Biology grade -10 (New Course)

                                  Biology /Grade  -10 (New Course)


               Unit -2   Classification of Living being

Classification :The process of grouping  of the living being into various groups and sub groups on the basis of similar and dissimilar characteristics is called classification .
Importance of classification :
i)It makes the study of plants and animals easier ,scientific and systematic .
ii)It help the understand the relation between various group of plants and animals .
iv)It gives the ideas about the evolution of plants and animals .
v)It help to brings uniformity in the  study of living organism all over the world .
Nomenclature :The system of providing scientific name to all the  living organism is called nomenclature .
Binomial system of nomenclature :The naming of each organism by two words a generic name and specific name is known as binomial system of nomenclature .For example :scientific name of human being is Homo sapiens ,where Home is the name of the genus and sapiens is the name of species .
Genus :A genus is the closely related species .For example :All true cats like lion ,tiger,and domestic cats are kept in the genus Panthera or Felis .
Species : The closely related organisms having almost similar characteristics ,and can interbreed freely and produce  healthy offspring is called species. For example : All types of human being through out the world are kept in
same species i.e. sapiens
Scientific name of some common organism
Common name                               Scientific name
1.Pea plant                           Pisum satvum
2.Onion                                 Alium  cepia
3.Mango                               Mangifera indica
4.Wheat                                Triticum astivum
5.Mustard                              Brassica compestris
6.Sun flower                        Helianthus annus
7.Rice                                     Oryza sativa
8.Orange                              Citrus sinensis
9.Maze                                  Zea mays
10. Potato                            Solanum  tuberosum
11. Tiger                               Panthera Tigris 
12Horse                                Equus caballus
13. Buffalow                          Babalus bubalis
14. Cat                                   Felis domesticus
15. Cobra                             Naja naja
16. Lion                                 Panthera leo
17. Dog                                Canis lupus
18. Cow                             Bos taurus

 Two system of classification of organism :Carolous Linnaeus divided living organism into two kingdom i.e. 1)Plant kingdom   2.)Animal kingdom .This is known as two system of classification of organism .It is  also called oldest system of classification .
Drawbacks of two system of classification of organism :
i)Prokaryotes and eukaryotes are put together .
ii)Green and non green plant are put together .
iii) Bacteria could not be classified as plants or animals in two system of classification .
Five system of classification of organisms : American scientist Robert H. Whitaker divided living organism into five into five kingdom .This is known as five system of classification .It is also regarded as best and widely accepted classification of system .
Advantages of five system of classification of organisms :
i)Eukaryotes and prokaryotes are kept separately .
ii)The unicellular and multi cellular are kept separately .
iii) The green and non green plants are kept separately .
A.) Kingdom Monera
B.) Kingdom Protista
C.)  Kingdom Fungi
D.)  Kingdom plantae
E.) Kingdom animalia
D-Kingdom –Plantae

1.)Division –Algae
Characteristics :
i)They are green autotrophic due to presence of chlorophyll .
ii)They are mostly aquatic .
iii)They store food in the form starch .
iv)They are unicellular or multi-cellular.
v)They have cell wall made of from cellulose .
For example :Spirogyra, volvox, chalmydomonas ,ulothrix, etc .                    
                                                                                                                  Fig. Spyrogyra
      2.)Division :Bryophyta
Characteristics :
i)They are multi cellular plants .
ii)They mostly grow in moist and shady places .
iii)They are green autotrophic due to presence of chlorophyll.
iv)They requires water for fertilization so also called amphibian plants .
v)They show alternation of generation in their life cycle i.e. saprophyte  and gametophyte .
vi)They are green autotrophic due to presence of chlorophyll .
For example :Moss , liver worts , marchantia ,riccia,  etc.
                                                                                                                Fig.  Riccia
   Division :Trachaeophyta
Characteristics :
i) They are green autotrophic due to presence of
chlorophyll .
ii)They have vascular tissues i.e. xylem and phloem.
iii)The plant body is well develop.i.e. differentiae into root stem and leaf .
iv)They are mostly terrestrial .
v)The division trachaeophyta is divided into three sub-division :i)Pteridophyta   ii)Gymnosperm  iii)Angiosperm
1.)Sub-division :Pteridophyta
Characteristics :
i) They are green autotrophic due to presence of
chlorophyll .
ii)They have vascular tissues i.e. xylem and phloem.
iii)The plant body is well develop.i.e. differentiae into root stem and leaf .
iv)They mostly grow in moist ,shady, and cool places .
For example :Fern ,Lycopodium ,horsetail, selaginella etc.
                Fig. Fern                                                                             Fig. Horse  tail

2.)Sub –division :Gymnosperm
 Characteristics :
i)Plants are commonly trees or shrubs .
ii)They are cone bearing plants .
iii)They have naked seeds, which are  not enclosed in fruits .
iv)Leaves are long or needle shaped .
v)They have unisexual  flower .
vi) They have vascular tissues i.e. xylem and phloem.
For example :Cycas ,pinus etc. 
                          Fig. Pinus                                                                            Fig. Cycus
 3.)Sub division –Angiosperm
Characteristics :
i)They are found in water and land.
ii) They have vascular tissues i.e. xylem and phloem.
iii)They have well develop flower and fruit .
iv)The seeds are enclosed inside fruits .
v)They have unisexual bisexual flower .
vi)The sub division angiosperm on basis of present of cotyledon on their seeds  is also divided into two classes :a)Monocotyledon   b)Di cotyledon
a)Class -Mono cotyledon: The plants which contains only one cotyledon in their seeds are called monocotyledon plants .  
Characteristics :
i)They have only one cotyledon in their seeds .
ii)They have adventitious or fibrous root system.
iii)They have parallel venation in their leaves  .
iv)Vascular  bundles re scattered in the stem .
v) They are usually non-woody plants.
For example :wheat ,barley, bamboo, sugarcane ,onion, garlic etc.                    

                           Fig .  Showing monocotyledon  roots and seed
b) Class –Di cotyledon: The plants which contains two cotyledon in their seeds are called Di cotyledon plants .
Characteristics :
i)They have two cotyledon in their seeds .
ii)They have tap root system .
iii)They have reticulate venation in their seeds .
iv)Vascular bundles are arranged in a ring structure around the stem .
v) They are usually woody plants
For examples :Pea, gram, bean, orange, mustard etc.
                                      Fig. Showing dicotyledon root, seed, and leaf

B.)Sub Kingdom-Vertebrate

A.)Sub kingdom-Invertebrate:The animal which does not contains vertebral column is called invertebrate .Invertebrates are divided into 8 phylum :
1.)Porifera :
Characteristics :
i)They are aquatic ,mostly marine.
ii)They do not move from one place to another place ,so they are called sessile.
iii)They bears numerous pores to their body i.e. small pores are called ostia, and large pores are called osculum. Water enters to their body through ostia and leaves through osculum.
iv)They are simplest, multicellular, diploblastic i.e. body consist of 2 layers i)ectoderm ii)endoderm.
v)They are hermaphrodite i.e body bears both male and female sex.
For example : Sycon, spongilla, sponge .


              Fig. Sycon                                                                    Fig .Spongila

2.)Coelenterata :
Characteristics :
i)They are aquatic ,mostly marine.
ii)They have hollow internal cavity is called coelenterons.
iii)They are multi cellular and diploblastic .
iv)Tentacles are present in the mouth that help to capture the prey.
v)They are unisexual or bisexual .
For example :Hydra, Jelly fish, sea anemone, corals .


                  Fig. Hydra                                                         Fig. Jelly fish 

3.)Phylum-Platyhelminthes :
Characteristics :
i)They are mostly parasite .
ii)They are dorso-ventrally flattened like leaf, so also called flat worm
iii)They are triploblastic i.e. body contains three layers  i)ectoderm ii)mesoderm iii)endoderm
iv)The body is bilaterally symmetrical
v)The mouth is surrounded by hooks that help to attachment with host and consist of sucker to absorb blood from host.
vi)They are hermaphrodite  .
For example :Tape worm ,Planeria, Liver fluke etc.   


                  Fig. Hydra                                                         Fig. Jelly fish                  


                                                     Fig .     Planaria

4.)Nemathelminthes :
Characteristics :
i)They are mostly parasite .
ii)The body is cylindrical ,elongated ,and unsegmented .
iii)The body is bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic .
iv)They are unisexual .
For example :Round worm, Hookworm etc.


             Fig. Hook worm                                Fig .Round worm

5.)Phylum –Annelida
Characteristics :
i)They are mostly aquatic and moist place.
ii)They are cylindrical ,elongated and segmented .
iii)They are hermaphrodite .
iv)The body is triploblastic and bialaterally symmetrical .
For example :Leech, Earthworm, Nereis etc.


                Fig.  Leech                                             Fig. Earth worm

i)They are found in air water and land everywhere .It is also called largest phylum of invertebrate .
ii)The body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen but in some head and thorax are fused to form cephalothorax .
iii) The body is triploblastic and bialaterally symmetrical .
iv)The body consist of joint legs .
v)They are unisexual .
vi) The phylum arthropoda is also divided into 4 classes :
For example :Butterfly, Mosquito,Crab, Scorpion etc.
Characteristics :
i)They have 5 pairs of legs .
ii)The body is divided into cephalothorax and abdomen .
iii)The head bears two pairs of antennae .
iv)Respiration takes place by gills .
For example :Crab, Prawn etc.

                                                         Fig. Prawn

b)Class –Insecta
Characteristics :
i)They have 3 pairs of legs .
ii)Body is divided into head ,thorax and abdomen .
iii)The head bears one pairs of antennae .
iv)Respiration takes place by trachea .
For example .;Mosquito, House fly, Cockroach etc.

                                        Fig .House fly

c)Class –Arachnida
Characteristics :
i)They have 4 pairs of legs .
ii)The body is divided into cephalothorax and abdomen  .
iii)The bears one pairs of legs .
iv)Respiration takes place by trachea .
For example :Spider, Scorpion ,Mite etc.

                                   Fig. Spider

d)Class -Myriapoda
Characteristics :
i)They have many pairs of legs.
ii)The body divided into head and trunks .
iii)The bears one pairs of antennae .
iv)Respiration takes place by trachea .
For example :Centipede ,Millipede etc.

Characteristics :
i)They are mostly found in aquatic and damp place. It is also called second largest phylum of invertebrate .
ii)The body is soft ,unsegmented ,and covered with hard shell called calcareous shell .
iii)The body is triploblastic ,and bialaterally symmetrical .
iv)Respiration takes place by gills or lungs .
For example :Pila ,Slug, Octopus ,Snail  etc.


                          Fig. Octopus                                                    Fig. Pila  

8.)Phylum –Echinodermata
Characteristics :
i)They are mostly found in marine .
ii)The body are provided with numerous spines.
iii) The locomotion takes place by tube feet .
iv)They are unisexual .
v)Respiration takes place by gills ,respiratory trees .
For example : Starfish  ,Sea urchin, Sea cucumber, sea lily etc.

B)Sub kingdom :-Vertebrate :It consist of phylum chordate
Phylum : Chordata
Characteristics :i)They possess an unsegmented elastic rod like structure called notochord in  the dorsal axis of the body .
ii)They have red blood due presence of hemoglobin in RBCs.
iii)Reproduction takes place only by sexual method .
iv) It is also further classified into four sub phylum :
1)Hemichordata                 ii)Urochordata 
iii)Cephalochordata          iv) Vertebrata

Sub Phylum :Vertebrata
Characteristics :
i)They vertebral column in their body .
ii)The brain lodged into a box i.e. cranium.
iii)The endoskeleton is made up from bone or cartilage .
iv)All vertebrate have a heart and a closed circulatory system .
v)They may be cold blooded or  worm blooded .
vi) They are oviparous or viviparous .
vii) it is also further divided into 5 classes :
1)Pisces                    2) Amphibia    
3)Reptilia                 4) Aves 
1)Class : Pisces
Characteristics :
i)They have streamline bodies adopted for aquatic life.
ii)Endoskeleton is made up from bone .
iii)Body is covered with scales and respire with gills .
iv)They have fins for locomotion .
v)They have 2 chambered heart .
vi)They are cold blooded ,oviparous ,and fertilization is external .
For example :All types of fishes i.e. rohu, Sea horse, Flying  


2)Class : Amphibia
i)They live in both land and water ,so also called amphibian.
ii)They have thin moist and smooth skin .
iii)Body is divided into head and trunk .
iv)They have 2 chambered heart .
v)They are cold blooded ,oviparous ,and fertilization is external .
v)They respires through skin and lungs .
For example : Toad ,Hyla( tree frog) ,Frog , salamander etc.


3)Class : Reptilia

i)They are mostly terrestrial and some are aquatics .
ii)body is dry and covered with scales .
iii)They are creeping animal .
iv)They have 3 chambered heart  .
v)They are cold blooded ,oviparous and fertilization is internal .
vi)The body is divided into head ,neck trunk and tail .
For example :Wall lizard , garden lizard , turtle , snake ,squirrel  crocodiles etc.


4)Class :Aves
i)The body is covered with feathers .
ii)The body is divided into head ,neck trunk and tail .
iii)They are worm blooded ,oviparous and fertilization is internal .
iv)They have 4 chambered heart .
v)They have 2 pairs of limbs .The fore limbs are modified into wing and hind limb into wings .
For example :All birds i.e. Parrot ,Pigion, danphe  etc.


5.)  Class :Mammalia
i)They are adopted in all habitat .i.e. land, water and air .
ii)The body is divided into head ,neck ,trunk and tail .
iii)The body is covered with hair .
iv)They have mammary glands .
v)They have 4 chambered heart .
vi)They are worm blooded ,viviparous and fertilization is internal .
For example : Man , Whale , bat ,Rabbit, cow etc.


1.)Classify the following animals with a suitable characteristics :
Kindom :Plantae
Division :Algae
Example: Chlamydomonas
Characteristics :
i)They are mostly aquatic .
Division: Bryophyta
Example :Marchantia
i)They are green autotrophic due to presence of chlorophyll.
Division : Trachaephyta
Sub-division :Pteridophyta
Example: Fern
i)They have vascular tissues i.e. Xylem and Phloem
4) Pinus
Kingdom: Plantae
Division :  Trachaephyta
Sub-division: Gymnosperm
Example: Pinus
i)They have naked seed ,which are not enclosed in fruit .
Kingdom :Plantae
Division: Trachaephyta
Sub- division :Gymnosperm
Class : Di cotyledon
Example :Mango
i)They have only two cotyledon in seed .
Kingdom :Plantae
 Division: Trachaephyta
Sub-division : Gymnosperm
Class :Monocotyledon
Example: Rice
i)They have fibrous root .
2.)Classify the following animal with one suitable characteristics .
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum :Porifera
Example: Sponge
i)They are mostly marine  .
Kingdom :plantae
Phylum : Coelenterata
Example : Hydra
i)Tentacles are present in the mouth .
Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum :Annelida
Example :Eartworm
i)They are hermaphrodite .
Phylum: Echinodermata
Example :Starfish
i)They are mostly marine .
5.)Sea horse
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Sub- phylum :Vertebrata
Class : Pisces
Characteristics :They respire with gills .
Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum :Chordata
Sub-phylum: Vertebrata
Class: Amphibia
Example :Frog
i)They live in both land and water .
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Sub-Phylum: Vertebrata
Class :Mammalia
Example :Man
i)They respire with lungs .
Class :Insecta
Example :Mosquito

Relation between classification and Evolution :
Classification is the process of grouping organisms together based on their shared  physical features, such as the number of legs or the presence of fur, or on behavioral features, way they reproduce or the type of food they eat.
Evolution is the process by which populations of organisms change over time. This can happen through natural selection, which is the process by which organisms with traits that are better suited to their environment  to survive and reproduce, passing on their genes to the next generation.
These  two concepts are closely related because classification can be used to track the evolutionary relationships between different groups of organisms. For example, all mammals share certain characteristics, such as fur, mammary glands, and the ability to give birth to live young. This suggests that all mammals evolved from a common ancestor.
Here are some examples of how classification can be used to understand evolutionary relationships using the 5 kingdom classification system:
1.Kingdom Monera includes all prokaryotic organisms, which are organisms that do not have a nucleus in their cells. they are thought to have been the first organisms to evolve on Earth.
2.Kingdom Protista includes all unicellular eukaryotes, which are organisms that have a nucleus in their cells but are not multicellular.
3.Kingdom Fungi includes all organisms that are neither plants nor animals. Fungi are heterotrophs, which means that they get their food from other organisms.
4.Kingdom Plantae includes all multicellular eukaryotes that are photosynthetic, which means that they can make their own food using sunlight.
5.Kingdom Animalia includes all multicellular eukaryotes that are heterotrophs and do not have cell walls.

Questions for Practise

A.Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the phylum of animals commonly referred to as sponges?
a) Porifera                           b) Cnidaria
c) Nematoda                        d) Mollusca
2. What is the phylum of animals commonly referred to as jellyfish and corals?
a) Porifera                            b) Cnidaria
c) Nematoda                         d) Mollusca
3. What is the phylum of animals commonly referred to as roundworms?
a) Porifera                             b) Cnidaria
c) Nematoda                          d) Mollusca
4. What is the phylum of animals commonly referred to as segmented worms?
a) Annelida                              b) Mollusca
c) Echinodermata                    d) Chordata
5. What is the phylum of animals commonly referred to as insects, spiders, and crustaceans?
a) Porifera                                b) Cnidaria
c) Nematoda                             d) Arthropoda
6. What is the phylum of animals commonly referred to as starfish and sea urchins?
a) Echinodermata                    b) Mollusca
c) Annelida                              d) Chordata
7. What is the phylum of animals with a notochord at some point in their development?
a) Mollusca                                      b) Chordata
c) Echinodermata                             d) Arthropoda
8. Which class of Chordata includes animals that have a bony skeleton and gills for breathing?
a) Pisces                                           b) Amphibia
c) Reptilia                                        d) Mammalia
9. Which class of Chordata includes animals that are able to live both on land and in water?
a) Pisces                                           b) Amphibia
c) Reptilia                                         d) Mammalia
10. Which class of Chordata includes animals that have feathers and wings for flight?
a) Pisces                                             b) Amphibia
c) Aves                                               d) Mammalia
11. Which class of Chordata includes animals that have hair or fur, and produce milk to feed their young?
a) Pisces                                       b) Amphibia
c) Reptilia                                     d) Mammalia
12. What is the phylum of animals that have a well-defined head with a brain and a complete digestive system?
a) Annelida                                     b) Mollusca
c) Echinodermata                           d) Nematoda
13. What is the phylum of animals that have jointed appendages and an exoskeleton made of chitin?
a) Porifera                                       b) Cnidaria
c) Nematoda                                   d) Arthropoda
14. What is the phylum of animals that have a water vascular system and tube feet used for movement?
a) Echinodermata                             b) Mollusca
c) Annelida                                       d) Chordata
15. What is the phylum of animals that have a closed circulatory system?
a) Porifera                                         b) Cnidaria
c) Nematoda                                      d) Annelida
16. What is the phylum of animals that have a segmented body and are hermaphroditic?
a) Annelida                                        b) Echinodermata
c) Mollusca                                        d) Chordata
17. Which class of Chordata includes animals that have a three-chambered heart and lay eggs with leathery shells?
a) Pisces                                           b) Amphibia
c) Reptilia                                        d) Mammalia
18. Which class of Chordata includes animals that have a four-chambered heart and are warm-blooded?
a) Pisces                                          b) Amphibia
c) Reptilia                                       d) Mammalia
19. What is the phylum of animals that have a hydrostatic skeleton and longitudinal muscles for movement?
a) Annelida                                    b) Nematoda
c) Echinodermata                           d) Mollusca
20. What is the phylum of animals that have a bony skeleton and paired fins for swimming?
a) Pisces                                        b) Amphibia
c) Reptilia                                      d) Mammalia
21. What is the phylum of animals that have a water vascular system and a central disk with arms for movement and feeding?
a) Echinodermata                          b) Mollusca
c) Annelida                                   d) Chordata
22. Which class of Chordata includes animals that have smooth, moist skin and breathe through their skin?
a) Pisces                                        b) Amphibia
c) Reptilia                                      d) Mammalia
23. Which class of Chordata includes animals that have feathers, lay eggs, and have a beak instead of teeth?
a) Pisces                                            b) Amphibia
c) Aves                                              d) Mammalia
24. What is the phylum of animals that have a notochord, dorsal nerve cord, and gill slits at some point in their development?
a) Chordata                                       b) Annelida
c) Echinodermata                              d) Mollusca
25.Which kingdom includes all multicellular organisms that are not plants?
a)Kingdom Animalia                         b)Kingdom Plantae
c)Kingdom Fungi                               d)Kingdom Protista
26.Which of the following is not a characteristic of animals?
a)They are multicellular.                    b)They are heterotrophic.
c)They have cell walls.                        d)They can move.
27.Why are animals heterotrophic?
a)Because they cannot make their own food.   b)Because they need to eat other organisms to survive.
c)Because they have cell walls.                         d)Because they are multicellular.
28.Why do animals need to move?
a)To find food.                                                  b)To escape predators.
c)To reproduce.                                                 d.)All of the above.
29.A scientist is studying a new species of animal. The animal has a segmented body, a hard exoskeleton, and jointed legs. What phylum does the animal belong to?
a)Chordata                                                        b)Arthropoda
c)Mollusca                                                        d)Echinodermata
30.A farmer is trying to control a population of pests in his field. He knows that the pests are insects. What class of arthropod do the pests belong to?
a)Insecta                                      b)Arachnida
c)Myriapoda                                  d)Crustacea

B.Very short Questions                             -                1marks
                                         Knowledge types
1.     Which phylum of animals includes sponges?
2.     Which phylum of animals includes jellyfish and sea anemones?
3.     Which phylum of animals includes roundworms?
4.     Which phylum of animals includes insects, spiders, and crustaceans?
5.     Which phylum of animals includes earthworms and leeches?
6.     Which phylum of animals includes snails, clams, and squid?
7.     Which phylum of animals includes starfish, sea urchins, and sand dollars?
8.     Which phylum of animals includes vertebrates?
9.     Which class of vertebrates includes fish?
10.   Which class of vertebrates includes amphibians?
11   Which class of vertebrates includes reptiles?
12. Which class of vertebrates includes birds?
13.  Which class of vertebrates includes mammals?
Understanding types
14.                Why are animals classified into different phyla?
Ans. To better understand their characteristics and relationships.
15.  What are the similarities and differences between the different phyla of animals?
Ans.Similarities: They are all multicellular, heterotrophic, and have a nervous system. Differences: They have different body plans, body symmetry, and modes of reproduction.
                                          Application types
16.  A scientist is studying a new species of animal. The animal has a segmented body, a hard exoskeleton, and jointed legs. What phylum does the animal belong to?
17.   A farmer is trying to control a population of pests in his field. He knows that the pests are insects. What class of arthropod do the pests belong to?
18.   A doctor is treating a patient with a parasite infection. The parasite is a roundworm. What phylum does the parasite belong to?
                          Higher Abilities  type
19.   Discuss the importance of classification in biology.
Ans .Classification helps us to better understand the natural world by grouping organisms with similar characteristics together. This makes it easier to study and learn about them.
20.   Explain the evolutionary relationships between the different phyla of animals.
Ans.The different phyla of animals are thought to have evolved from a common ancestor. Over time, they have diverged and developed different characteristics.

                        C. Short Questons                                                     2 marks
1. Mentions the importance of classification in biology
2.Mention the kingdoms according to five kingdom system of classification.
Write an example of each.
3.Who is called the father of taxonomy? Why?
4.Give reasons
a) All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates.
b) The whale is classified as a mammal.
c)Anglosperms are
more developed than gymnosperms.
d) Maize is a
monocot and mango is a dicot plant.
5. Write any two
differences between:
a) Bird and Bat          b) Maize and Mustard
and Homoeothermic animals
d) Fish and Frog          e) Sea-horse and Land horse
f)Whale and Fish
6..Write any two characteristic features of Spirogyra
7. Why are
bryophytes called amphibian of plants?
8. Why are
pteridophytes also called cryptogams?
9. Differentiate
between monocotyledonous plant and dicotyledonous plant in two points
10. Write any two
functions of tentacles in the body of coelenterates.
11. Write any two
differences between sea horse and horse.
12. All vertebrates
are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates. Give reason.
13. Write any two
characteristic features of crocodiles.
14. Write any two
points of differences between bird and bat.
10. Why are human
beings called warm blooded animals?
(Understanding Type Questions)
15.. Write any two
differences between moss and fern.
16. Volvox is kept
in the division Algae and moss is kept in division bryophyta why ? Give reason
17. Fern is
considered as the most developed plant among cryptogams, why?
Give any two
18. Write any two
differences between jelly fish and starfish
19. Sea horse is
kept in class pisces and horse is kept in class mammalia, why?
18 Write any two
differences between bird and bat.
19. Differentiate between:
a. Moss and Fern
b). Fern and Rose
c). Cycas and
d.) Sea horse and
e) Frog and snake
f). Parrot and Bat
                  D.Long Questions .                                      4 marks
.1. Classify the following living organism and give one characteristic of each
a) Banana          b) Mustard       c) Cow       d) Frog     e) Tortoise    f) Duck
g) Pistia       h) Sea-hors
2. Place the following living organisms into their classes in case of animals and divisions in case of plants. Also write one general character of each.
a) Whale    b) Asla  c) Wall lizard d) Pine   e) Pea   f) Coconut     h) Bat g) Rose
3. Identify the
class of the animal with the given salient features.
a) The skin is soft
and moist, absence of neck and fertilization is external, having aquatic
tadpole and external fertilization.
b) The body is
covered with scales, breathing by lungs, having backbone but no external ear.
c) It can fly, give
birth to young one and suckle it.
d) The body is covered with hairs, having mammary glands, diaphragm, pinnae and internal fertilization
4. Arrange the following
animals in increasing advance and write down their
a) Snake b) Pigeon  c) Frog d) Whale      e) Asla
5 Write down any four major characteristics of mammals.
6. Identify:
a) mammal which can
b) bird which
cannot fly.
c) reptile with
four-chambered heart.
d) reptile without limbs. .
7.Write down any
two distinct characters of the following.
a) Chordata b)
Vertebrata c) Reptilia d) Amphibia
8. Mention the
relation of evolution with the classification of living beings.
9. Which two
kingdoms include unicellular organisms? Write two distinct characteristics of
each with examples.
10. Name the
kingdom of multicellular decomposers. Write their two
features. How do they differ from kingdom plantae?
11. Draw a neat
diagram of the following.
a) Amoeba
                              Higher abilities
12.Give one characteristic feature of each of the following:
Hydra, Vulture,
Crocodile, Cycas, Moss, Fern, Spirogyra, Hookworm.
13. Identify the
phylum and class of animal studying the given salient features:
a Body is covered
with furs and feathers, have internal fertilization but lay eggs.
b. Breathing
through lungs, presence of mammary glands.
c. Having jointed
appendages, a pair of antennae on their head and are triploblastic
d. Fixed, aquatic,
diploblastic and have porous body.
14. Explain the relationship between classification and evolution of living organisms.
                                 Application Type Questions
15. What is the
advantage of classification of living beings? Write in any 3 points.
16. Write down two
characteristics of the living beings belonging to Kingdom Plantae with any two
17. Write down two
characteristics of the plants belonging to division Bryophyta and write any two
18. Write down two
salient features of the plants belonging to division Gymnosperms with any two
19. How are
classification and evolution interlinked? Describe
20. Classify the animal shown in the figure and write any two characteristics.
21. Write any two
differences between fish and frog on the basis of habitat and structure of
22. Name the phylum
of the animals having following features
a)Having segmented
body, hermaphrodite
b). Moves with the
help of tentacles, found in marine water
c). Having sucker,
flat and segmented body
d). Soft body with
a hard cover, having tentacles
23. What types of
animals are called mammals? Write down three characteristics of these animals.
How do they differ from reptiles.
24. Name the class
of the animals having given features. Also, give an example of each.
a)Breathe through
gills, having scales
 b)Having external ears, give birth directly to
young ones
c). Having webbed
feet, live on both land and in water
d)Fly in air, lay


                Unit -3           Honey bee

Honey Bee
Kingdom  - Animalia
Phylum  - Arthropoda
Class  - Insecta
Example  - Honey bee
Honey bee have developed one of most of the most highly organized societies with  division of labour so they are called social insect .They feed on pollen and nectar of flower and manufacture honey and wax .A hive contains about 4000- 8000 bees but male  are haploid contains16 chromosomes and female are diploid contains 32 chromosomes .In Nepal  only two families are common honey producing bee ie Apis  mellifera  and Apis cerana.
Apiculture :The rearing of honey bees for commercial propose is known as apiculture .

Apicology: The process of scientific study of honey bee is called apicology.
2.)Structure :
The body of honey is divided into 3 parts ie Head , thorax and abdomen. Head consist of a pair of compound eye ,three small  simple on the top of head ,a pair of antennae and mouth parts ,thorax consist of 3pairs of legs and 2 pairs wings and long segmented abdomen .

Types of honey bees  : There are 3 types honey bee in a beehive .

i.)Queen bee :-They are larger than that of drone bee and worker bee and small legs  .A single hive contains only a single queen bee. Queen bee is the single fertile female in a hive and formed from fertilized egg .They are unable to produce wax and honey  or gather pollen or nectar .Queen bee also produce a special smell by which other bee find out their colony .
Functions :-i)Queen bee lays eggs after fertilization.
ii)Queen bee controls and regulate all the bees according to necessary .
ii)Drone bee :-The drone bee is a fertile male which is larger than that worker bee and smaller than that of queen bee .A single hive contains about 100 drone bees  and formed from unfertilized egg  but they die after mating with the queen. They are more feeder , stingless and do not work .
Functions :- i)The functions of drone bee is to fertilize the new queen bee.
ii)They help to keep the hive warm .
iii)worker bee :-The worker bee are sterile female (reproductive organ inactive) which is smaller than that of queen bee and drone bee . In a hive except queen and drone bee all bee are worker bee .The legs of worker bee are provided with pollen brush and pollen basket to collect pollen .
 Functions :-i)Worker bee collect pollen, nectar ,and water for the colony.
ii)They repair the comb and clean the hive .
iii) They use the wings for ventilation and act as the guard at the main entrance hive .
iv)They also guard the stored pollen , honey also feeding developing and fight against enemies .

Parthenogenesis : The process of formation of honey bee  from unfertilized egg (i.e. drone bee, After death of queen worker bee also produce worker from unfertilized egg ) is known as parthenogenesis.

Swarming : The behaviour of honey bee to come out from the hive in large number is called swarming .
3.)Life cycle :-The life cycle of honey is completed into 4 stages ie queen in 16 days, drone in 23.5 days, and worker in 21 days .in life cycle when queen become young , she attend a flight where several drone mates with her is also known as mating flight or nuptial flight .

                             Fig Life cycle of Honey bee

i)Egg:-In this stage after mating queen bee lays about 3000 eggs per day but 2 types of eggs ie fertilized  eggs in queen cell and worker to form queen and worker bee and other unfertilized eggs in drone cell to produce drone bee
ii) Larva :- After days eggs change in to larva , the formation of larva of queen and worker depends on the diet received by larva .all larva are fed royal jelly (ie juice collected by worker ie mixture of honey and pollen)but after  3 days worker and drone are fed bee bread and is fed continue royal jelly .They are more active and feeder and moult their skin 4 times .
iii)Pupa:-In this stage worker bee the  mouth of cell by wax cap and change into pupa stage and cover is known as puparium . The pupa of honey are inactive, and do not feed so also called rest stage .In this stage development of honey bee takes place inside puparium and process is known as histogenesis .
iv)Adult : The end of pupa stage ,pupa  brust the caps and adult bee ie worker , queen, and drone comes out but when new queen comes out ,the old queen leaves out the hive with worker .This is also known as swarming . 
4.)Economic importance of honey bee :
i)They supply us honey which is used for food ,medicine and other religious purpose .
ii)The bee hive provides us bee wax which is used for making soap, medicine, polish etc.
iii)They help in agriculture for pollination .
iv)The rearing of honey bee provides us employments.

                          Questions for Practise

A.Multiple choice Questions       -         1 mark
                              knowledge type:
1.What is the scientific name for the honey bee?
 (A) Apis mellifera                (B) Apis carnica
(C) Apis florae                      (D) Apis dorsata
2.What is the average lifespan of a honey bee?
 (A) 6 weeks                              (B) 6 months
 (C) 1 year                                 (D) 2 years
3.What is the main function of the queen bee?
(A) Laying eggs                   (B) Caring for the young
(C) Gathering food                (D) Building the hive
4.What is the main function of the worker bees?
(A) Laying eggs                          (B) Caring for the young
(C) Gathering food                     (D) Building the hive
5.What is the main function of the drone bees?
(A) Laying eggs                               (B) Caring for the young
 (C) Gathering food                         (D) Fertilizing the queen bee
                                  understanding type   Questions
6.Why are honey bees important to the environment?
 (A) They pollinate plants.                     (B) They provide honey.
(C) They provide wax.                           (D) All of the above.
7.How do honey bees communicate with each other?
(A) Through pheromones.                   (B) Through dance.
 (C) Through sound.                           (D) Through touch.
8.What is the purpose of the honeycomb?
(A) To store honey.                (B) To store pollen.
 (C) To raise young.                (D) All of the above.
9.What is the purpose of the stinger?
 (A) To defend the hive.                   (B) To gather pollen.
(C) To lay eggs.                               (D) To regulate body temperature.
10What is the average temperature inside a honeybee hive?
(A) 60 degrees Fahrenheit                (B) 70 degrees Fahrenheit
(C) 80 degrees Fahrenheit                 (D) 90 degrees Fahrenheit
                       Application type  Questions
11.If you find a honey beehive in your yard, what should you do?
 (A) Leave it alone.                       (B) Call a beekeeper.
(C) Destroy it.                                (D) Smoke it out.
12How can you help to prevent honeybee colony collapse disorder?
(A) Plant bee-friendly flowers in your yard.                     (B) Avoid using pesticides.
(C) Support local beekeepers.                                         (D) All of the above.
13.What can you do to attract honeybees to your garden?
(A) Plant bee-friendly flowers.                   (B) Provide a water source.
 (C) Avoid using pesticides.                         (D) All of the above.
14.What is the best way to harvest honey from a honeybee hive?
(A) Use a smoker to calm the bees.                                    (B) Wear protective gear.
 (C) Harvest the honey when the bees are not home.           (D) All of the above.
15.What is the best way to store honey?
 (A) In a cool, dark place.                                           (B) In a sealed container.
 (C) In a refrigerator.                                                    (D) All of the above.
                                Knowledge Type Questions:
16. How many pairs of wings do honey bees have?
a) One pair                                b) Two pairs
c) Three pairs                            d) Four pairs
17. Which of the following is the primary food source for honey bees?
a) Nectar                                     b) Pollen
c) Water                                       d) Honey
18. What is the function of the stinger in honey bees?
a) To lay eggs                             b) To gather pollen
c) To defend the colony             d) To build honeycombs
19.. How do honey bees communicate with each other?
a) By singing                                   b) By dancing
c) By barking                                  d) By chirping
20. How many legs do honey bees have?
a) Four                                           b) Six
c) Eight                                           d) Ten
21. What is the role of drones in the honey bee colony?
a) To gather nectar                        b) To protect the colony
c) To mate with the queen            d) To maintain the hive structure
22. How long does the average adult honey bee live?
a) A few days                                b) A few weeks
c) A few months                            d) A few years
                    Understanding Type Questions:
23. What is the purpose of the honey bee's proboscis?
a) To sting predators                 b) To gather nectar
c) To defend the colony             d) To maintain temperature control in the hive
24. What is the function of the honey bee's antennae?
a) To help the bee fly                  b) To sense touch and smell
c) To gather nectar                     d) To defend the colony
25. How does the honey bee's caste system work?
a) All bees are equal and perform the same tasks    
 b) Bees are divided into two castes: workers and drones
c) Bees are divided into three castes: workers, drones, and queens
d) Bees are divided into four castes: soldiers, workers, drones, and queens
26. What is the function of the wax glands in honey bees?
a) To help the bee fly                                                     b) To produce honey
c) To secrete wax for building honeycombs             d) To defend the colony
27.. How do honey bees maintain the temperature in the hive?
a) By flapping their wings                                   b) By clustering together
c) By fanning their wings                                    d) By huddling together
28. What is the role of the queen bee in the colony?
a) To gather nectar                                           b) To defend the colony
c) To mate with drones and lay eggs                d) To maintain the hive structure
29. How do honey bees produce honey?
a) By collecting and storing nectar in the honeycomb
b) By chewing pollen and mixing it with nectar
c) By secreting honey from their wax glands
d) By feeding on the nectar of specific flowers
                             Application Type Questions:
30. How can humans help honey bees?
a) By providing them with pesticide-free plants and flowers
b) By destroying their hives to prevent stinging
c) By using pesticides to protect crops
d) By removing all plants and flowers from their environment
31. How can beekeepers collect honey from the hive without harming the bees?
a) By smoking the bees to calm them down
b) By using pesticides to kill the bees
c) By removing the entire hive and extracting the honey
d) By crushing the honeycomb and filtering out the honey
32. How does honey production benefit humans?
a) Honey is a natural sweetener with many health benefits
b) Honey is a valuable commodity for trade and sale
c) Honey production supports local economies
d) All of the above
33. How do honey bees contribute to the ecosystem?
a) They are important pollinators for many plant species
b) They help to maintain biodiversity
c) They provide food for other animals
d) All of the above
                                          Higher Abilities Type Questions:
34. Describe the life cycle of honey bees.
a) Egg, larva, pupa, adult                 b) Egg, pupa, larva, adult
c) Pupa, egg, larva, adult                 d) Adult, egg, larva, pupa
35. How do honey bees communicate with each other through dance?
a) By wiggling their antennae           b) By flapping their wings
c) By shaking their abdomens      d) By spinning in circles
36. How do honey bees use their wings to regulate temperature in the hive?
a) By flapping their wings to create a breeze
b) By fanning their wings to circulate air
c) By clustering together to generate heat
d) By vibrating their wings to generate heat
37. How does the external morphology of honey bees differ between castes?
a) Queens have longer wings than workers and drones
b) Drones are larger and have longer antennae than workers and queens
c) Workers have larger eyes than queens and drones
d) Queens have shorter legs than workers and drones

B. Very short Questions
                               Knowledge Type Questions:
1. How many pairs of wings do honey bees have?
2. What is the primary food source for honey bees?
Answer: Nectar
3. What is the scientific name for the honey bee?
4. What is the function of the stinger in honey bees?
Answer: To defend the colony
5. How do honey bees communicate with each other?
Answer: By dancing
6. How many legs do honey bees have?
7. What is the role of drones in the honey bee colony?
8. How long does the average adult honey bee live?
Answer: A few weeks
                    Understanding Type Questions:
9. What is the purpose of the honey bee's proboscis?
Answer: To gather nectar
10. What is the function of the honey bee's antennae?
Answer: To sense touch and smell
11. How does the honey bee's caste system work?
12. How do honey bees use propolis?
Answer: To seal cracks and gaps in the hive
13. What is the function of the wax glands in honey bees?
Answer: To secrete wax for building honeycombs
14. How do honey bees maintain the temperature in the hive?
Answer: By clustering together
15. What is the role of the queen bee in the colony?
16. How do honey bees produce honey?
Answer: By collecting and storing nectar in the honeycomb
                     Application Type Questions:
17. How can humans help honey bees?
Answer: By providing them with pesticide-free plants and flowers
18. How can beekeepers collect honey from the hive without harming the bees?
Answer: By smoking the bees to calm them down
19. What is the importance of honey bees for agriculture?
20. How does honey production benefit humans?
21. What are some threats to honey bee populations?
Answer: Pesticides and insecticides, habitat loss and fragmentation, climate change and extreme weather events
22. How can individuals help to protect honey bee populations?
Answer: By planting pesticide-free plants and flowers, supporting local beekeepers and buying local honey, advocating for policies that protect honey bees and their habitats
23. How do honey bees contribute to the ecosystem?
Answer: They are important pollinators for many plant species, help to maintain biodiversity, provide food for other animals
                     Higher Abilities Type Questions:
24. Describe the life cycle of honey bees.
25. How do honey bees communicate with each other through dance?
26. How do honey bees use their wings to regulate temperature in the hive?
Answer: By fanning their wings to circulate air
27. How does the external morphology of honey bees differ between castes?

C. Short Answer Questions                                  2 marks
1.Why and honey bees called social insect? Cave two reasons.

2 Differentiate between bee hive and bee swarm in two points
3. Write any two points on the importance of honey.
4 What is apiculture? How can it contribute in economic development at local level.
5.Why is honey bee considered as useful insect for human beings? Write any two reason.
6. Differentiate between
a)Queen bee and drone bee         b)Queen bee and worker bee
c)Drone bee and worker bee

7. Honey bees are called useful insects for human beings. Give any two reasons.
8. Mention the functions of queen, drones and workers.
9. Honey bees are called social insects. Why?
10. Write any two importance of honey.
11. Write one function each of queen bee and worker bee.
12. Mention any two differences between drone bee and worker bee.

                          Understanding Type Questions
13. Why is honey bee called a useful insects?
14. Why is the food of larva of honey bee?
15. Write any two differences between larva and egg of honey bee
16. Write any two differences between drone bee and worker bee.
17. Write any two differences between pupa and larva of honey bee.
18. Why is honeybee called social insect?
19. Write any two differences between queen bee and drone bee.
20. Write any two differences between worker bee and queen bee.


               D. Long Questions                                         4 marks

1. Describe the external structure of honey bee. Also, write the function of its antennae and proboscis.
2. Imagine the situation that honey bees, suddenly, disappeared from the earth. What would be the consequences of their disappearance? Write your views on it.

3. Describe the external morphology of a worker bee.
4. Write a short note on the following.
a. Mouthparts of a honey bee          b. Sting of a honey bee
5. What is a queen gate? Mention the economic importance of honey bees.
6. Describe the life cycle of a honey bee.

                        Application Type Questions
7. Describe thereof are i
8. Describe in bed the advantages of honey bees
9. How in apiculture? Explain
10. Write any functions of worker b 26 Wrine any uses of honeybee for human beings
                             Higher Abilities Type Questions
11. Drew a neat and labelled figure showing the life cycle of honey bee
12. Describe the structure of queen bee with a neat and labelled figure
13. Draw a neat and labelled figure showing the larva and done life cyde of honeyber
14. How is honey prepared by honeybees? Describe in brief




                                                    Unit -    4


The genetic  threads like substance present in the nucleus of cell that help in the inheritance of characters from one generation to another generation is called chromosome .They are made up from two components i.e. protein (60%) and DNA (40%).Each chromosome consist two threads like structure are called chromatids .The two chromatids are connected together at point is called centromere .
Gene  : A particular segment of DNA  molecule which carry heredity characters is called gene. It also called structural and functional unit of heredity located in chromosome .
Functions   of chromosome :i)Chromosomes act as heredity vehicles or they transmit characters of parent to their offspring with help of gene .
ii)Chromosome controls the synthesis of protein and help in cell division ,cell growth .
iii)Sex chromosome determine the sex of individual s .
iii)It forms a links between parent and their offspring .
iv)It brings out variation through crossing over .

Types of cell   : on the basis presence of chromosome:  they are 2 type:
i)Haploid cell : The cells having x or 2n numbers of chromosome are called  haploid cell .This types of cells are formed after meiosis cell division .For example : Gametes
ii)Diploid cell :  The cells having 2x or 2n number of chromosome are called diploid cell .This types of cell are formed after mitosis cell division .For example: zygote .
4.1Cell division   : The biological process in which a diploid parent cell divides into two or four daughter cells is called cell division .

Types of cell division : There are 3 types of cell division :
1.Amitosis cell division or Direct cell division :The cell division which occurs in the simple and most primitive unicellular types of cell is known as Amitosis or Direct cell division .For example :The cell division occurs in unicellular organism i.e. Protozoans ,Bacteria, Yeast etc
Mechanism :
i)The nucleus elongated and constricts in the middle .
ii)Elongated nucleus divides into two daughter nuclei.
iii)Finally cytoplasm also divide into two daughter cell .
1.)Mitosis  or mitotic cell division :  The cell division in which a diploid parent cell divides into two diploid daughter cells .They are identical to their parent cell .It occurs only in somatic or vegetative cell ,so it is also called somatic cell division. In this cell division no. of chromosome in daughter cell remains same as in the parent cell so called equational division .
Functions : i)It help for growth and development of plants and animals.
ii)It help in asexual reproduction of plants and animals .
iii)if it become uncontrolled causes of tumour growth .
2.)Meiosis cell division  :The cell division in which a parent diploid cell divides into four haploid daughter cells is called meiosis cell division .It occurs in only in reproductive cells at time of gamete formation  so it is also called gametic  cell division .In this cell division no. of chromosome reduces in the daughter cells so, it also called reductional division .
Functions  : It help for producing haploid cells i.e. male gamete(sperm) and female gamete (ovum).
Division of cytokinesis :   The process of cytoplasmic division during cell division is called division of cytokinesis .
Division of  karyokinesis: The process of nuclear division during cell division is called division of karyokinesis .
Process of mitosis cell division :Mitosis cell division completes into two steps :
A)Karyokinesis              B)   Cytokinesis   

1. The cell grows and produces new organelles to prepare for cell division.
2.  Chromosomes are replicated .
3.The cell continues to grow and prepares for mitosis.
A. Karyokinesis :The process of nuclear division during cell division is called division of karyokinesis .

                                           Fig .Interphase

i. Chromatin condenses: The chromosomes condense and become visible under a microscope.
ii. Spindle fibers form: The mitotic spindle, begins to form and will attach to the chromosomes.
iii. Nuclear membrane breaks down: The nuclear membrane which surrounds the nucleus, breaks down and disappears.

                         Fig. Prophase

i. Chromosomes align at the equator: The spindle fibers align the chromosomes along the metaphase plate,  in the middle of the cell.
ii. Spindle fibers attach to chromosomes: The spindle fibers attach to the centromeres of the chromosomes.

                            Fig.  Metaphase

i. Chromosomes separate: The spindle fibers begin to shorten and pull the sister chromatids apart at the centromeres.
ii. Chromosomes move towards poles:  The spindle fibers shorten, they pull the separated chromatids towards the opposite poles of the cell.

                                    Fig.  Anaphase

B. Cytokinesis :The process of cytoplasmic division during cell division is called division of completes into 2 steps:
i. Chromatids arrive at poles: The chromatids reach opposite poles of the cell and begin to unwind and decondense.
ii. Nuclear membrane reforms: A new nuclear membrane reforms around each set of chromosomes, creating two nuclei.
iii. Cytokinesis begins: The cell begins to physically divide into two daughter cells, each with its own nucleus and set of organelles.

                                                Fig.  Telophase

Significance of Mitosis cell division:
Mitosis is a type of cell division that occurs in eukaryotic cells, It have following  major significances :
1. Growth and repair: It help for the growth and repair of tissues and organs in multicellular organisms.
2. Asexual reproduction: It help for sexual reproduction .In this process, a single parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells, each with the same genetic material as the parent cell. This allows for asexul reproduction and population growth.
3. Genetic stability: In this process  each daughter cell receives an exact copy of the parent cell's genetic material,and passed on accurately from one generation to the next.
4. Maintenance of chromosome number: It help to receive each daughter cell  the correct number of chromosomes, which is important for maintaining the stability of the genome(Genetic informtion) becausee errors in chromosome number causes of  genetic disorders such as Down syndrome.
5. Development: Mitosis is essential for the development of multicellular organisms from a fertilized egg to a fully formed organism by the growth and differentiation of cells into specialized tissues and organs. 

2.)Process of Meiosis cell division :
Meiosis cell division completes into two successive stages :They are
A-Meiosis –I
B-Meiosis – II

A-Meiosis-I Cell division :This division reduces the N. of chromosome to half so meiosis –i is called reductional division and daughter cell are genetically different so this division is also called hetrotypic division .It completes into two stages :
a.)Karyokinesis  -I             b) Cytokinesis-I                                   
a.)Karyokinesis -I:It completes in to 3 stages:
1.Prophase –I :It is initial phase of meiosis cell division.It is completed is in to 5 sub stages.They are :
i) Leptotene: Events
- Chromosomes condense and become visible under a microscope.
- Homologous chromosomes start pairing up.

ii. Zygotene:
- Homologous chromosomes fully pair up, forming a structure ,process is called synapsis.
During synapsis one chromosome comes from parental and the other comes from maternal cell .

iii. Pachytene:
- Chromosomes continue become thicker and shorter and each homologous chromosomes divides into four chromatid are called terad
-The chromatids coiled around eachother and at the end of stage exchange of heredity materials takes place is called crossing over that help to leading to genetic diversity.

iv. Diplotene:- Homologous chromosomes begin to separate but remain attached at points called chiasmata.

v. Diakinesis:
- Chromosomes fully condense and become visible as distinct structures.
- The nuclear membrane breaks down, and spindle fibers start to attach to the chromosomes in preparation for the next stage of meiosis.

2.Metaphase -I:   Events
i.Homlogus Chromosomes pairs align at the equator: The spindle fibers align the homologus chromosomes pair  along the metaphase plate,  in the middle of the cell.
ii. Spindle fibers attach to Homologus chromosomes pairs: The spindle fibers attach to the centromeres of the chromosomes.

3.Anaphase –I     Events
i. The homologus Chromosomes separate: The spindle fibers begin to shorten and the homologous chromosomes separate from each other and are pulled towards opposite poles of the cell by the spindle fibers.
ii. Chromosomes move towards poles:  The spindle fibers shorten, they pull the separated homologues chromosome and the sister chromatids remain attached at their centromeres and move towards the opposite poles of the cell.

b.)Cytokinesis –I:It completes into one steps:
4.Telophase I:
1. The homologous chromosomes reach their respective poles and a new nuclear membrane forms around each haploid set of chromosomes.
2. The spindle fibres disassemble and the cell undergoes cytokinesis to form two daughter cells, each with a haploid set of chromosomes.

B-Meiosis –II :In this cell division the N. of chromsomes are distributed equally into daughter cell and N. of chromosome remains same,so meiosis –II is called homotypic or equational cell division .It completes into two steps:
a)Karyokinesis –II              b)Cytokinesis -II
a)Karyokinesis –II:It copletes into 3 steps:
1.Prophase II:   Events
1. The nuclear membrane breaks down, and the spindle  forms again.
2. Chromosomes condense and become visible under the microscope.
3. The sister chromatids of each chromosome become attached to spindle fibers from opposite poles of the cell.

2.Metaphase II:
i. Chromosomes align at the equator: The spindle fibers align the chromosomes along the metaphase plate,  in the middle of the cell.
ii. Spindle fibers attach to chromosomes: The spindle fibers attach to the centromeres of the chromosomes.

3.Anaphase II:
i. Chromosomes separate: The spindle fibers begin to shorten and pull the sister chromatids apart at the centromeres.
ii. Chromosomes move towards poles:  The spindle fibers shorten, they pull the separated chromatids towards the opposite poles of the cell.

b)Cytokinesis –II :It consist of  one steps:
Telophase II:
i. Chromatids arrive at poles: The chromatids reach opposite poles of the cell and begin to unwind and decondense.
ii. Nuclear membrane reforms: A new nuclear membrane reforms around each set of chromosomes, creating two nuclei.
iii. Cytokinesis begins: The cell begins to physically divide into four haploid daughter cells, each with its own nucleus and set of organelles.
iv. Each cell contains a unique combination of genetic material due to the crossing over of chromosomes during meiosis I .

Differences between Mitosis and meiosis cell division.







2. Function



3.Takes place


 4. Steps


 5. Genetically

 6. Crossing over

 7.Pairing of homologous chromosomes?





It form two cells, having the same number of chromosomes as the parent.

 It help for Cellular reproduction, growth, repair, asexual reproduction

 It occurs in all  vegetative cells in all eukaryotes

Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

 same as parent

 Not Occurs

 Not Occurs


Occurs in Telophase I and Telophase II

It form four cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent.

 It help for production of gametes (sex cells) in sexually reproducing eukaryotes with diplont life cycle

It occurs in all reproductive cell

Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I,

Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II

Not same as parent?


 Occurs between each pair of homologous chromosomes

Occurs in Telophase


Significance of  Meiosis cell division:
1. Genetic diversity: Meiosis generates genetic diversity by producing genetically unique gametes through the processes of crossing over and independent assortment.
2. Reduction in chromosome number: Meiosis reduces the chromosome number by half, due to formation of  haploid gametes,and by fusion of male and female gamete sexual reproduction takes place because when the haploid gametes fuse during fertilization, and the formation of zygote has the correct chromosome number for the species.
3. Evolutionary significance: Meiosis division help to play an important role in the evolution of eukaryotes due crossing over by formation of haploid gametes.

4.2 Chromosome:

The genetic  threads like substance present in the nucleus of cell that help in the inheritance of characters from one generation to another generation is called chromosome .They are made up from two components i.e. protein (60%) and DNA (40%).Each chromosome consist two threads like structure are called chromatids .The two chromatids are connected together at point is called centromere .
Gene  : A particular segment of DNA  molecule which carry heredity characters is called gene. It also called structural and functional unit of heredity located in chromosome .
Functions   of chromosome :i)Chromosomes act as heredity vehicles or they transmit characters of parent to their offspring with help of gene .
ii)Chromosome controls the synthesis of protein and help in cell division ,cell growth .
iii)Sex chromosome determine the sex of individual s .
iii)It forms a links between parent and their offspring .
iv)It brings out variation through crossing over .

Types of cell   : on the basis presence of chromosome:  they are 2 type:
i)Haploid cell : The cells having x or 2n numbers of chromosome are called  haploid cell .This types of cells are formed after meiosis cell division .For example : Gametes
ii)Diploid cell :  The cells having 2x or 2n number of chromosome are called diploid cell .This types of cell are formed after mitosis cell division .For example: zygote .

 Numbers of chromosomes :  There are fixed number of chromosomes in plants and animals cells .Generally in somatic or  vegetative cells having  diploid (2x or 2n) number of chromosome and in sex or gametes having haploid( x or n) number of chromosome .The number of chromosomes differ from
one species to another species .For example :


No. of chromosomes






6-House fly







 46(23 pairs)

26 (13 pairs)

48(24 pairs)

64(32 pairs)

78 (34 pairs)

12 (6 pairs)

40(20 pairs)

16(8 pairs)

24 (12 pairs)

80 (40 pairs)

20 (10 pairs)

14 (7 Pairs)

Types of chromosome :  A)On the basis of position of centromere :They are 3 types :
i)Meta centric chromosome :The chromosome in which the centromere is located in the middle point is called the Meta centric chromosome .In this chromosome two arms are equal in length .
 ii)Sub Meta centric :The chromosome in which the centromere is located little away from the middle point is called sub meta centric chromosome .In this chromosome one end of its arm is slightly short and other arm is slightly long .
 iii)Acrocentric chromosome :  The chromosome in which centromere is located near the end is called acrocentric chromosome . In this chromosome one of its arm is very short and other arm is very long .
 iv)Telocentric chromosome : The chromosome in which the centromere is located at one end is called telocentric chromosome .

B)On the basis nature :They are 2 types :
i)Sex  chromosome :  The pairs of chromosome which determine the sex of individual is called sex chromosome .It single in pair in human being i.e. x and y chromosome in male(44+xy) and xx chromosome in female (44+xx) .Sex chromosome are two types :
i.X – sex chromosome :The sex chromosome that contains genes  for female sex determination is called X-  sex chromosome. It occurs pair in female i.e. XX and single in male i.e.XY
ii.)Y  sex chromosome :The sex chromosome that contains genes for male sex determination is  called Y-sex chromosome. It occurs only in male i.e. XY
ii)Autosome chromosome : The pairs of chromosome which determine the growth and development  in the individual are called autosome chromosomes .For example: human being  cantains 22 pair or 44 autosome chromosome .
Sex determination:  The process by which the sex of a person is determined at the time of fertilization is called sex determination .
 Mechanism of sex determination in human being:  In human being the sex chromosome of male consist of x and y chromosome and sex chromosome of female x and x chromosomes .During gamete formation no. of chromosomes become half i.e. male gamete (22+x or y) and female gamete (22+x), after fertilization fusion of male gamete of x or y chromosome depend on the chances that determine sex of human being .The process of sex determination can be shown as following ways :

Sex linked disease :  A disease that occurs only in a particular types  sex either male or female is called sex linked disease .These diseases are present in sex chromosome so transfer from one generation to another generation .For example :breast cancer, haemophilia i.e. in female and colour blindness ,baldness i.e. male .etc. Symptoms of haemophilia :
i)Excessive internal or external bleeding ,
ii)Spontaneous nose bleeding are common.

4.3Nucleic acid :
The complex organic molecules that  contain the genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth, reproduction and play role in the storage, transmission, and expression of genetic information is called Nucleic acid. . In nucleic acid there are two main classes of nitrogenous bases are purines (adenine and guanine) and pyrimidines (cytosine, thymine, and uracil)
Functions of nucleic acids:
i.Storage of genetic information: Nucleic acids store genetic information in the form of a sequence of nucleotides.
ii.Protein synthesis: Nucleic acids are used to make proteins.
iii.Gene regulation: Nucleic acids are involved in the regulation of gene expression.
iv.Replication: Nucleic acids are able to replicate themselves. This means that they can make copies of themselves. This is important for cell division and for the transmission of genetic information from parents to offspring.
v.Repair: Nucleic acids are able to repair damaged DNA.
iv.Transcription: Nucleic acids are used to transcribe DNA into RNA. This is a process that copies the information from DNA into RNA

There are two major types of nucleic acids:
1.Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) : The nucleic acid( genetic material) that carries the heredity information from one generation from one generation to another generation for the development and function of all living organisms is called  DNA. In eukaryotic cell DNA is located inside nucleus as basic component of chromosome ,but small amount of DNA is also found in mitochondria and plastids.In prokaryotic cell ,It is found in cytoplasm

Important features of the structure of DNA:
i.The two strands of DNA are complementary to each other i.e. the sequence of nucleotides on one strand determines the sequence of nucleotides on the other strand.
ii.The two strands of DNA are antiparallel.
iii.The DNA molecule is a double helix.One turn of the helix contains 11 base pairs with a length of 2.8 nm
iv.The DNA molecule is stabilized by hydrogen bonds.
v.The DNA double helix is anti-parallel, which means that the 5' end of one strand is paired with the 3' end of its complementary strand (and vice versa).  Nucleotides are linked to each other by their phosphate groups, which bind the 3' end of one sugar to the 5' end of the next sugar.
vi.The major groove occurs when the backbones are far apart from each other and the minor groove occurs when they are close.
vii.The distance between each turn is 3.4 nm.
viiiThe major groove is 2.2 nm wide and the minor groove is 1.1 nm wide.

  •  Structure of DNA
  • DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)  has a unique double helix structure that was first discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953.
    The structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a double helix, consisting of two complementary strands of nucleotides that are twisted together. 

    The basic building block of DNA(Structural and fuctional unit of DNA  or Monomer of DNA) is called nucleotide and 10 nucleotides make a single turn of DNA, which is composed of a sugar molecule (deoxyribose=C5H11O4), a phosphate group(Phosphoric acid=H3PO4), and a nitrogenous base. There are four different nitrogenous bases in DNA i.e. adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) . The two strands of DNA are arranged in a double helix structure, with the sugar and phosphate molecules forming the backbone of the molecule.The two strands are held together by hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases,  A always pairing with T(A=T) and G always pairing with C(C≡.G) is known as complementary base pairing  .This complementary base pairing of DNA allows for the accurate replication of genetic information during cell division. The sequence of nitrogenous bases in DNA encodes the genetic information that is used to create proteins and carry out other cellular processes.

    2.Ribonucleic acid (RNA) :The nucleic acid( genetic material) which is involved in the synthesis of proteins, are essential for the growth and maintenance of cells is called RNA. It  is mainly found in cytoplasm but small amount of  RNA is also found nucleolus and  nucleoplasm.
    There are three main types of RNA:
    i.)Messenger RNA (mRNA): mRNA carries the genetic information from DNA to the ribosomes, where it is used to make proteins.
    ii.) Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): rRNA makes up the ribosomes themselves, which are the sites of protein synthesis.
    iii.) transfer RNA (tRNA):tRNA is responsible for bringing amino acids to the ribosome, where they are linked together to form a protein.
    Functions of RNA:
    i.Protein synthesis: RNA is used to make proteins..
    ii.Gene regulation: RNA is involved in the regulation of gene expression.
    iii.Cell signaling: RNA is involved in cell signaling. This means that it helps cells communicate with each other.
    iv.Viruses: RNA is found in some viruses. Viruses are not living cells, but they use RNA to carry their genetic information.
    v.RNA is a complex and fascinating molecule.:it plays a vital role in the storage, transmission, and expression of genetic information.
    Important features of the structure of RNA:
    i.Single-stranded: RNA is a single-stranded molecule, while DNA is double-stranded.
    ii.Ribose sugar: RNA contains ribose sugar, while DNA contains deoxyribose sugar.
    iii.Uracil: RNA contains uracil, while DNA contains thymine.
    iv.Folding: RNA molecules can fold into different shapes.
    Structure of RNA :
    RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) is a single-stranded molecule that is composed of repeating units  called nucleotides. Like DNA, each nucleotide in RNA is made up of three basic components: a nitrogenous base, a sugar molecule, and a phosphate group.RNA uses a different sugar molecule called ribose, whereas DNA uses deoxyribose. RNA also uses a different nitrogenous base called uracil in place of thymine found in DNA.

    The nitrogenous bases in RNA are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and uracil (U). In nitrogen base A always pairing with U(A=U) and G always pairing with C(G≡.C). The sugar molecule in RNA is ribose, which has one more oxygen atom than the deoxyribose found in DNA. The phosphate group links the sugar molecules together and forms the backbone of the RNA molecule.
       Differences between DNA and RNA

     Deoxy ribonucleic acid(DNA)                             

     Ribo nucleic acid(RNA)

    i)It mainly found in chromosome.


    ii)It transmit heredity characters from one generation to another generation.

    iii)It is made up from deoxy ribo sugar.

    iv)It is double helicle structure consisting of two strands.


    v)It consist of Nitrogen bases ,Phosphate ,andDeoxy Ribose sugar( N.-P.-DS).


    vi)Its Nitrogen bases consist of  Adenine,Guanine,Thymine,Cytocine.

     i)It is mainly found in cytoplasm.

    ii)It is responsible for protein synthesis

    iii)It is made up from ribose sugar.

    iv)It is single helicle structure consisting of single strand.

    v)It consist of Nitrogen base,Phosphate, Ribose  sugar(N.-P-R S).

    vi)Its nitrogen base consist of  Adenine, Guanine ,Uracil, and cytocine.

    4.4 Heredity
    4.4 Genetic science: 
    The branch of biology consisting  the study of mechanism of heredity and variation is called genetic.Gregor Johan Mendel’s is regarded as the father of genetic science,because he carried out the study in genetic first time .
    Heredity: The process of transmission of characters from parents to offspring i.e. from one generation to another generation is called heredity .It is also known as inheritance.
    Gene: The structural and functional unit heredity and the particular segment of DNA is called gene .It is located in chromosome and made from DNA .
    Heredity characters: The characters which are transfer from parent to their offspring are called heredity characters .They are 2 types :
    i)Dominant characters: The characters which appears in F1 generation by covering the other characters are  called dominant characters. It is represented by capital letter i.e. T for tall ,R for red colour .
    For example: curly hair, isolated ear lobule, Pressure of dimple mark, Straight thumb, Folding or rolling tongue, black skin etc.
    ii)Recessive characters: The characters which does not appears in F1 generation but appear in F2 generation are called recessive characters . It is represented by small letter i.e. t for dwarf ,r for white colour . For example: straight hair, joint ear lobule ,absence of dimple mark ,back turned thumb ,Not folding or rolling thumb ,white skin .
      Variation: The visible differences between the parent and offspring or between the offspring of the same parent is known as variation.
    Causes of variation :
    i)Formation of gametes by meiosis cell division.
    ii)Environmental influences .
    iii)Transfer of character from father and mother both.
    iv)Due to structural and functional differences of genes.
    Advantages of variation:
    i)They form basis of heredity.
    ii)They are the source of evolution and development of new organism.
    Types of variation : There are main  2 types of variation :
    1.)Heredity variation or genetic variation: The variation which transfer from one generation to another generation due to the structural and functional differences of genes is called heredity variation .It also 2 types:
    i) Continuous variation:  Gradual change in organism due to crossing over between homologous chromosome during gametes formation is called continuous variation. It transfer from one generation to another generation continuously. For example: colour of skin, hair etc.
    ii)Discontinuous variation or mutation:  Sudden change in nitrogen bases of DNA or genetic materials is called discontinuous variation or mutation. It does not transfer from one generation to another generation and takes place due to various factors i.e. ultra violet rays ,x-rays ,different chemicals. For example :six fingers limbs in human ,cut at lip by birth etc.
    2.)Environmental variation: The variation which seen due to different environmental factors i.e .light, temperature, humidity, food etc. is called environmental variation. in this variation organism is genotypically same but phenotypically different .
    Heredity characters: The characters which gets a person through birth due to genes is called heredity characters .For example: five fingers ,two eyes two hands etc.
    Acquired characters: The characters which gets a person after birth due to environment and effort is called acquired characters .For example: singing skill, writing skill, drawing skill etc.
    Alleles or allelomorphs: A pair of genes controlling contrasting characters is known as alleles. For example: TT (tall), Tt  (hybrid tall), tt (Dwarf) etc. They are 2 types :
    i)Homozygous alleles: If both alleles of genes are identical are called homozygous alleles .for example:TT (tall),tt (dwarf) etc.
    ii)Heterozygous alleles :It both alleles of genes are not identical are called heterozygous alleles .for example.Tt(hybrid tall) .
    Phenotype: The physical or external or observable expression of an organism  is called phenotype.It may change with time and environment .For example :Tall (TT) and hybrid tall(Tt) are same Phenotypically.
    Genotype: The genetic expression of an organism is called genotype .It remains the same through out the life of an individual.For example :Tall (TT) and hybrid tall (Tt) are different genotypically.
    Hybrid:  The organism which are produced after cross fertilization between two genetically different organism is called hybrid .The process by which hybrid are produced is called hybridization ie monohybrid, dihybrid, polyhybrid etc
    Fgeneration: The generation obtained by crossing two parent is called Fgeneration or first generation.
    Fgeneration : The generation obtained by crossing Fgeneration is called Fgeneration or second generation.
    Mendel`s select pea plant for his study due to following reasons : i)Pea plants contains  large number contrasting characters i.e .tall, dwarf, red flower, white flower, round seeded, wrinkled seeded .
    ii)They have short life cycle and can be cultivated easily.
    iii)Breeding process can be controlled easily in plant due to the structure of flower .
    iv)They produce large n. of offspring .
    v)They are easy to handle due size of flower.
    vi)The plants are bisexual so can easily be crossed pollinated and self pollinated.
    Mendel’s Experiment: The experiments of Mendel’s are divided into two parts 
    i.)Monohybrid cross: The cross which involves between only one pair of contrasting characters is called monohybrid cross .For example: The cross between pure tall and pure dwarf pea plants .

    1.)When pure Tall and pure dwarf pea plants are cross .What will be that ratio of  pure tall and pure dwarf pea plant in F2 generation ?Give its phenotype and genotype ratio with help of the checker board.

    Ans.  Sign
    Pure Tall =TT or T
    Darf =tt

    Result:    i)Phenotype:The phenotypic ratio of pure tall and pure dwarf pea plant is 3:1(75% tall pea plants and 25% dwarf pea plants)
    ii)Genotype: The genotypic ratio of pure tall ,hybrid tall and pure dwarf pea plants is 1:2:1(25%pure tall,50%hybrid tall and 25% pure dwarf pea plants)
    2.)When Red flower and white flower pea plant are crossed .What will be that the ratio of red flower and white flower pea plant in Fgeneration.?Give its phenotype and genotype ratio with help of checker board.
    3)When black colour rabit and white colour rabit are crossed .What will be that the ratio black colour and white colour rabit in Fgeneration ?Give its phenotype and genotype ratio with help of the checker board.
    4.)When round seeded and wrinkle seeded pea plants are crossed ?What will be that  the ratio of round seeded and wrinkle seeded pea plants in F2 generation? Give its phenotype and genotype ratio with help of the checker board.
    5.)When Pure tall and hybrid tall pea plant are crossed .What will be the that the ratio of pure tall and hybrid tall pea plant in a Fgeneration .

    6.)When tall and tall pea plant are crossed .What will be that the ratio of pure tall pea plant in Fgeneration .

    2.Dihybrid cross : The cross which involves between  two pair of contrasting characters is called dihybrid cross .For example: The cross involves between Round seeded yellow colour and wrinkle seeded1 green colour pea plant .
    Mendelism or Mendel’s law: On the basis of experiment Mendel’s proposed following 3 laws is known as Mendelism.
    1.)Law of dominance: It states that when a pair of pure contrasting character are crossed only one form of the characters appears in F1 generation is called dominance character and other remains unexpressed is called recessive character. For example:  in Mendel`s monohybrid cross when pure tall and pure dwarf pea plant are crossed ,in F1  generation only tall plant are plants are seen are called dominance characters but other remain unexpressed are called recessive characters.
    2.)Law of purity of gametes or Law of segregation: It states that the dominant factors and the recessive factors in hybrid organism remain together for long time but don’t intermix each other and separate (segerate) at the time of gamete formation and also show that each gamete receive only one factor from a pair of character so law of segregation is also called law of purity .For example :in Mendel’s monohybrid cross when pure tall and dwarf pea plant are crossed in Fgeneration dwarf plant are not seen but in Fgeneration on basis of segregation  dwarf plant are again seen.
    3.)Law of independent assortment: It states that when the parents differ from each other in two or more pairs of contrasting characters or factors,and each pair of contrasting characters is independent to other character does not effect to other character during inheritance.
    Sex link diseases: The diseases which only occurs in a particular sex i.e. Male or Female is called sex linked disease .For example: Haemophilia
     only occurs in female due to which causes continues bleeding through cut or wound, Baldness only occurs in male.

    Genetic Technology: The use of techniques and methods concerned with the understandding structure of gene,functions of gene,modification of gene,and transfser of gene  is called Genetic Technology. For example :
     i.Gene therapy: The genetic technology that involves inserting, deleting, or modifying genes in an individual's cells to treat or prevent genetic diseasesis called Gene therapy .
    ii. Genetic testing: The Genetic technology that is used to  analysis  an individual's DNA to identify genetic mutations that may cause or increase the risk of developing certain diseases is known as genetic Testing.
    iii. Genetic engineering: The branch of engineering that deals the study of gene therapy ,genetic testing and cloning to create new genetic material with desired traits or Characters  is called genetic Engineering .

    iv. Cloning: The  genetic  technology  that involves creating genetically identical copies of organisms or cells  is called cloning. It help to to preserve endangered species.

    Advantages of Genetic Technology:
    i.It help to improve crop yields: For example : Modified more resist crops that help to prevent from pests and diseases,.
    ii. It help to improve nutrition: For example : Modified crops contain higher levels of nutrients.
    iii.It help to make  New medicines and vaccines: For example:Development of new medicines and vaccines.
    iv.DNA testing is used in crime investigation.
    v.It  is used to test  ancestral history.

    Disadvantages of Genetic Technology:
    i.)The modified plants and animals dominate the ecosystem.
    ii.)It has the fear  of uncontrollable population growth.
    iii.)There is higher risk of  increasing allergies.
    iv)Parasite ,viruses,bacteria will evolve and become more harmful to other natural organism

    Breeding:The act of mating and producing offspring is called breeding.

    Selective breeding : The process of artificial breeding  of animals or plants by selections of parrents for desired traits or characteristics is known as selective breeding .This method is used in agriculture to produce crops with higher yields or better taste, as well as in animal to produce animals with desirable traits such as increased size, strength.

    Advantages of selective breeding:
    i.Any one can act on selective breeding.
    ii.It provide improvement to plants and animals species.
    iii.New plants and animals varieties can be created.
    iv.It can increase the yield from plants and animals related food products.
    v. Selective breeding is not very costly.
    Disadvantages of  selective breeding: 
    i.It help to lack of variety in plants and animals species.
    ii.It help  to occurs genetic mutation.
    iii.It help for evolutionary changes that harm the planet.
    iv.It reduce the genetic variation.
    v.Rare diseases gene are selected as a part of positive trait that lead the problem in specific organisms ,For example:a high percentage of Dalmatain dogs are deaf.
    vi.It can create physical problem in specific organisms, for example:Large dog have faulty hip .

    Some major techniques of selective breeding:

    i)Inbreeding: The mating between closely related individuals to maintain desirable traits within a closely species is called  Inbreeding. Inbreeding can increase the expression of both desirable and undesirable traits ,For example :Mating between parent and offspring, between brother and sister.

    ii) Line breeding: The mating between animals that are more distantly related, such as grandparents and grandchildren or cousins is called Line breeding . This method is often used to maintain certain desirable traits in a particular line of animals.

    iii) Self-pollination: The process of transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of same flower or same plant of other flower is called self pollination. This can help maintain desirable traits within a particular line of plants.

    iv) Cross-breeding: The process of breeding between  two different varieties of animals or plants to produce offspring with desirable traits from both parents is called cross breeding.
    For example:A cross between a Holstein and a Jersey cow to produce hybrid cow that has the high milk production of the Holstein with the butterfat content of the Jersey.
    Advantages of Crossbreeding:
    i.It help to produces new type of organism .
    ii. The plants produced by this method have more productivity.
    iii. It help to increase immunity ,productivity ,life span, and strength of organism.
    iv. The characteristics of  organism can be improved by cross breeding.
    v. It help to produce organism of desired characteristics by cross breeding.
    Disadvantages of Crossbreeding:
    i.The offspring produced by cross breeding are cheaper than that of pure breeds .
    ii. The offspring produced by cross breeding do not carry all characteristics of their parent.
    iii. The offspring produced by cross breeding is limited .
    iv. There is probability of extinction of pure breeds .

    Some organism produced by cross breeding :
    1.Tigon:The hybrid organism produced by cross breeding between male tiger and female Lion is called Tigon. It smaller than its parent .It Looks like tiger but have many features of Lion.

    2.Liger : The hybrid organism produced by cross breeding between male Lion and female Tiger is called Liger.It is bigger than that of its parent.It looks like Lion but have many characters of tiger.

    3.Beefalo: The hybrid organism produced by cross breeding between male domestic cattle and female American Bison-e};L_ is called Beefalo. It is used for Beef meat.

    4.Zebroid: The hydrid organism produced by cross breeding between zebra and horse(=Hebra) Zebra and Donkey (=Donkra) is called Zebroid. Zebroid is sterile hybrid organism.

    5. Mule: The hybrid organism produced by cross breeding between male donkey and female horse  is called Mule. It can run fast like horse and carry load like donkey. Mule is sterile organism.

    6.Pomato: The hybrid plant produced by grafting between potato and tomato plants is called Pomato .This plant produced potato in soil and cherry tomato in the stem.

    Artificial insemination (AI): A reproductive technique in which semen(sperm) is introduced into the reproductive tract of a female, using methods other than natural mating, for the purpose of achieving fertilization and pregnancy is called Artificial insemination (AI) . This technique is commonly used in both animal breeding and human fertility treatments.

    Advantages of Artificial insemination :
    1.It help to save money because it is easy ,fast and cheap method .
    2.The semen can be preserved  stored for a long time .
    3.It help to control sexually transmitted diseases in females.
    4.The preserved semen can be transported .
    5.It does not harm female and make fertilization possible.
    6.It increase the rate of fertilization.
    Disadvantages of Artificial insemination:
    i)Artificial insemination required skilled and well trained manpower.
    ii)If equipment for insemination are not sterilized genitals organ may be infected .

    Semen(Sperm) Bank:A facility that collect ,processes,stores,and sells sperm is called semen bank.
    In vitro  Fertilization(IVF):A reproductive technology (ART) in which an egg is fertilized with sperm outside of the body in a laboratory dish is known  as In Vitro Fertilization(IVF) .

    This process  consist of following steps:
    1. Ovarian stimulation: The woman takes fertility drugs to stimulate her ovaries to produce multiple eggs.
    2. Egg retrieval: The eggs are collected from the ovaries using a small needle guided by ultrasound.
    3. Sperm collection: The sperm are collected from the male partner or a donor.
    4. Fertilization: The sperm and eggs are combined in a laboratory dish for  fertilization .
    5. Embryo culture: The fertilized eggs, or embryos, are cultured in a laboratory for several days.
    6. Embryo transfer: One or more embryos are transferred into the uterus, where they may implant and develop into a pregnancy.
    Advantages of In Vitro Fertilization:
    1.IVF is suitable method of reproduction in case of infertility.
    2.IVF help to produced offspring by using sperm and egg of a respective parent  or sperm and egg of unknown donner.
    3.This method helps to solve problems of infertility due to chromosomal disorder .
    4.IVF help to treat infertility and genetic problem
    5.IVF help to reduce rate of abortion.
    6.IVF increase the chance of giving birth to health child.
    7.IVF help to single mother and homosexual families for continuity of life.

    Disadvantage of IVF:
    1.It is very expansive reproduction technology.
    2.It may have side effect in some female.
    3.It may increase tension and mental problem in couple .
    4.Some time no eggs are collected from the ovary after stimulation.

    Unit- 5       
             Human Body Structure and Life Process

    1.Human Blood Circulatory System: The group of organs working together to transports various materials from one part of body to another part of body is called the blood circulatory system .The human blood circulatory system consists of main three  parts .They are :
    i)Blood                          ii)Heart                    iii)Blood vessels

    1.Blood  : The red liquid connective tissues which continuously in the human body by carrying O2,CO2, hormone nutrients is called blood .An average human body of  male adult consist of about 5/6 litre and female about 4/5 litre blood .It has salty test and PH value of  blood is 7.3 to 7.5 .

    Functions of blood  :-Blood has 3 major functions :
    1.)Transportation functions  :
    i)It transport Ofrom lungs to different parts of body and CO2 from different parts of body to lungs .
    ii)It transport nutrients absorbed in intestine to the all parts of body .
    iii)It transport waste product from different parts of body to their respective excretory organs i.e. skin, lungs, liver , kidney etc.
    iv)It transport hormone secreted by endocrine gland to the different of  body .
     2.)Regulation functions  :
    i)It maintain body temperature .
    ii)It regulate amount of water in the body .
    iii)It maintain different chemicals in the body .
    iv)It help to regulate P value by interacting with acid and base .
    3.)Protection functions :
    i)The blood cell WBC help in the defense system  of the body by producing antibody that fight against toxic germs .
    ii)The blood cell platelets help to prevent the loss of blood from the body by clotting the blood .
    Structure of blood  : It consist of 2 parts :
    1.)Plasma :  The 55% liquid parts of blood is plasma .It consist of about 90% water 8% protein and remaining 2% consist of hormones , ,glucose ,salt gases ,waste product  etc. Plasma without fibrinogen is called serum that used for diagnosis of various  kinds diseases .
                           Serum = Plasm – fibrinogen
    Functions of plasma : 
    i)It help to transport nutrients absorbed in intestine to the all parts of body .
    ii)The blood cell platelets help to prevent the loss of blood from the body by clotting the blood .
    ii)It transport waste product from different parts of body to their respective excretory organ i.e. skin, kidney, liver etc.
    iii)It regulate body temperature and amount of water and minerals in the body.
    iv)It transport hormones secreted by endocrine gland to the different parts of body .
    v)The albumin protein present in  the plasma help  tissues repair and  growth .
    vi)It help to transport urea produced by liver to kidney.
    vi)It contains a plasma protein is called fibrinogen that help in clotting of blood by forming insoluble fibrin and globulin that responsible for immunity  power of the body .
    2)Blood cell or Corpuscles :   The 45% solid parts
    of blood is called blood cell . They are 3 types :

    i)Red blood  cell (RBC) or Erythrocytes
    ii)White blood cell (WBC) Leucocytes
    iii)Platelets  or Thrombocytes
    A)Red blood cell (RBCs) or Erythrocytes 


    Red coloured  non nucleated ,circular blood cell is called red blood cell .One cubic milli meter (1mm3) volume of blood contains about 45/ 50 lakhs of RBCs and size of RBC is about 6 to 8 μm in diameter .Its life span is about 120 days .They are formed in the red bone marrow 20 lakh/sec and destroyed in liver and spleen also 20 lakh/sec . They do not contains nucleus but contains protein pigment of iron is called haemoglobin .Haemoglobin help to make blood red in colour and absorb oxygen (i.e.1 molecule of Hb absorb 4 molecules of O2 )from lungs .In a person lack of RBC or haemoglobin  causes of Anemia  and a person with anemia get tired due to no enough supply of oxygen in the cell but excess amount of RBC in blood causes of Polycythemia
      Functions :  
     i)It help to transport O2 from lungs to different parts of body and CO2 from different parts of body to lungs.
    ii)The surface of RBCs absorb the amino acid from the food in alimentary canal and transport into the cells.
    B)White blood cell (WBCs) or Erythrocytes   

    White coloured ,nucleated ,irregular shaped blood cell is called white blood cell .One cubic milli meter (1mm3) volume of blood contains about 6000-10000 of WBCs and size of WBC is about 12 to 17 μm in diameter .Its life span is about 12-14 days but the number increase when body is fighting against infection . They are formed in red bone marrow and lymph node and destroyed in the site of infection and in the liver,spleen . They contains nucleus but not hemoglobin .
    They are 2 two types : i)Granular leucocytes :   The leucocytes that have granules in their cytoplasm is called granular leucocytes .It help to engulf bacteria and dust particles present in the blood .They are also 3 types Eosinophils ,Basophils ,and Neutrophils .
    ii)Agranular  leucocytes  : The leucocytes lacking granules in their cytoplasm is called agranular leucocytes .They are also 2 types Lymphocytes and monocytes  .Lemphocytes produces antibodies to destroy germs and assist the healing injury and moncytes engulf bacteria .In a person lack of WBCs causes of Leukopenia and excess amount of WBCs in blood causes of blood cancer (Leukamia)
    B) Platelets or thrombocytes


    Small ,colourless, and circular blood cell are called platelets .One cubic milli meter (1mm3) volume of blood contains about 2-4 lakhs platelees.Its life span is about 2-3 days .They are formed in red bone marrow and destroyed in spleen . They does not contains nucleus and haemoglobin but release thread like fibers is called thromboplastin  that help to clot the blood .In person lack of platelets causes of thromobopenis that help in  excessive bleeding occurs and excess of platelets causes of thromobocytosis that obstruct(Resist) blood vessels 
    Functions  i)It help  to clot the blood by producing thromboplatin on the skin  in the event of an injury and prevent excess flow of blood from the body .
    Haemophilia :  Haemophilia is a heredity disease in which the blood does not clot .If there is an injury ,more blood may be lost .
    1.)Why sodium citrate is treated with donated blood ?
    Ans.Some drops of sodium citrate or potassium citrate is put in the blood donation to prevent from clotting of blood ,because it act as anticoagulation .
    2.)The blood  of a person living in the high mountain contain more red blood cells than that of blood of a person living in the Terai ,why ?
    AnsThe amount of oxygen is less in high mountain region and red blood cell is more to take large amount of oxygen for the easy respiration to the body so the blood of a person living in the high mountain region contain more red blood cells.

    Blood group:
    A classification system of blood which that categorize human blood based on the presence or absence of specific antigens and antibodies on the surface of red blood cells and plasma is called blood group.There are two ways to classification of blood group :
    A.ABO system :The System of classification  human blood that is based on the presence or absence of two antigens, A and B, on the surface of red blood cells and anitbody A and B in plssma is called ABO system of classification of blood.
    On basis of ABO system human blood are classified into 4 types:
    i.Blood group A :The blood in which surface of red blood cell contains  antigene A and plasma contains antibody B is called blood group A.
    ii.Blood group B: The blood in which surface of red blood cell contains  antigene B and plasma contains antibody A is called blood group B.
    iii. Blood group AB: The blood in which surface of red blood cell contains  antigene B and antigene B but no antibody in plasma  is called blood groupA B.It is also called universal acceptor blood group.
    iv.Blood group O : The blood in which surface of red blood cell does not contain any  antigenes but plasma contains antibody A  and antibody B is called blood group O.It is also called universal doner blood gerup.
    The ABO blood group system is important for blood transfusions. When blood is transfused, it is important to match the donor's blood type with the recipient's blood type, because. If a person receives blood with an incompatible blood type, their immune system will attack the foreign blood cells and the antibodies in the recipient's blood can react with the antigens in the donor's blood, causing a serious reaction called hemolysis
    For example, a person with type A blood can only receive blood from type A or type O blood donors. If they were to receive type B blood, their immune system would attack the type B blood cells and cause a hemolytic transfusion reaction.
    The ABO blood group system is also important for pregnancy. If a woman has type O blood and her baby's father has type A or type B blood, there is a risk that the baby will inherit type A or type B blood. If this happens, the mother's antibody-A or antibody-B  can cross the placenta and attack the baby's red blood cells, causing a condition called hemolytic disease of the new born.

    B.) Rh(Rhesus) system: The System of classification  human blood that is based on the presence or absence of a specific D  antigen, known as the Rh factor, on the surface of red blood cells. is called Rh system of classification of blood. The Rh factor is named after the Rhesus monkey, in which the antigen was first discovered. The Rh blood group system is also known as the Rhesus factor.
     People who have the D antigen are called Rh positive, while people who lack the D antigen are called Rh negative. which is present in about 85% of the population.
    Here is a table of the two main types of Rh blood:

    Rh Blood Type


    Rh positive

    Has the D antigen. This is the most common type of Rh blood.

    Rh negative

    Lacks the D antigen. This is the less common type of Rh blood.

    Therefore On basis of ABO system human blood are classified into following types :
    i.A positive
    ii.A negative
    iii.B positive
    iv.B negative
    v.AB positive
    vi.AB negative
    vii.O positive
    viii.O negative
    Transfer of blood between different blood group in human being.

    Blood Type

    Can Donate to

    Can Receive from


    A+, AB+ 

    A+, A-, O+, O-


    A+ , A-, AB+, AB-

    A-, O-


    B+, AB+

    B+, B-, O+, O-


    B+, B-, AB+, AB-

    B-, O-





    AB+, AB-, 

    AB-, A-, B-, O-


    O+, A+, B+, AB+

     O+, O-




    The Rh blood group system is also important in pregnancy, because Rh incompatibility between the mother and fetus can lead to hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). Because antibodies to the RhD antigen can cause hemolytic transfusion reactions, 

    2.Blood vessels :  The muscular tubular pipe that carry blood through the tissues and organs is called blood vessels .They are 3 types :

    1.)Artery :-
    The blood vessels which carry the oxygenated blood from the heart to the all parts of body(except pulmonary artery) is called artery .It has thick muscular and more elastic wall because blood remains in high pressure in it. They have no valve. The thinner branch of artery is called arterioles and thicker branch is called aorta.
    2.)Vein : The blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood from different parts of body to heart (except pulmonary vein) is called vein ).It has thin muscular wall because blood remains in low pressure in it .They have valve that control back flow of blood in it due to low pressure .The thinner branch of vein is called venules and thicker branch is called venacava .
    3.)Capillaries  :-Very thin and fine network of blood vessels formed by the combination of arterioles and venules is called capillaries. It act act as connection between artery and vein. The exchange of O2 ,COnutrients, and  waste product takes place in capillaries .
    3.Heart  :Heart is a conical muscular organ  up from cardiac muscles ,which is situated in the thoracic cavity between two lungs .It pumps out the pure blood to all parts of body and collect the impure blood from different parts of body .
    Heart is covered by double walled membrane called pericardium membrane .The fluid present in between two layers of pericardium membrane is called pericardial fluid . It help to protect heart from injury and absorb shock .
    Structure of heart
    Heart is divided into 4 chambered i.e. upper right chamber is called right auricle ,lower right chamber is called right ventricle, upper left chamber is called left ventricle and lower left chamber is called  left ventricle
     . It also  consist of following parts :

    i)Venacava : The blood vessels that carry impure blood from different parts of body to right auricle is called venacava I.e. superior venacava collect  blood upper parts of body and inferior vena cava collect blood lower parts of body .
    ii)Aorta : The blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood from left ventricle to all parts of body is called aorta .
    iii)Pulmonary artery   :The artery that carry impure blood from right ventricle to lungs is called pulmonary artery .It is also called exceptional of artery because it carry impure blood .
    iv) pulmonary vein  : The vein that carry pure blood from lungs to left auricle is called pulmonary artery .it is also called exceptional of vein because it carry pure blood .
    v)Valves  : The  small opening of the heart chambers that does not allow the blood  in the opposite direction is called valve .There are 4 valves in human heart . They are :
    i)Tricuspid valve or right atrio ventricular valve  : The valve which is situated between right auricle and right ventricle is called tricuspid valve .It consist of 3 valves so it is called  tricuspid valves .It help to pass and prevent from  back flow
    of blood from right auricle to right ventricle .

    ii)Bicuspid valve or mitral valve or left atrio ventricular valve :   The valve which is situated between left auricle and left ventricle is called bicuspid valve .It consist of 2 valve so it is called bicuspid valve .It  help to pass and prevent from back flow of blood from left auricle to left ventricle .
    iii)Pulmonic  valve   :The valve which is situated between right ventricle and pulmonary artery is called pulmonic valve .It help to pass and prevent from back flow of impure blood from right ventricle to pulmonary artery .
    iv)Aortic valve :  The valve which is situated between left ventricle and aorta is called aortic valve .It help to pass and prevent from back flow of pure blood from  left ventricle to aorta .
    Types of blood circulation  _ it is 2 types :
    i)Systematic blood circulation  : The circulation of blood from the left ventricle to right auricle of heart through the body (except lungs) is called systemic circulation . for example :    

    ii)Pulmonary blood circulation : The circulation of the blood from right ventricle of heart to left auricle through the lungs is known as pulmonary blood 

    1.)Right auricle larger than that of left auricle ,why ?
    Ans.Right auricle collect large amount of deoxygenated blood from all parts body through superior and inferior vena cava but left auricle collect only oxygenated blood from lungs through pulmonary artery ,so right auricle is larger than that of left auricle .
    2.)The walls of ventricle has thicker muscular wall than that auricles ,why?
    Ans. The ventricles pumps the blood into artery through aorta and requires more pressure but auricles collect the blood from vena cava through  the vein and requires less pressure ,therefore the walls of ventricles has muscular wall than that of auricles . 
    3.)The wall of right ventricle is thicker than that left ventricle ,why?
    Ans. Right ventricle pump only impure blood into the lungs ,and left ventricle pumps the pure blood  into all parts of the body, so left ventricle requires more pressure than that of right ventricle .Therefore the wall of left ventricle is thicker than that of right ventricle .
    4.)The wall of the vein is thinner than that artery ? or Vein lies just beneath the skin but arteries are deep seated ,why?
    Ans. The heart pumps the pure blood into the arteries with in high pressure but blood flow in vein very slowly with less  pressure, therefore the wall of vein is thinner than that of artery .
    5.)The bleeding from the artery is very dangerous why ?
    Ans. The heart pumps the pure blood  into artery with in very high pressure so during bleeding pure blood flow out  with very high pressure .Therefore the bleeding from artery is very dangerous .  
    Heart beat :  The periodic contraction and relaxation of heart muscles in order  to  receive and pump blood is called heart beat .It occurs due to contraction and relaxation of its auricles and ventricles  ,in which contraction phase is called systolic phase and relaxation phase is diastolic phase. A normal people have the heart beat  rate 72 times per minutes .This rate increase due increase during sickness ,exercise,fear, excitement under stress etc.

    Some diseases :
    1.Heart Attack: A serious medical 
    conditions when blood flow in a coronary artery  that supply blood to the tissues of heart is disturbed and part of the heart is suddenly blocked due to deposit of fat  and cholesterol that can causes damage cardiac tissues  is known as heart attack .It is also known as a myocardial infarction(MI).

    Causes of Heart attack :
    i. Coronary artery disease block the flow of blood to the heart due to deposition of cholesterol or fatty substances 
    ii. Smoking damages the arteries and increases the risk of heart attack.
    iii. High blood pressure can damage the arteries and make them more to narrow or block.
    Iv. Diabetes can damage the arteries and increase the risk of heart attack.
    v. Family history of heart disease is a risk factor for heart attack.
    vi. Drinking  of alcohol
    vii. Consumption of more fatty and oily foods
    viii. Stress of hypertension
    Symptoms of heart attack:
    i.Chest pain in left side of chest  .
    ii. Shortness of breath
    iii. Pain in the jaw, neck, back, arm, or shoulder
    iv. Nausea or vomiting
    v. Light headedness or Feeling dizziness.
    vi. Cold sweat
    vii. Feeling of heart burn
    viii. Irregular heart beat and Unconciousness
    Control and preventive measures of heart attack:
    i. Eating a healthy diet: i.e. fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and limiting unhealthy fats, sodium, and sugar.
    ii. Exercising regularly i.e. at least 30 minutes  per day.
    iii.Smoking ,drinking alcohol, and consuming tobacco, should be avoided .
    vi. Managing hypertension or stress:
    v. Control  and treat diabetes and high blood pressure
    vi. Control overr weight
    vii. Take foods that protect our heart
    Diagnosis and test of heart attack:
    i. By Eletrocardiography to measures the heart’s electrical activity.
    ii. By some major test i.e. Chest x-ray, echocardiogram
    iii. By Coronary angiography to locate blockage in the arteries .
    iv. By blood test to measures cardiac markers that indicate damage to the heart.

    Angiography :A medical imaging procedure which is  used to visualize the inside of blood vessels by help of x-ray, such as arteries or veins, in various parts of the body is called is  called Angiography .A special dye called a contrast agent is injected into the blood vessels,during angiography  which makes them visible on the X-ray images,and  x-ray image is called Angiogram.
    There are several types of angiography procedures, such as coronary angiography, cerebral angiography, and peripheral angiography
    it may carry some risks, such as bleeding, infection, or allergic reactions to the contrast dye.

    Uses of Angiogram
    i.Angiography is used to diagnose  the blockages, narrowing, or abnormalities in blood vessels
    ii.It is used to guide certain treatments, such as angioplasty . 
    iii.It is used to diagnose different parts of the body, such as the heart, brain, legs, and kidneys etc.

    Treatments of heart attack :The  procedures which are used to open blockage of arteries are called treatments of heart attack .Some majors treatments of heart attack are :
    2.Coronary Angioplasty or Balloon Angioplasty  or stent placement :
    It is often used to treat coronary artery disease (CAD),  in which conditions the arteries that supply blood to the heart
    become narrowed or blocked.

    During coronary angioplasty, a thin, flexible tube (catheter) is inserted into a blood vessel in the arm, groin, or neck. The catheter is then threaded through the blood vessels to the heart. A small balloon is attached to the end of the catheter and inflated to widen the narrowed or blocked artery. After the balloon is inflated, the stent (A small tube of wire like net)  is inserted into the artery. The stent is then expanded, which helps to keep the artery open. The balloon is then deflated and removed.The procedure takes about 1-2 hours.
    It is is a safe and effective procedure but sometimes may carry some risks, such as bleeding, infection, or allergic reactions to the contrast dye.
    Advantages of Coronary Angioplasty :
    i.It is a less complicate  procedure than surgery.
    ii.It can be performed under local anesthesia, itmeans that you will be awake during the procedure.
    iii.It is a relatively quick procedure, taking about 1-2 hours.
    iv.It is an outpatient basis process , meaning that you can go home the same day.
    3.Coronary artery bypass surgery :
    A surgical procedure that is used to improve blood flow to the heart is known as Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)  It is done by creating a new path for blood to flow around a narrowed or blocked
    coronary artery.

    The new path is created by using a blood vessel from another part of the body, such as the chest, arm, or leg. The blood vessel is called a graft. The graft is attached to the coronary artery above and below the blockage. so that blood can flow freely to the heart muscle.

    CABG is a major surgery, and takes about 3 to 6 hours but it is a very effective treatment for coronary artery disease. but sometimes may carry some risks, such as bleeding, infection,  heat damage. It can help to improve blood flow to the heart and reduce the risk of heart attack.
    Advantages  of CABG:
    i.It can improve blood flow to the heart and reduce the risk of heart attack.
    ii.It can help to relieve chest pain.
    iii.It can improve the quality of life.
    2. Blood pressure : The pressure exerted by the flow of blood on the wall of blood vessels is called blood pressure .It is measured in mili meter of mercury (mm of Hg )by using an instruments is 
    called Syphgmomanometer .

    Types of blood pressure   It is 2 types :
    i)Systolic blood pressure :  The pressure of blood inside blood vessels( i.e. artery)during contraction of heart is called systolic blood pressure .
    Normal range :  90 mmHg to 130 mmHg (in medical term normal i.e. 120)
    ii)Diastolic blood pressure  :  The pressure of blood inside the blood vessels (i.e.artery)during relaxation of heart is called diastolic blood pressure .
    Normal range  : 60 mmHg  to 90 mmHg (in medical term normal i.e.80)

    High and low blood pressure When Blood pressure become more than normal range is called high blood pressure (Hypertension) . it can rupture the artery and causes of internal bleeding and death  but when blood pressure become less than that of normal range is called low blood pressure (Hypotension) .
    Causes of high blood pressure :  i)Consumption of more salt and oil in food .
    ii)Lack of physical activities and more stress.
    iii) over weight .
    iv)More use of fatty and fried foods
     vi)Drinking of alcohol and smoking
    Symptoms of high blood pressure  : i)Causes of headache and faigue.
    ii)Causes of blurred  vision .
    iii)Chest pain and short breath.
    iv)irregular heart beat .
    v)Blood in urine and internal bleeding .
    Control or prevention measure of high blood pressure .   
    i)By eating healthy foods i.e. low in calories .
    ii)Avoiding consumption of more salt ,and oil in food .
    iii)Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking .
    iv)Maintaining health weight .
    v)Avoiding the consumption of soda and cold drink .
    vi)Regular exercise and reducing stress. 

    Diabetes( Blood sugar)  : A disease that causes of increase of sugar level in blood due to less production of insulin hormone by pancreas is called diabetes. Insulin convert excess blood sugar into glycogen and store in the liver and glucogon  hormone  convert glycogen into sugar from liver during lack of sugar level in blood .
    Normal range:   Fasting sugar level (No food for 8hours ): Between 70 mg/dl to  106 mg/dl
    After eating(Post proandial or PP): less than 140 mg/dl or between :80 mg/dl  to 140 mg/dl )
    Causes of diabetes  : i) Lack of physical activities and more stress.
    ii) ) over weight .
    iii) )More use of fatty and fried foods.
    iv) Drinking of alcohol and smoking.
    v) Heredity.
    Symptoms of diabetes  :  
    i)Frequent urination .
    ii)Excessive thrust .
    iii)Excessive hunger and appetite .
    iv)Loss of weight .
    v)Slow healing and cut of wounds.
    Controls or prevention of diabetes :   
    i)By eating healthy foods i.e. low in calories .
    ii) Avoiding consumption of more fat and oil in food .
    iii) Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking .
    iv) Maintaining health weight .
    v) )Regular exercise and reducing stress.

    3. Uric acid(C5H4N4O3):   The acid which is produced as the byproduct of decomposition of purine  found in the cell or food is called uric acid .It is formed inside liver and intestine It is excreted by the kidney  .It help to  protect inner part of blood vessels and help to remove the toxics materials from the body. The concentration of uric acid in blood plasma above the normal range is called hyperuricemia and below the normal range is called hypouricemia .
    Normal range  :   In male -3.4 mg/dl  to 7.2 mg/dl
    In female  -2.6 mg/dl  to 6.1 mg/dl
    Causes of increasing  level of uric acid  :
    i)Over consumption  of alcohol and caffeine .
    ii)Over weight .
    iii)Over consumption of red meat ,pea, and beer and cold drink .
    iv)Kidney disorder .
    iv)Consumption of purine rich diet i.e. liver, sea food .
    Symptoms of increasing level uric acid :   
    i)Intense joint pain .
    ii)Redness , Tenderness, and swelling of joints  and skin .
    iii)Internal pain in muscles.
    Controls or prevention measures of increasing of uric acid :  i)Use of lemon juice with hot water .
    ii)Eating of straw berry and drinking of black cherry juice .
    iii)Less consumption of protein or purine rich foods .
    iv)Regular exercise and  healthy  diet .
    v)Drinking of plenty of water  .
    vi)Avoiding alcohol and caffeine . 


    Unit -6

                          Nature and Environment

    Climate: The atmospheric condition over a long period of time is known as climate .
    Climatology: The branch of science consisting the study of the climate is known as climatology.
    Climate change:  The change in weather condition of certain place due to atmospheric and natural factors is called climate change.
    Causes of climate change : The cause of climate change are as following:
    A)Natural causes:The Earth's climate has been changing naturally due to these natural causes:
    1.Volcanic eruptions: Volcanoes release greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and Sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases can trap heat and warm the planet.
    2.Changes in the Earth's orbit: The Earth's orbit around the sun is not a perfect circle. It is slightly elliptical, due to this Earth receive more amount of sunlight ,which can impact the climate.
    3.Changes in solar activity: The sun's energy output varies over time. When the sun is more active, it emits more energy, which can warm the planet.
    4.Changes in ocean currents: Ocean currents help to distribute heat around the planet. When ocean currents change, it can affect the climate of different regions.
    B)Human causes :The main human activities that cause climate change are:
    1.Burning fossil fuels: When fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are burned, they release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
    2.Deforestation :The trees that absorb carbon dioxide are cut. This releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
    3.Agriculture: Agriculture activities such as livestock farming(animals kept for use or profit. ) and the use of fertilizers release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
    4.Industrial processes: Industrial processes such as cement production and metal smelting release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
    5.Waste disposal: When waste is disposed of in landfills, it releases methane, a greenhouse gas

    Effects of climate change: The effects of climate change are as following :
    1.Rising sea levels: The oceans are absorbing more heat from the atmosphere, which is causing them to expand. This is leading to rising sea levels,
    2.More extreme weather events: Climate change is making extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts (Khaderi), floods, and storms more common and intense. These events are causes of to damage  property and infrastructure, and they can also lead to loss of life.
    3.Melting glaciers and ice sheets: Glaciers and ice sheets are melting due to climate change. This is causing sea levels to rise and is also disrupting the water cycle, which can have a negative impact on agriculture and other sectors.
    4.Changes in plant and animal life: Climate change is causing plant and animal life to shift their habit and habitat.For example: Some species are moving to cooler areas, while others are becoming extinct. .
    5.Diseases: Climate change is making some diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever. This is because warmer temperatures are creating more favorable conditions for these diseases to spread.
    6.Heat stress: Climate change is making heat waves more common and more intense. This can lead to heat stress, for the people who are not able to cool down.
    7.Economic impacts: Climate change is already having a negative impact on the global economy.

    Controlling measures of climate change:  There are some major ways to controls measures climate change. These measures can be divided into three broad categories:
    1. Mitigation measures: These measures aim to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere. Some examples of mitigation measures are:
    Ø Promoting  to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.
    Ø Improving energy efficiency in homes and businesses.
    Ø Plantation
    Ø Reducing deforestation.
    Ø Investing in carbon capture and storage technologies.
    Ø Sustainable agriculture such as  organic farming, agroforestry,(Tree,herb,shrub forming)
    Ø Circular economy such as reuse, recycling to minimize waste, reduce emissions, and increase resource efficiency.
    Ø Public awareness and change in behaviour.
    2. Adaptation measures: These measures aim to help people and ecosystems from the effects of climate change:
    Ø Building seawalls to protect coastal communities from flooding.
    Ø Developing drought(Khaderi)-resistant crops.
    Ø Improving early warning systems for extreme weather events. Such as Establishing systems to monitor and predict climate-related hazards for timely warnings to vulnerable communities.
    Ø Relocating people and infrastructure away from areas at risk of climate change impacts.
    Ø Water resource management:
    Ø Ecosystem conservation and restoration:
    Ø Climate-smart agriculture:
    3.International Cooperation: Such as
    Ø Global agreements:
    Ø Financial support:
    Ø Technology transfer:
    Endangered animals and Plants :The animals and plants those are  at risk of extinction due to rapid decrease in their population or loss of their habitat are known as endangered animals and plants.
     Reasons of animals and plants become endangered are:
    1.Habitat loss: When the animal or plant's natural habitat is destroyed, they may not be able to find food or shelter.
    2.Overhunting or fishing: When too many animals are hunted or fished, their population can decline rapidly.
    3.Pollution: Pollution can contaminate the air, water, and soil, making it difficult for animals and plants to survive.
    4.Climate change: Climate change is causing the Earth's climate to become warmer and more extreme. This can change the habitat of animals and plants, making it difficult for them to find food.
    5.Industrial activities, agriculture, and improper waste disposal, : It help to natural habitat  destroys,and  they may not be able to find food or shelter.
    6.Disease and Pathogens: The spread of diseases and pathogens(disease producing agent) 
    making it difficult for animals and plants to survive. 

    Measures to protect endangered animals and plants :There are are some of the measures that can be taken to protect endangered animals and plants:
    1.By Creating  protected areas such as national parks and wildlife refuges.
    2.By Reducing  pollution
    3.By Educating  and awareness the public
    4.By Supporting  sustainable(That avoid business harming environment)
    5.By Donating  to conservation organizations
    6.By get involving  in conservation efforts.
    7.By Choosing  sustainable products
    8.By Reducing  your waste: Reduce the amount of waste you produce by recycling, composting, and reusing items.
    9.By Formulating and implementation
    of  appropriate laws.

    Protected animals and birds in Nepal :In Nepal 26 species of mammals, 9 species of birds ,and 3 species of reptiles are listed as endangered species .They are given as following :
    26.Endangered mammals in Nepal:
    A.Critically Endangered
    1.Blackbuck - कृष्णसार_
    2.Chinese pangolin - चाइनिज सालक _
    3.Indian pangolin - इन्डीयन सालक _
    4.Himalayan musk deer - कस्तुरी मृग _
    5.River dolphin- सोंस _
    6.Tibetan gazelle
    7.Asiatic elephant - जंगली हात्ती _
    8.Assamese monkey - आसामी रातो वांदर _
    9.Bengal tiger - पाटे वाघ _
    10.Brown bear - हिमाली भालु _
    11.Black  bear
    13.Four-horned antelope - चौका _
    14.Lynx - पहान विरालो _
    15.Greater one-horned rhinoceros - गैडा _
    16.Himalayan tahr
    17.Hispid hare - हिस्पीड खराया] _
    18.Himalayan wolf - व्वांसा] _
    19.Indian leopard - ध्वांसे चितवा _
    20.Leopard cat +- चरी वाघ_
    21.Red fox
    22.Red panda -  हाव्रे _
    23.Snow leopard- हिउ चितवा  _
    24.Swamp deer- वाह्र सिंहे_
    25.Wild water buffalo - अर्ना_
    26.Wild Yak - जंगली याक _

    Endangered mammals in Nepal:
    1.Black Buck
    - कृष्णसार_
    The black buck (Antilope cervicapra) is a species of antelope native to India and Nepal. It inhabits grassy plains and lightly forested areas .

    2.Chinese pangolin - चाइनिज सालक _ MThe Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) is a species of pangolin found in northern parts of Southeast Asia, i.e China, Indian and Nepal. It is a small, nocturnal mammal covered in scales made of keratin, which is the same material that makes up human hair and nails. The Chinese pangolin feeds mainly on ants and termites, which it captures using its long, sticky tongue. It is a solitary animal that spends most of its time in burrows or trees. 

    3.Himalayan musk deer ( कस्तुरी मृग )
    The Himalayan musk deer, also known as Moschus chrysogaster, is a species of deer found in the densely forested areas of Asia's alpine zones. These deer are known for their unique communication method.

    4.Indian pangolin:
    The Indian pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) is a slow-moving, nocturnal mammal. 
    The pangolin possesses a cone-shaped head with small, dark eyes, and a long muzzle with a nose pad similar in color, or darker than, its pinkish-brown skin.It inhabits grasslands and secondary forests, and is well adapted to dry areas and desert regions, It prefers soft and semi-sandy soil conditions suitable for digging burrows.

    5.River dolphin(सोंस )
    The Ganges river dolphin is a freshwater dolphin that can only live in freshwater and is essentially blind.

    6.Tibetan gazelle 
    The Tibetan gazelle is a small antelope that inhabits the Tibetan plateau.They have slender and graceful bodies, with long, tapering, ridged horns that reach lengths of 26 to 32 cm . 

    7.Asiatic elephant - जंगली हात्ती _
    MMThe Asian elephant is the largest land mammal in Asia. The Asian elephant is found in isolated pockets  Southeast Asia i.e. Nepal ,India . They are considered forest animals.

    8.Assamese monkey (आसामी रातो वांदर )
    MThe Assam macaque, also known as the Assamese macaque, is a species of Old World monkey native to South and Southeast Asia .The Assam macaque is diurnal and can be both arboreal and terrestrial.They are found in the forests of southeast Asia i.e.Vietnam to Nepal.

    9.Bengal tiger (पाटे वाघ )
    Bengal tigers are a subspecies of tiger found primarily in India, with smaller populations in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and China. They are the most numerous tiger subspecies, but are still considered endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.

    10.Brown bear (हिमाली भालु )
    Brown bears are a species of bear found throughout North America, Europe, and Asia.They are omnivores and feed on a variety of foods, including berries, fish, and small mammals. Brown bears are also skilled hunters and can take down large prey such as moose and elk, brown bears are considered vulnerable due to habitat loss and hunting.

    11.Black  bear:
    Black bears are omnivores and their diet includes berries, nuts, roots, insects, and small mammals. Black bears are excellent climbers and swimmers, and they can run up to 30 miles per hour.

    12. Dhole or Grey wolf :
    Dholes, also known as Asiatic wild dogs, are native to South and Southeast Asia. They are highly social animals. Dholes are excellent hunters and can take down prey much larger than themselves, such as deer and wild boar.

    13.Four-horned antelope (चौका )

    The four-horned antelope, also known as the chousingha, is a small antelope species found in the  wooded areas of India and Nepal.It has a yellowish-brown to reddish coat, with white under parts and insides of the legs.The posterior horns are always longer than the anterior horns, which might be mere fur-covered studs. One pair of horns is located between the ears, and the other on the forehead.

    14.Lynx ( पहान विरालो )
    Lynxes are medium-sized wild cats found throughout North America, Europe, and Asia During the summer, it has a relatively short, reddish or brown coat, which is replaced by a much thicker silver-grey to greyish-brown coat during winter. Lynxes are known for their sharp vision and are ambush predators that attack prey after silently stalking
    them  They have longer legs and bigger paws compared to bobcats.

    15.Greater one-horned rhinoceros (गैडा )
    The greater one-horned rhinoceros, also known as the Indian rhinoceros, The greater one-horned rhinoceros is identified by a single black horn about 8-25 inches long and a grey-brown hide with skin folds . Greater one-horned rhinos are grazers. When not grazing on land, animals like to immerse themselves in water, where they also graze on aquatic plants. The greater one-horned rhino is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List

    16.Himalayan tahr
    Himalayan tahrs are a species of wild goat found in the Himalayas in India, Nepal, and Bhutan.The Himalayan tahr has a shaggy coat that varies in color from reddish-brown to dark brown, with a dark stripe along the back.Himalayan tahrs are herbivores and feed on grasses, leaves, and shrubs.They are social animals and live in groups of up to 20 individuals, with males and females forming separate herds. Himalayan tahrs are an important species for conservation efforts, as their populations have declined due to habitat loss and hunting.

    17.Hispid hare (हिस्पीड खराया ) 
    MThe hispid hare, also known as the Assam rabbit and bristly rabbit,  They are found in South Asia. The hispid hare has a harsh and bristly coat that is dark brown on the back due to a mixture of black and brown hairs, brown on the chest, and whitish on the abdomen. Its ears are very short . The hispid hare is herbivorous and feeds mainly on roots of grasses, shoots, bark, and occasionally crops.The hispid hare is an endangered species .Its habitat is highly fragmented, and its populations have declined
    due to habitat loss and hunting.

    18.Himalayan wolf (व्वांसा)
    The Himalayan wolf is a subspecies of the Gray Wolf and is found in the high-altitude regions of Nepal, Tibet, and other parts of the Himalayas .The Himalayan wolf has a thick, woolly fur that is dull earthy-brown on the back and tail, and yellowish-white on the face, belly, and limbs. Himalayan wolves are well adapted to the cold high-altitude desert . They are social animals that live in packs and hunt in group .The Himalayan wolf is a carnivore and feeds mainly on wild ungulates such as Himalayan tahr, musk deer, and blue sheep.

    19.Indian leopard ( ध्वांसे चितवा )
    The Indian leopard has a broad muzzle, short ears, and small, yellowish-grey eyes.It has a long, well-formed tail and strong legs. Indian leopards are solitary animals that are active mainly at night .They are excellent climbers and can drag their prey up into trees to protect it from other predators.The Indian leopard is a carnivore and feeds mainly on small to medium-sized prey such as deer, wild boar, and monkeys.The Indian leopard is distributed in India, Nepal, Bhutan, and parts of Pakistan.

    20.Leopard cat (चरी वाघ )
    The leopard cat is a small wild cat native to Asia. It is about the size of a domestic cat, with a slender build and distinctive leopard-like spots on its fur. Leopard cats are skilled climbers and hunters, feeding on a variety of prey including rodents, birds, and reptiles. 

    21.Red fox
    The red fox is a common wild animal found in many parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia. They are known for their distinctive reddish-orange fur, white underbelly, and bushy tail. Red foxes are omnivores, feeding on a variety of prey including small mammals, birds, insects, and fruits. They are also known for their adaptability and can thrive in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and even urban areas. Red foxes are often hunted for their fur, which is used in clothing and accessories.

    22.Red panda -  हाव्रे _
    The red panda, also known as the lesser panda, is a small mammal native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. It has dense reddish-brown fur with a black belly and legs, white-lined ears, a mostly white muzzle, and a ringed tail. Red pandas are approximately the size of a large housecat and have cat-like faces. Red pandas are primarily herbivores, feeding on bamboo and other vegetation, fruits, and insects. They are also known for their adaptability and can thrive in a variety of habitats.

    23.Snow leopard (हिउ चितवा  )
    The snow leopard, also known as the ounce, is a large cat native to the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia. They are known for their thick white-gray fur with black spots on the head and neck, which helps them blend in perfectly with their surroundings. Snow leopards are well adapted to life in the cold mountains, with powerful legs and wide, fur-covered feet that act as natural snowshoes. Snow leopards are primarily carnivores, feeding on a variety of prey including blue sheep, Argali wild sheep, ibex, marmots, pikas, and hares. Snow leopards are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List .

    24.Swamp deerवाह्र सिंहे_
    The swamp deer, also known as barasingha, is a deer species found in open forests and grasslands of India and Nepal. They frequent flat or undulating grasslands and generally keep in the outskirts. The swamp deer is a herbivore, feeding on grasses, aquatic plants, and other vegetation

    25.Wild water buffalo (अर्ना)
    The wild water buffalo, also known as the Asian buffalo or Asiatic buffalo, is a native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. The wild water buffalo has an ash-gray to black skin with moderately long, coarse, and sparse hair that is directed forward from the haunches to the long and narrow head.Wild water buffaloes are herbivores, feeding on grasses, aquatic plants, and other vegetation. They are listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List .

    26.Wild Yak (जंगली याक )
    The wild yak (Bos mutus) is a  native to the Himalayas in Central Asia. It is the ancestor of the domestic yak (Bos grunniens). Wild yaks are heavily built animals with a bulky frame, sturdy legs, and rounded cloven hooves. Wild yaks are social animals that live in herds, which can contain several hundred individuals. They are herbivores, feeding on grasses, sedges, and other vegetation. Wild yaks are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List

    9-Endangered birds in Nepal

    1.Great horned Hornbill(राज धनेश ) 
    The Great Horned Hornbill (Buceros bicornis) is a large bird found in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. It is one of the larger members of the hornbill family, known for its distinctive yellow bill and casque. The Great Horned Hornbill is predominantly frugivorous, but also preys on small mammals, reptiles, and birds. The Great Horned Hornbill has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List .

    2. Cheer Pheasant (चीर कालिज )
    The Cheer Pheasant (Catreus wallichii), also known as Wallich's pheasant or chir pheasant, is a vulnerable species of the pheasant family, Phasianidae.. These birds lack the color and brilliance of most pheasants, with buffy gray plumage and long, gray crests.Cheer Pheasants are primarily found in the highlands and scrublands of the Himalaya region, including India, Nepal, and Pakistan.  The species is listed as globally vulnerable, and its conservation is crucial, especially in unprotected areas.

    3.Bengal Florican (खर मुजुर)
    The Bengal Florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis), also known as the Bengal bustard, is a critically endangered bustard species native to the Indian subcontinent, and Nepal. The Bengal Florican has black plumage from the head and neck to the under parts, with a long lanky crest on its head and elongated neck. Her wing coverts are lighter than the remiges and covered in fine dark barring

    4.Crimson-horned Pheasant (मुनाल )
    The Crimson-horned Pheasant, also known as the Satyr Tragopan (Tragopan satyra), is a pheasant species found in the Himalayan reaches of India, Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan. They are known for their striking crimson and black plumage, with a distinctive pair of horns on their head. The Crimson-horned Pheasant is primarily herbivorous, feeding on a variety of plants, fruits, and insects. They are listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List .

    5.Black  Stork (कालो गरुड )
    The Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) is a large bird mainly black with a purplish-green sheen, except for the white lower breast, belly, armpits, and under tail coverts. The Black Stork is primarily found in wetlands, marshes, and rivers in Europe and Asia. They are primarily carnivorous, feeding on fish, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, and insects. The Black Stork is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.

    6.Impeyan Pheasant (डांफे )
    The Impeyan Pheasant, also known as the Himalayan Monal, is a pheasant native to Himalayan forests. It is a relatively large-sized bird.The The Impeyan Pheasant  has iridescent and colorful wings and neck, while the female is less colourful.The Impeyan Pheasant is sometimes referred to as the "nine-colored bird.It is the national bird of Nepal, where it is known as the danphe or danfe

    7.Lesser Florican (सानो खरमुजुर)
    The Lesser Florican, also known as Sypheotides indicus, is a small and found in grasslands, scrubby fields, and select agricultural matrices.The Lesser Florican is striking, with a black body, pale wings, and a filamentous crest

    8.White strok (सेतो गरुड )
    The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a large bird easily recognizable by its white plumage, black flight feathers and wing coverts, long red bill, and red legs. It has a long neck, long legs, and a long straight pointed beak, typical of storks.The White Stork actively seeks a wide range of animal prey and takes most of its food from the ground  .

    9.Sarus Crane (सारस )
    The Sarus Crane (Antigone antigone) is a large nonmigratory crane found in parts of the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and Nepal. It is the tallest of the flying bird. They forage on marshes and shallow wetlands for roots, tubers, insects, crustaceans, and small vertebrate prey.

    3 -Endangered Reptiless in Nepal:

    1.Gharial (घडियाल गोही )
    The gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) is a critically endangered crocodilian species found in parts of the Indian subcontinent. It is easily distinguished from other crocodiles by its long, slender snout, which is lined with many sharp, interlocking teeth.

    2.Asiatic rock python (अजिंगर )
    The Asiatic rock python, also known as the Indian rock python (Python molurus), is a large python species native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia.It is closely related to the Burmese python and is among the largest snakes in the world.

    3.Golden monitor lizard (सुनगोहोरो )
    The golden monitor lizard, also known as the yellow monitor lizard, is a species of monitor lizard found in Southeast Asia. It is closely related to the mangrove monitor lizard and is known for its striking yellow coloration .

    Traditionally used herbal Plants and importance :
    1.Tulsi (Holy basil )
    3.Gurjo (Heart loved moonseed )
    4.Godhtapre(Asiatic pennywort )
    5.Besar  (Termeric)
    6.Asuro (Malabar nut)
    7.Bojho (Calamus )
    8.Yarsagumba (Caterpillar fungus )
    9.Titepati (Mugwort)
    10.Ghiukumari (Alovera)

    1.Tulsi (Holy basil ):
    Tulsi, also known as holy basil or Ocimum tenuiflorum .It  is an aromatic (Sunandha) shrub plant .It holds significant cultural and religious importance in Hinduism and is commonly found in households and temples
    It has green leaves with a distinct, strong aroma and purple or reddish stems. The plant produces small, white-to-purplish flowers that bloom in clusters.
    Uses of Tulsi:
    1. Medicinal Purposes: Tulsi leaves are often consumed as herbal tea or used in medicinal preparations for treating respiratory disorders, digestive issues, and promoting general wellness.
    2. Religious and Spiritual Significance: It is believed to purify the mind, body, soul and the worship of Lord Vishnu.
    3. Culinary Uses(Releated with cooking): The leaves of tulsi have a unique flavor and are used in salads, soups, curries, and herbal drinks, chutneys and infused oils.
    4. Aromatic Applications  (Sugandhit): Tulsi have strong, refreshing aroma so it is used for making  cosmetics goods, perfumes, and essential oils.
    5. Insect Repellent: Tulsi leaves have natural insect-repellent properties.So it is planted  around the house to repel mosquitoes and other insects

    Neem, scientifically known as Azadirachta indica, It is a fast-growing tree that can reach a height of up to 65 feet. Neem has a straight trunk with a wide crown and dark green, pinnate leaves. The tree produces small, white flowers that give rise to olive-like fruits containing a single seed.
    Uses of Neem:
    1. Medicinal Properties: Its leaves, bark, seeds, and oil are used to treat skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis, and is also used for digestive disorders, fever, and diabetes management.
    2. Skin and Hair Care: It helps in treating for dandruff, scalp infections, and promoting hair growth. Neem oil is used in soaps, shampoos, creams, and lotions due to its antibacterial and antifungal effects.
    3. Pest Control: It is used in agriculture to protect crops from pests and insects. like aphids, whiteflies, mites, and caterpillars, without causing harm to beneficial insects or the environment.
    4. Oral Health: Neem twigs and leaves have been traditionally used as a natural toothbrush and mouthwash in many parts of Asia..
    5. Environmental Benefits: It is a source of timber, firewood, and fodder for livestock.
    6. Traditional Practices: It is considered as cultural and religious tree and is often planted near homes and temples for its protective and purifying qualities

    3.Gurjo (Heart loved moonseed )
    Gurjo, is scientifically  known as Tinospora cordifolia,It is a climbing shrub . The plant has heart-shaped leaves and green fruits that turn red when ripe.
    Uses of Gurjo
    1.To treat infections:It is used to treat a variety of infections, including bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections
    2.To improve digestion: It is used to improve digestion and relieve digestive problems, such as constipation, indigestion, and diarrhea.
    3.To manage diabetes: It is used to manage diabetes and lower blood sugar levels.
    4.To boost the immune system: It is used to boost the immune system and prevent infection..
    5.To treat cancer: It has anticancer properties that help to treat cancer

    4.Godhtapre(Asiatic pennywort )
    Godhtapre or Gotukola, is scientifically   known as Centella asiatica, .It is a small, creeping herb It is also known as Asiatic pennywort, Indian water hedge, and marsh pennywort.

    Uses of Godhtapre or Gotukola,
    1.Improved cognitive function:  It  help to improve memory and concentration in healthy people.
    2.Reduced anxiety and stress: It help  reduce anxiety and stress in animals and humans. It may also help to improve sleep quality.
    3.Improved wound healing: It help to improve wound healing by increasing collagen production and reducing inflammation.
    4.Improved skin health:  It  help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

    5.Besar  (Termeric)
    Besar (Turmeric) is scientifically known as  Curcuma longa. It is commonly used in Indian cuisine (Khana). It has a warm, earthy flavor and a bright yellow color.
    Uses of Besar (Turmeric)
    1.To reduce inflammation: It is used to reduce inflammation throughout the body. It also help in the conditions such as arthritis, asthma.
    2.To improve digestion: It help to improve digestion and relieve digestive problems such as indigestion and diarrhea.
    3.To boost the immune system: it help to boost the immune system and fight against infection.
    4.To protect against cancer: It help to protect against cancer by killing cancer cells and inhibiting tumor growth.
    5.To improve brain function: It  help to improve brain function

    6.Asuro (Malabar nut)
    Asuro,  (Malabar nut)  is scientifically known as Adhatoda vesica. It is a climbing shrub. Asuro  have antimicrobial properties, that help to kill bacteria and fungi. Asuro is typically used in the form of a powder, capsule, or liquid extract.
    Uses of Asuro(Malabar nut):
    1.To treat respiratory problems: It help to treat respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and coughs. It can help to reduce inflammation in the airways and make it easier to breathe.
    2.To boost the immune system: It help to boost the immune system and fight against infection.
    3.To treat skin conditions: It help to treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. It can help to reduce inflammation and itching.
    4.To improve digestion: It help to improve digestion and relieve digestive problems such as indigestion and diarrhea.
    5.To protect against cancer: It help to protect against cancer by killing cancer cells and inhibiting tumor growth

    7.Bojho (Calamus )
    Bojho, is scientifically  known as Calamus calamus.It is a aquatic, reed-like herb.Bojho contains a number of compounds that have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. Bojho is used in the form of a powder, capsule, or liquid extract.

    Uses of  Bojho (Calamus )
    1.To treat digestive problems: It help to treat digestive problems such as indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation. It can also help to relieve  vomiting.
    2.To improve respiratory health: It help to improve respiratory health by reducing inflammation and clearing mucus. It is often used to treat conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and coughs.
    3.To boost the immune system: It help to boost the immune system and fight against  infection.
    4.To reduce inflammation (swelling): It has anti-inflammatory properties that help to the people with conditions such as arthritis .
    5.To improve brain function: It help to improve brain function and protect against Alzheimer's disease
    (Effect memory control) .

    8.Yarsagumba (Caterpillar fungus )
    Yarsagumba (caterpillar fungus) is scientifically  known as Cordyceps sinensis .It is a parasitic fungus that grows on moth larvae in the high altitudes of the Himalayas. Yarsagumba is used in the form of a powder, capsule, or liquid extract. It can be taken on its own or added to food or drinks.

    Uses of Yarsagumba:
    1.Improved energy levels: It help  to improve energy levels and reduce fatigue(Thakan) by improving the efficiency of the mitochondria, which are the power plants of the cells.
    2..Improved athletic performance: It help  to improve athletic performance in animals and plant  by increasing oxygen up take and reducing lactic acid production.
    3.Improved respiratory health: It help  to improve respiratory health by reducing inflammation and clearing mucus. It is often used to treat conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and coughs.
    4.Boosted immune system: It help to boost the immune system and fight against infection
    5.Reduced inflammation: It has anti-inflammatory properties that help to  people with conditions such as arthritis.
    6.Improved cognitive function: It help to improve cognitive function and protect against Alzheimer's disease
    (effect to control memory) .

    9.Titepati (Mugwort)

    Titepati (Mugwort) is scientifically known as  Artemisia vulgaris. It is a flowering plant .. It is often used to make tea, soups or as a culinary herb. Titepati is  used in the form of a powder, capsule, or liquid extract.

    9.Titepati (Mugwort)
    Titepati (Mugwort) is scientifically known as  Artemisia vulgaris. It is a flowering plant .. It is often used to make tea, soups or as a culinary herb. Titepati is  used in the form of a powder, capsule, or liquid extract.

    Uses of Titepati(Mugwort):
    1.Improved digestion: It  help to relieve digestive problems such as indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation.
    2.Reduced inflammation: It has anti-inflammatory properties that help to the people with conditions such as arthritis .
    3.Improved respiratory health: It help to improve respiratory health by reducing inflammation and clearing mucus. It is often used to treat conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and coughs.
    4.Boosted immune system: it help to boost the immune system and fight against infection.
    5.Reduced pain: It has analgesic properties that can help to reduce pain. It is often used to treat headaches, menstrual cramps, and muscle pain.
    6.Improved sleep quality: It has sedative properties that can help to improve sleep quality. It is often used to treat insomnia (Anindra)

    10.Ghiukumari (Alovera)
    Ghiukumari(Aloe vera) is scientifically known as  Aloe barbadens. It is a succulent plant (Rashila biruwa) . Aloe vera is used in the form of a gel, which can be extracted from the leaves of the plant.

    Uses of Ghiukumari (Alovera )
    1.Improved skin health: It is used to improve skin health by reducing inflammation, healing wounds, and moisturizing the skin.
    2.Improved digestion: It has laxative properties that can help to relieve constipation ,improve digestive health .
    3.Boosted immune system: It has immune-boosting properties that can help the body fight against infection.
    4.Reduced inflammation: It has anti-inflammatory properties that help to the people with conditions such as arthritis, and asthma.
    5.Reduced pain: it has analgesic properties that can help to reduce pain. It is often used to treat headaches, menstrual cramps, and muscle pain
























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