from geographical poles is called geographical equator .
Magnetics axis  : A straight line passing through the magnetic poles of earth is called magnetic axis .It is inclined to geographical axis nearly at angle of 170 .
Magnetic meridian :The plane passing through the north and south magnetic poles of earth of any given place on the surface of earth is called magnetic meridian .
Magnetic equator :
An imaginary line round the earth surface which is located at equal distance from the magnetic poles is called magnetic equator .

Neutral point:The point around a bar magnet  where the magnetic field due to earth’s magnet and the magnetic field due to  bar magnet are equal and opposite so effect of one will cancel another and gives the result zero ,such  point in a magnetic is called  a neutral point . When a magnetic compass needle is placed at the at the neutral point .It can not show any direction .

Angle of declination :The angle made by intersection of the line joining the magnetic north –south and the line joining the geographical north –south at a place is called the angle of declination of that place. Its maximum value is less than 900 and minimum value is 00 .and in Kathmandu is 22.It is measured by magnetic compass
There is single value of angle of angle of declination at a fixed place ,so the value of angle of declination gives the position of the that place .Therefore
i.)It is used in finding the direction when travelling in ocean in ship .
ii.)It is used in finding the direction when  travelling  in Aero planes in night .

1.)Angle of declination in Kathmandu valley is 220 E. What does it mean ?
Ans. It means that the north pole of a horizontal compass needle will point 220 east to the geographical north and  south direction .
Dip Needle :A compass needle placed vertically to rotate freely in the direction of north and south plane is called dip Needle .

Angle of dip or inclination :
The angle made by the dip needle or by the direction of the earth’s magnetic field at particular place with the horizontal surface of the earth is called dip at that place . It is measured dip circle .The value of angle of dip at equator is 00 and poles is 900 and Kathmandu is 420 .
The value of angle of dip change from place to place because  the direction of resultant magnetic intensity is different at different place on the earth surface .
1.)Why the value of  angle of dip is zero at equator ?
Ans. The effect of the earth’s magnetic north pole and south pole are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction in equator therefore the value of angle of dip is zero at equator .
2.)Why the value of angle dip is 900 at poles ?
Ans. The attraction effect of south magnetic pole of earth is zero at north magnetic pole and attraction effect of north magnetic pole of earth is zero at south magnetic pole of earth as result dip needle set perpendicular to the horizontal  axis and makes 90 0at pole therefore the angle of dip is 900 at poles .




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